Author Topic: Re: Kitty0706 is dead  (Read 24596 times)

xxxdd brush sweet kush #herbeveryday

OT goth is a moron and should just be ignored.
Don't even call yourself a  "parent" if you have never checked into what
you are told is  "ROUTINE" - - - get to  HATE  that word !!

Never let  ANYONE  use that word on  you again !

It's a  government  word  used to manipulate your mind !!

after this you're either trolling or just read the headline and slapped it in there

I fear for Goth's child.

I fear for Goth's child.

well we already know it's probably un-immunized. hope he keeps it away from rusty nails.

well we already know it's probably un-immunized. hope he keeps it away from rusty nails.
No don't worry, the doctor forcefully immunized the child without his permission because those doctors are loving idiots amirite?

christ can the forums loving mourn someone without getting into some bullstuff furry-war or someone hating on doctors even though i'm 100% sure they have no loving clue what the forget they are talking about unless someone here actually has a loving degree from medical school

No don't worry, the doctor forcefully immunized the child without his permission because those doctors are loving idiots amirite?

Probably should've just given the kid a marijuana joint instead lol #downwithmedicine

yeah those loving doctors literally raped my child goddamnit

This list goes on.
I was more talking about your claim that the viruses can replicate in their disabled state and take down a person who was vaccinated. I'm already about 95% sure the viruses are too weak in many vaccines to actually cause a lot of harm to cells, and the disabled viruses would be an extremely easy target for immune cells to digest.

goth does your girlfriend believe the same thing as you?

christ can the forums loving mourn someone without getting into some bullstuff furry-war or someone hating on doctors even though i'm 100% sure they have no loving clue what the forget they are talking about unless someone here actually has a loving degree from medical school
the real topic is in off topic. people HAVE mourned kitty.

Read the loving thread.

I did but I figured there was more to it than just stupid arguments.

Never had a vaccine because I don't really trust them

First of all, Jesus is savior.

well this explains everything i guess

Early in the colonial period, the westerners thought god was killing the so called non-believers and savages. In some cases, many natives even caved in and converted to Christianity or Catholicism in hopes of being cured.

The sad thing to was that Small Pox takes a few days to incubate in your body, but at the same time you can still be contagious without showing symptoms. You could be a fur trading, trade some pelts to some Europeans, and the come home and infect everybody without even knowing it. Then after coming home someone who is infected, but doesn't know it yet goes out to trade with another tribe, and another, and another.

Much later, almost everyone knew somewhat about microbes. A British/American army officer(can't remember which) actually used contaminated blankets against the natives to infect them with small pox. Even during the medieval ages the Mongols would catapult sick people over walls and fortifications.

Sure herbal medicine might be more accessible to this who lack access to modern medicine, even modern medicine has its faults. I think must of us would rather ingest some sort manufactured tablet instead of smoking some sort of toxic walnut from south America to cure constipation. I definitely have more faith in radiation killing cancer cells than marijuana being the miracle plant.

Sure herbal medicine might be more accessible to this who lack access to modern medicine, even modern medicine has its faults. I think must of us would rather ingest some sort manufactured tablet instead of smoking some sort of toxic walnut from south America to cure constipation. I definitely have more faith in radiation killing cancer cells than marijuana being the miracle plant.
It's not like tons of modern medicines haven't been derived from plants. Taxol, St. John's Wort, lovastatin, aspirin, the list goes on. However, literally the only reason anyone is interested in showing the 'medicinal value' of marijuana is to get it legalized, and that's not how medicines are discovered. Marijuana is just as likely to treat cancer as any other plant you can pull out of the ground, which is, of course... very unlikely.