Author Topic: Anime Add-ons [FIX THIS stuff]  (Read 59193 times)

there not bad....there not great either,they look fine,as to me.

GOD DAMMNIT. MECHS ARE COMING AND ARE LOOOKING GOOOD. Well, we already do have mechs. Only 3 though.


it's also got the entirely wrong proportions considering blockland's art style

*coughhack*VOTOMS please*wheeze*

Also I could see some Corpse Party-ish servers/gamemodes happening, could be cool.

sneak preview

it's also got the entirely wrong proportions considering blockland's art style
I would have to agree with Bushido here on the size.
To me it looks about as tall as three blockheads standing on each other. Maybe just a little bit taller.
Other than that, it looks pretty neat.

>someone gives you eva
>freak out

ya'll need some graciousness

well im more joking then not, considering i then followed up my cartoonish and overblown statement with a grounded, straightlaced and serious criticism

im not going to deny i still want my scocreepg though

it's also got the entirely wrong proportions considering blockland's art style
Like I implied a few pages back, it wasn't meant for Blockland initially. I might change it to fit if it really clashes, but for now I'll leave it.
I would have to agree with Bushido here on the size.
To me it looks about as tall as three blockheads standing on each other. Maybe just a little bit taller.
Other than that, it looks pretty neat.
It's going to be the size it was in the anime
That is, its foot the size of a car
Okay, maybe smaller.
But damn big.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 03:13:23 AM by Pompmaker2 »


forgetforgetforget ABORT ABORT
Sorry guys. No EVA01 for you.
The textures are fine in Blender, but here they screw up, so I have no concievable fix for this.

forget forget that it's even goddamn ginormous to boot

like well beyond 'actually playable' size

what you'd want to do is go for a more srw-scale chibi thing and bring em down to like 8x8-cube size or maybe slightly larger, cause blockland's proportions are already inherently like 1:3 heads and if you want to go 'big and imposing' you can just scale the model up manually through events

« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 06:01:03 AM by Bushido »

The whole reason I was making Eva-01 was because I already had a model for it
Though the way it's going I might as well just make one from scratch
I think I'll do that and scrap everything
Maybe keep the head

nvm noticed no eva01 for you
he's still working on Unit 01, he's just redoing the entire model