Author Topic: Flat or Progressive Income Tax?  (Read 3010 times)

they don't deserve money for being homeless.
No, they don't deserve money. They should get it anyway. It's basic human instinct to help who need to be helped. It is productive for the community as a whole. A fat rich Wall-Street CEO bathing in a greasy bathtub of his own money can spare a few dollars for a homeless man down on his luck; and if he doesn't want to, that's his problem.

Military spending is extraordinary--- so stop spending money on the military. Cut it down to 5% and it will still be larger than most countries.
Cut it by half and it'll still be larger than any other country

yes you should be penalized for being successful
Taxes are not penalties

No, they don't deserve money. They should get it anyway. It's basic human instinct to help who need to be helped. It is productive for the community as a whole. A fat rich Wall-Street CEO bathing in a greasy bathtub of his own money can spare a few dollars for a homeless man down on his luck; and if he doesn't want to, that's his problem.
that doesn't mean it should be forced by law
charities can be made so people can voluntarily support the homeless and such, but no one should be forced to give away money they earned

Taxes are not penalties
get your money taken away because you earned it? yeah you're right, that's not a penalty.

get your money taken away because you earned it? yeah you're right, that's not a penalty.
It's not getting taken away because you earned it, it's getting taken away because you don't need it.

get your money taken away because you earned it? yeah you're right, that's not a penalty.
You're 15, I doubt you've had an actual job
I have an actual full-time job and pay about 25% of my earnings as taxes.
No, it's not a penalty, because it's not being taken away for nothing, it's being used to provide services such as police, road construction, education, food and drug safety, tons and tons of services that are impossible to go a day without interacting with, either directly, or with something they oversaw

It's not getting taken away because you earned it, it's getting taken away because you don't need it.
yeah i don't need it just like i dont need food

Nonnel seems to really be digging the libertarian philosophy of "forget you, got mine"

yeah i don't need it just like i dont need food
His response was poorly worded, but you should be able to judge based on the context of the previous posts that he's talking about people who make millions or billions of dollars.
A few extra % isn't going to hurt them

No, it's not a penalty, because it's not being taken away for nothing, it's being used to provide services such as police, road construction, education, food and drug safety, tons and tons of services that are impossible to go a day without interacting with, either directly, or with something they oversaw
thank you for naming things that should be privatized.

Nonnel seems to really be digging the libertarian philosophy of "forget you, got mine"
yes charity sure does imply that


what's going to keep the privatized things from doing what they want? popular demand? how the hell do you do popular demand when the firemen don't come to your house when it's set ablaze? file a complaint?

i hope to god that an extreme libertarian doesn't become president, or gain majority in congress. it just controlled anarchy, and not even that

forget that was a terrible argument, refer to the below people
« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 12:49:01 AM by Epicduke »

thank you for naming things that should be privatized
what I'm worried about is that privatized government facilities would forward agendas

"Our soft drink is entirely safe and healthy to consume and has no issues, but our competitor's is a carcinogen."
"So what if those people were caught robbing from our competitors? It's not like we'll prosecute for it."
"Remember students, anybody who tells you about evolution is speaking out of their bum."
"I don't know what you mean. The roads to our stores and our workers' homes are pristine, so what if the others are damaged? It's not like it affects us."

thank you for naming things that should be privatized.
If order for something to be privatized, it needs to be profitable. No business is going to sink money into something that's not going to make them more money in return
How is a police or fire department going to be profitable? Charge people for saving their lives or houses? forget that
How would regulatory agencies such the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, or Department of Natural Resources be profitable?
Who is going to profit by paying for roads to be constructed?
« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 12:48:15 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

thank you for naming things that should be privatized.

You're just trolling now, right?

If order for something to be privatized, it needs to be profitable.
How is a police or fire department going to be profitable? Charge people for saving their lives or houses? forget that
How would regulatory agencies such the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, or Department of Natural Resources be profitable?
Who is going to profit off of roads being constructed?

The invisble hand of the free market, DUH

what's going to keep the privatized things from doing what they want? popular demand?
They're not going to make money if they're not doing anything
If order for something to be privatized, it needs to be profitable.
How is a police or fire department going to be profitable? Charge people for saving their lives or houses? forget that
How would regulatory agencies such the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, or Department of Natural Resources be profitable?
Who is going to profit off by paying for roads to be constructed?
environment doesn't need to be protected, stuff doesn't need to be regulated
and roads? you seriously don't know how roads are profitable?