Author Topic: Re: Kitty0706 is dead  (Read 24489 times)

It's not like tons of modern medicines haven't been derived from plants. Taxol, St. John's Wort, lovastatin, aspirin, the list goes on. However, literally the only reason anyone is interested in showing the 'medicinal value' of marijuana is to get it legalized, and that's not how medicines are discovered. Marijuana is just as likely to treat cancer as any other plant you can pull out of the ground, which is, of course... very unlikely.
Aloe Vera comes to mind.

Willow Bark also comes to mind.


gothboy77 had a kid?

he used to be a cityrpg moderator  :cookieMonster:
I can't tell if your dissing the CityRPG gamemode and saying idiots moderate it, or if your actually serious. To answer the questions, yes I had a kid, but no I have not moderated any CityRPG unless I was the one hosting it. Haven't hosted one in ages.

This topic is regarding Goth being a moron, we all know Kitty died.
I'm a "moron" because I believe in a more natural cure for cancer than mad-made chemicals. Do you read any of the ingredients in your food? Do you even care about what you consume or stop to think about whats actually in it? Or do you just trust the food you eat because somebody else made it and said its ok? The same goes for medicine. They tell you it will help you, but do you ever listen to the side effects?

I'm a "moron" because I don't believe everything I see on TV, and I don't trust the government and their "medicine" 100%. Alrighty then.

The reason you are receiving slack is because you are implying that chemo and radiation therapy, which have ridiculously substantial amounts of scientific research backing their efficacy, are lesser treatments than cannabis oil, a 'treatment' which has none of that. You are literally misinforming people.
Really? Show me a study with numbers of survivors of chemo and radiation. My grandmother passed away 2 years ago from pancreatic cancer. She went through chemo and radiation, and it literally made her worse, way worse than before. She ended up getting so sick from the chemo and radiation her body couldn't handle it. She died 3 weeks later. Thanks, treatment with ridiculous amounts of scientific research.

well we already know it's probably un-immunized. hope he keeps it away from rusty nails.
Someone didn't read.

No don't worry, the doctor forcefully immunized the child without his permission because those doctors are loving idiots amirite?
Someone did read.

Anything can kill you.
It's true.
Actually, did you know that studies found that 100% of people who drink water, die?

Kitty0706 dies, thread is made to mourn him, gothboy says some stuff, huge stuffstorm due to his views on medicine, original thread is derailed massively and ruined.
This is exactly what happened.

Not to mention cannabis has been illegal the past 100 years. They just recently brought it back for medical purposes because the population is finding out that cannabis cures, after being deceived by the media for the past century; So they really haven't had a long time to "scientifically" study it's medical benefits. I can almost bet that if the chemo and radiation were instead hemp oil treatment, those charts numbers would be much higher.

I'm a "moron" because I believe in a more natural cure for cancer than mad-made chemicals. Do you read any of the ingredients in your food? Do you even care about what you consume or stop to think about whats actually in it? Or do you just trust the food you eat because somebody else made it and said its ok? The same goes for medicine. They tell you it will help you, but do you ever listen to the side effects?

I'm a "moron" because I don't believe everything I see on TV, and I don't trust the government and their "medicine" 100%.
Yes, yes you are a moron for believing that you can cure cancer without man-made things. Just because its natural it doesn't automatically make it better. stuffs natural, will that cure cancer?
I check all my medication side effects before I take it, and I give it a trial run. If there was a more natural way I'd go with it, unfortunately there isn't.
I research what I take before I take it, I don't go willy nilly "huuuurrrr docter said its gud" like you think I do.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to use marijuana for medical purposes, sadly marijuana can't fix everything.

They just recently brought it back for medical purposes because the population is finding out that cannabis cures

Treatment != Cure

Cannabis could very well treat certain types of cancer, but it is in no way a cure.

Not to mention cannabis has been illegal the past 100 years. They just recently brought it back for medical purposes because the population is finding out that cannabis cures, after being deceived by the media for the past century; So they really haven't had a long time to "scientifically" study it's medical benefits. I can almost bet that if the chemo and radiation were instead hemp oil treatment, those charts numbers would be much higher.
There is no doubt that cannabinoids – both natural and synthetic – are interesting biological molecules. Hundreds of scientists around the world are investigating their potential in cancer and other diseases – as well as the harms they can cause – brought together under the blanket organisation The International Cannabinoid Research Society.

