Author Topic: daracer64 - Can't take criticism  (Read 26103 times)

Also,forget of nal,no one cares

nobody cares of you killing yourself?

wtf? first time I posted here. I don't over.

And maxx,do some drug well ya and start liking furrys,there not as bad as you think

nobody cares of you killing yourself?
Did I ask for u to care nal,keep up will ya

Lol,what if I got banned for "saying bad spot has a Lego up his ass"

Did I ask for u to care nal,keep up will ya

hey. daracer. there's this neat little button that instantly makes us all go away. look at the top right of your browser. do you see the x? click that. you would like it very much if you were to do it.

Well badspot got a lego up his ass and doesn't know what to do,so he makes a forum of his game,which is filled with starfishs. Why a lego,who knows

Really,blockland should be free because it sucks wenis. I mean,its all stuffty

"I dont care"

Bad spot,what kind of name is there a good spot.or a not so good spot,or a somewhat good but I really just don't know spot.

I got a ban bomb stuck to this comment so,well who cares.badspots fault he has a Lego up his ass.

Your fault I missed the episode of doctor who,thank god for rewind. Why am I doing this,you can tell can't you,waste of 10$ and people want me gone,I do to. All I wish is for you all to loving forget the forgetety loving forget to loving calm your horny snake,BECAUSE your all a big bowl of stuff,with sprinkle on top.


What rules have I not broken so I can beet the record of breaking all the rules

What rules have I not broken so I can beet the record of breaking all the rules
post some research

when have i ever made a point to give an inflated opinion about myself over other people. i do not have a bloated ego lmao

"stuff all over people" meanwhile you are telling this kid to kill himself over and over*

*two times, and it was because he said that he killed himself yet came back what, a few hours after? i was simply pointing that out.

also I said that because that is literally all you do every time I see you. find a hobby.
and you don't even wink at the other guys egging the guy on to kill himself

Ew,well anything else?

post hot furry gals ::::^^^^^))))))