Author Topic: ReapDa [51872]  (Read 7934 times)

I joined this guy's basketball server earlier tonight wanting to play a game, but apparently his idea of a basketball server is being a prick to people who join, locking them in invisible walls and kicking them for talking while him and his friends play.

I said lemme play after watching him play for a bit, but every time i asked he refused and kept playing with the same people while everyone else could only watch.

My friend wanted to join, but the server was full so I asked to raise the player count a few times. He ignored me and eventually kicked me.

When I was kicked, my friend joined. He was kicked from the server as soon as he joined. He didn't say a word.

I asked him why he kicked Kickflow and apparently he was being annoying even though he didn't say anything.

I was speaking with Kickflow about this on steam about it and found out that ReapDa was stuffting on my basketball server earlier during a tournament game. He had to be muted.

I looked into this a little more by asking Betelgeuse and You about it, they were playing in the game earlier. They said the same things about him.

I thought he was just a stuffty admin but it seems he has a childish grudge against me. I have banned him and blacklisted him from my server and it would probably be best to avoid his server.

now show us the full ingame chat logs.

now show us the full ingame chat logs.
I clipped them because most of it was that cds guy reffing saying "out", "foul" "score", "orange ball." Game chats like that.

do it anyway, also full steam chats please.

seriously, i'm not gonna trust someone who associates with betel and autism tm. please provide us with full logs so we won't be suspicious. for all we know you could have cut out a classis nigerian cunt trolling act by betel, or even badspot joining and telling them all to yiff in hell. come on.

/support this guy was being a huge rooster during Raven's bball tourney game

seriously, i'm not gonna trust someone who associates with betel and autism tm. please provide us with full logs so we won't be suspicious. for all we know you could have cut out a classis nigerian cunt trolling act by betel, or even badspot joining and telling them all to yiff in hell. come on.
I was the only one there I can assure you that.
/support this guy was being a huge rooster during Raven's bball tourney game
Do you know what he said?

I just joined and spectated the game being played was chatting with raven a bit, then he called Raven a self entitled starfish and banned both of us but I don't know why

Maybe if you guys wouldn't spam "Raise the play count" he wouldn't be pissed that you are a self-entitled starfish.

Maybe if you guys wouldn't spam "Raise the play count" he wouldn't be pissed that you are a self-entitled starfish.
spam =/= three lines of chat

we still want to see the whole chat log
- something said by cds was cut off

- something said by cds was cut off
plus, he said he will raise it in a minute.

- something said by reap was cut off

steam logs are fragmented

my mistake, on closer inspection the tip of that shield was grey, so actually that's another thing siad by cds, not reap.

I'm just going to post once to give my side, then I'll be done.

Ravencroft, Kickflow, Betelgeuse, and You are all buddies. (You wasn't being an ass at all.) I joined Raven's server to watch a tourney game and was instantly harassed by betel. Also, any comment I made, whether it was friendly or not, was met with ignorant responses including the word 'autism'. I criticized the rules of the tournament and the referee at the end of a close game, and got into an argument in which I was muted. Okay, that's fine. I left after messing around on the server's court for a bit, and decided to host my server to play a few small pickup games for fun. Raven and Kickflow eventually joined to start drama with me. I kind of knew what was going on so I just got rid of them.. and this thread was born, because I banned them for being annoying. If I don't let them play (in the middle of a game thats already going on), they harass me. If I let them play, they 'call the shots' on what the rules are and how my server is so stuffty.. then they leave and play on Raven's server. At least that was the story the other two times they visited (which was like last year.)

Anyway, you can throw a label on me.. I don't care. The thing is, it shouldn't mean anything coming from your mouth.