Researchers first looked at the anticancer properties of cannabinoids back in the 1970s, and many hundreds of scientific papers looking at cannabinoids and cancer have been published since then. This Wellcome Witness seminar is also fascinating reading for aficionados of the history of medical cannabis, including the scientific, political and legal twists. [Updated KA 26/03/14]

But claims that this body of preclinical research is solid “proof” that cannabis or cannabinoids can cure cancer is highly misleading to patients and their families, and builds a false picture of the state of progress in this area. For example, we’ve taken a look at more than 30 scientific papers that are often claimed to “prove” that cannabis cures various types of cancer. [Updated KA 21/07/14]
Let’s take a closer look at the evidence.

It’s not all good news though, as there’s also evidence that cannabinoids may also have undesirable effects on cancer.

For example, some researchers have found that although high doses of THC can kill cancer cells, they also harm crucial blood vessel cells, although this may help their anti-cancer effect by preventing blood vessels growing into a tumour. And under some circumstances, cannabinoids can actually encourage cancer cells to grow, or have different effects depending on the dosage and levels of cannabinoid receptors present on the cancer cells.[/quote]

Others have discovered that activating CB2 receptors may actually interfere with the ability of the immune system to recognise and destroy tumour cells, although some scientists have found that certain synthetic cannabinoids may enhance immune defences against cancer.

Furthermore, cancer cells can develop resistance to cannabinoids and start growing again, although this can be got round by blocking a certain molecular pathway in the cells known as ALK
yeah i wouldn't be too sure on cannabis being better than chemo

Yes, yes you are a moron for believing that you can cure cancer without man-made things. Just because its natural it doesn't automatically make it better. stuffs natural, will that cure cancer?
I check all my medication side effects before I take it, and I give it a trial run. If there was a more natural way I'd go with it, unfortunately there isn't.
I research what I take before I take it, I don't go willy nilly "huuuurrrr docter said its gud" like you think I do.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to use marijuana for medical purposes, sadly marijuana can't fix everything.

stuff is used as fertilizer to grow food and herbs, which can be used for medacine and well-being. I guess you could say it fights cancer it's own way. Lol. Seriously though, I know marijuana can't fix everything, because I never said this; But it may aide in the treatment of various types of cancer.
Treatment != Cure

Cannabis could very well treat certain types of cancer, but it is in no way a cure.
Right. Thanks. I meant it like that, not a cure, but a "better" treatment (less harsh on the patient, CBD's actually fight and kill many forms of cancer cells (as does the THC, surprisingly enough (they work together!!) )

stuff is used as fertilizer to grow food and herbs, which can be used for medacine and well-being. I guess you could say it fights cancer it's own way. Lol. Seriously though, I know marijuana can't fix everything, because I never said this; But it may aide in the treatment of various types of cancer.
If you know it can't fix everything why are you pushing it so hard? You're acting like it should be used to replace man-made treatment. All it can do is supplement those treatments.

stuff is used as fertilizer to grow food and herbs, which can be used for medacine and well-being. I guess you could say it fights cancer it's own way. Lol. Seriously though, I know marijuana can't fix everything, because I never said this; But it may aide in the treatment of various types of cancer
Because a plant that is primarily used for getting high is going to work better than a scientifically tested and constantly being improved method that was made specifically for treatment.

If you know it can't fix everything why are you pushing it so hard? You're acting like it should be used to replace man-made treatment. All it can do is supplement those treatments.

O.o  -  I was just defending my opinion.....your entitled to yours as I am to mine, correct?

Because a plant that is primarily used for getting high is going to work better than a scientifically tested and constantly being improved method that was made specifically for treatment.
Believe it or not people used hemp for clothes, string, paper, and many other things before man started smoking it. I would say it has way more primary uses than getting high; thats more like a side effect of the plant if you inhale the burning fumes

Believe it or not people used hemp for clothes, string, paper, and many other things before man started smoking it. I would say it has way more primary uses than getting high; thats more like a side effect of the plant if you inhale the burning fumes

O.o  -  I was just defending my opinion.....your entitled to yours as I am to mine, correct?
You were claiming that it can replace man-made things and that it is way better than statistically proven treatments.