
Who smells best


Author Topic: Crown's Jailbreak [Christmas Event!]  (Read 313148 times)

I hope this server finally knocks Tezuni's Jail escape off the server list.
It isn't a semi-glorified TDM like Tezuni's is.

also this is best glorious crown many upvote
« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 11:55:02 AM by Swat 3 »

I hope this server finally knocks Tezuni's Jail escape off the server list.

That's ALMOST the dumbest thing I've read on this forum today. Don't get me wrong, I'm not standing up for Tezuni at all, but "knock a server off the server list" is the silliest thing I've ever read. Tezuni has been hosting for almost 3 years now, puts little-to-no effort into it, and it's still top of the list 75% of the day, every day. It's not going anywhere. It isn't ALWAYS the #1 server, and Crown's would definitely take the spotlight for a good week to a month, longer if development were to continue.

But outside of that. Like I said. 3 years. It will be there until the end of times.

On another note, why do you care? Is there anybody on that server you want to play with? Is it not just soaking up the players you DON'T want to deal with? Should you not be GLAD the server exists so you don't have to deal with everyone that goes ON that server?

They're both prison related servers sure, but they're totally different game modes. I'm glad you like mine but I don't really think they're comparable nor is my goal to knock it off the list. It's also a different playerbase that plays on the servers.

adinx makes a good point

i like to think of tezunis servers as containment servers of the sort

I hope this server finally knocks Tezuni's Jail escape off the server list.
it used to be at least 40 players on at any given time, this is next level stuff.

I hope this server finally knocks Tezuni's Jail escape off the server list.
How about we hope that you get knocked off the forums

How about we hope that you get knocked off the forums
well if i get banned i'll just make another account so you really cant get rid of me

well if i get banned i'll just make another account so you really cant get rid of me
and get banned again
No one wants you here so don't waste your loving money on something where many people hate you.

Don't do this in the thread please or you'll be banned from the server. (I have no other choice honestly, why would you start drama in here?)

why does this server not exist from my perspective
every time i check it's gone
quantum stuff going on here

it used to be at least 40 players on at any given time, this is next level stuff.
That was during the summer.
Sadly since school has started and people are getting busy, I can assure the server wont be able to generate as many players as it did during summer.

That was during the summer.
Sadly since school has started and people are getting busy, I can assure the server wont be able to generate as many players as it did during summer.
do you know what "saturday" and "sunday" are?

do you know what "saturday" and "sunday" are?
The days where students waste time sleeping and working on evil homework that evil teachers assign over the weekend.

The days where students waste time sleeping and working on evil homework that evil teachers assign over the weekend.
considering that statistically the average student has 6 hours of homework, they shouldn't be working on the weekend