Author Topic: Maxxi: Overreaction to simple questions  (Read 20663 times)

If you think you're the equivalent of a lion you need to get off your high horse

nice try but im the only lion on this forum

If you think you're the equivalent of a lion you need to get off your high horse
you don't throw a rock at a lion expecting it to take your stuff, it just jumps up and bites your head off.
i was making fun of Maxx's argument

We cut ties from our clan page. Doesent really require some clan members to leave.
You're still jumping in as a clan to defend your members. If you've really cut ties, you wouldn't give a stuff what happens here one way or another. Newspeed himself said what he thinks of the forum:
Quote from: Newspeed12
As I have made clear in another post the blf is full of idiots with a superiority complex.
so the fact he's here still is pathetic; the fact you care about what we think here even though you've 'cut ties' is also pathetic.

You're still jumping in as a clan to defend your members. If you've really cut ties, you wouldn't give a stuff what happens here one way or another. Newspeed himself said what he thinks of the forum: so the fact he's here still is pathetic; the fact you care about what we think here even though you've 'cut ties' is also pathetic.
I by chance have never even participated in the vote. Doesent really count me in.

Okay can we stop talking about Qi now.

newspeed did try to provoke him its pretty clear but also maxx retaliated with a "hurr you forget ponies" because newspeed had a pony avatar and this is undeniable proof

Why, it's not our fault, you guys provoked Newspeed. What did you expect? You don't throw a rock at a lion and act surprised when the lion bites your head off, do you?

it's more like telling a whiny kid to shut up and then he throws a tempter tantrum

Why, it's not our fault, you guys provoked Newspeed. What did you expect?

This is exactly what's wrong with QI. It's not your fault, it's not OP's fault. Nobody in your clan is ever at fault. Instead of owning up to mistakes and trying to better yourself, you convince yourself that you're a victim and you're not at fault.

do not join [Qi]
Be a victim
wait, no, i didn't say it right
*clears throat*
also lol @ ignoring me calling you out on your ad hominem while you called someone else out on something that wasn't even ad hominem.

maxx is always the victim, didn't you know guys?

This is exactly what's wrong with Qi. It's not your fault, it's not OP's fault. Nobody in your clan is ever at fault. Instead of owning up to mistakes and trying to better yourself, you convince yourself that you're a victim and you're not at fault.
Apparently I'm being not being obvious enough with my satire.
i was making fun of Maxx's argument
A seventh grader's guide to obtaining immunity on the Blockland Forums

1. React. Be a victim. Everything you do is because someone else made you do it.
I know what's wrong with what I do, and I fix it. I also know what is right, what should be promoted, and what should made fun of. I do these things. It is not my fault that you pick and choose whether or not to take my arguments as literal or satirical, and then flip them around so I'm the bad guy.

it appeared to me that he was using the reputation of my clan to refute my, newspeed's, and espio's collective arguments
I'm not attacking your clan, I'm saying your clan is literally defending eachother, and all collectively attacking maxx

I'm not attacking your clan, I'm saying your clan is literally defending eachother, and all collectively attacking maxx
Exactly. As I said;
If you've really cut ties, you wouldn't give a stuff what happens here one way or another... ...the fact you care about what we think here even though you've 'cut ties' is pathetic.

stop talking about [Qi], we are on Maxxi: Overreaction to simple questions.
If you have a problem with Qi, deal it with a new thread.
oh my loving god
1. You are in [Qi]
2. Why are you telling me to stop when your clan is stuffting on Maxx
3. Is nobody noticing a pattern? Literally everyone from [Qi] is jumping into this, telling someone to drop it when you're the cause isn't going to work

oh my loving god
1. You are in [Qi]
2. Why are you telling me to stop when your clan is stuffting on Maxx
3. Is nobody noticing a pattern? Literally everyone from [Qi] is jumping into this, telling someone to drop it when you're the cause isn't going to work