
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 163724 times)

mann i struggle so much in ranked :((

can you update the poll to add ekko
haven't seen a single one not get fed or absolutely destroy any mage, even without being fed

They can honestly remove the stun or the shield and he would still be fit for fight.

He needs a nerf soon so I can go back to blind pick. I go to draft now because I can't loving stand having to deal with ekko on either team. Almost every game I've had since I came out has an autolock ekko and it's really getting annoying.

In my opinion, he needs to have his stun only last 1.25 seconds and his ult needs to not heal him if hes gonna loving do 2 thousand damage. If they made the ult scaling like 0.5-0.7, it wouldnt be that bad. He snowballs like any other assassin, except hes like a Diana with % health damage and a 1.2 scaling nuke.

Best counterplay right now is vision and CC. Alistar and long ranged mages forget him over.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 03:20:24 PM by Shadowed999 »

You guys do realize that there are other champions whose kits do more damage than ekko, right?

The best counter-play is poke, lock-down CC, QSS (Clears his stacks and various CC).
Another thing is kinda common knowledge for champs, but don't chase him.
Chasing anyone is a terrible idea, even more for Ekko who's ult is an oops / re-position / nuke / damage mitigator / skill avoider / oops i did it again type of skill, and his Q with 40% cdr can proc his passive all by itself, meaning free speed for him and tons of slows for you. Ekko's are very easy to read once you understand his kit, and keeping track of his ult is just as important for Ekko as it is for the enemy team.

yeah hes pretty weak if you are gap closer champ and his stuff is on CD

This is how a game with two ap Ez is like. No one is even close to Ez damage. It's kinda ridiculous.


You guys do realize that there are other champions whose kits do more damage than ekko, right?
yeah but normally they don't have the crazy mobility and survivability ekko does
it's basically zed all over again but with a heal and aoe nuke

darius is the only fun tank, its a giant forget you in bold letters to the lane opponent

also why did ekko get S- when I got A-

Probably more wardage, CS, assists. It's not all about the kills you know.

Probably more wardage, CS, assists. It's not all about the kills you know.
This cant be stressed enough, oh my god. Riot just needs to plaster this on the loading screen.

i mean i pretty much carried every teamfight, ekko was in a different lane every time there was a fight