Author Topic: marriage equality in alabama  (Read 4113 times)

The great thing is that if someoe comes preaching to me about god and giving me pamphlets (thanks jevohahs witnesses), i can ignore them and walk by.

same with people being gay or smoking mad crack. Why should it bother me? It shouldn't, so I dont acknowledge it and move one.

There are just some people, on both sides who think that everything needs to be commented on, and that can lead to some harmful things being said. saidm

I saw that ninja.

But yeah, since I'm not really good at saying what I feel, I believe otto and Jubel make a good example of what I think is right.

I think it's good that marriage equality is a thing now, no harm can come of it.

Maybe you should reread his post, because he wasn't calling any Christian a bigot.
His only point is that "intolerance of intolerance" is a ridiculous claim

He's using sarcasm to say that gay people are the bigots because they don't like being told that they're going to hell. That right there is intolerance of intolerant people.

I don't know if I am understanding what he's posting about, but that's not even what my point was.

The great thing is that if someoe comes preaching to me about god and giving me pamphlets (thanks jevohahs witnesses), i can ignore them and walk by.

same with people being gay or smoking mad crack. Why should it bother me? It shouldn't, so I dont acknowledge it and move one.

There are just some people, on both sides who think that everything needs to be commented on, and that can lead to some harmful things being said.

I agree with all of this. I'm a Christian, but I don't care what other people do as long as it doesn't affect me or anyone directly affiliated with me. But when a group that I'm part of is blamed on the statements of a few radicals, I'm not okay with it and will say something.

I agree with all of this. I'm a Christian, but I don't care what other people do as long as it doesn't affect me or anyone directly affiliated with me. But when a group that I'm part of is blamed on the statements of a few radicals, I'm not okay with it and will say something.
Sadly I dont think thats gonna change anytime soon.

It only takes one bad cop, rotten strawberry, a crazy westboro church, or scary california gay boys to ruin the entire batch.

But weed is ok maaaaan. Never hurt a souuuuuuul~

That right there is intolerance of intolerant people.
And I'm saying this is a ridiculous concept
Someone can't expect to be tolerated if they can't be tolerant
It's the golden rule; treat others as you'd have them treat you

And I'm saying this is a ridiculous concept
Someone can't expect to be tolerated if they can't be tolerant
It's the golden rule; treat others as you'd have them treat you


but that's not even what my point was.

I'm saying that if religion is apparently bad enough to be frowned upon, I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed in public places such as schools but other things such as marijuana legalization and the topic at hand are becoming acceptable.

except marriage shouldn't be a government thing
just a symbolic thing you can do if you want to make it clear you love someone
its always been a government thing

I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed in public places such as schools
Oh, that's what your meant by "religion in public"
You never did comment on my initial reply to that, so I didn't know

It's not allowed because it's illegal
It violates the establishment clause
Public schools can not promote a religion in any way (school led prayer, banners, etc) because they are funded by tax money
How would you feel if your school (assuming you go to a public school) suddenly put up big ass "ALLAHU AKBAR" banners everywhere and starting preaching Islam(paid for by your tax dollars)? Many Christians would be outraged. It's the same reason why Christian displays can not be placed
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 02:24:09 PM by Headcrab Zombie »


I'm saying that if religion is apparently bad enough to be frowned upon, I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed in public places such as schools but other things such as marijuana legalization and the topic at hand are becoming acceptable.
Religion isn't allowed in public schools because not everyone is religious. Religion is allowed in public on the other hand. Marijuana isn't allowed in public schools either, so I have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm saying that if religion is apparently bad enough to be frowned upon, I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed in public places such as schools but other things such as marijuana legalization and the topic at hand are becoming acceptable.
Last I checked no one worshiped marijuana. Plus religion is pretty much inherently invasive. I know I used to get Christian missionaries show up at my doorstep all the time, and look at all the stuff that's going on now or has happened because of religion. No one is going to force you to smoke weed or to attend some gay couples' wedding reception.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 04:24:04 PM by Biostorm »

I don't get the mentality of spreading religion. Shouldn't you just be worried about yourself and your spiritual well being?

Though I guess churches need that cash, so the more followers the better...

Religion isn't allowed in public schools because not everyone is religious. Religion is allowed in public on the other hand. Marijuana isn't allowed in public schools either, so I have no idea what you're talking about.

Yeahhh that was a bad example.

Oh, that's what your meant by "religion in public"
You never did comment on my initial reply to that, so I didn't know

I take responsibility for that.

It's not allowed because it's illegal
It violates the establishment clause
Public schools can not promote a religion in any way (school led prayer, banners, etc) because they are funded by tax money
How would you feel if your school (assuming you go to a public school) suddenly put up big ass "ALLAHU AKBAR" banners everywhere and starting preaching Islam(paid for by your tax dollars)? Many Christians would be outraged. It's the same reason why Christian displays can not be placed

That's not what I meant either. A school is a school, not a church, so of course religion shouldn't be taught/promoted/insert here. I've been doing some further researching though, and apparently the problem that I thought was a problem is actually not an issue [yet] and was actually caused by an issue that has since been resolved, so...I don't think I'll publicly post about it anymore.

I don't get the mentality of spreading religion. Shouldn't you just be worried about yourself and your spiritual well being?

Though I guess churches need that cash, so the more followers the better...

That's a whole different story.

Mind sharing?
im pretty sure the reason behind it is "try to save as many people as possible before the 2nd coming"