
Who smells best


Author Topic: Crown's Jailbreak [Christmas Event!]  (Read 313475 times)

so the server is up on the server list, can someone open it please?

Also i remember one time, someone used the naming system to forget everyone over by using typo-laced words. Example:
Warden: Prisoners are now Prlsoners (l is a lowercase L)
Warden: (All caps) ALL PRlSONERS IN THE PIT!
*Everyone goes to the pit and gets killed*
The warden just made the I in "PRISONERS" to a lowercase-L, Making it into "PRlSONERS" I've also seen this being used a lot on a simon-says server. This is why I voted to remove the naming rule, people are finding ridiculous ways to make prisoners die. Also, a lot of rounds end up like this for me:
Warden: Let's Play a game called, "How much do you like child research" (A game that has a really controversial name, or is just a way to ruin prisoner's fun
*Everyone Opts out, for an obvious reason*
Warden: Okay, since you opted out, EVERYONE TO THE ARENA, LAST MAN STANDING!
*Can't opt out, it's just 1 guy left alive*
Now that he's the only prisoner, the only way for prisoners to win is for that one guy to beat every single guard in spear-fights,gun-DMs, one-shot DM, or gun toss, and I have only seen the prisoners win once because of this.

Jailbreak is back on master server, reopen it someone

I would like to see some sort of "clear names and nouns only" thing for it, but removing it completely is fine

didn't this guy just spam the forum lol

I'm trying to join it with password "a" like was said back on page 97 but it's not letting me.

I'm trying to join it with password "a" like was said back on page 97 but it's not letting me.
Try now, I changed it until I got it posting to the master server.

alright the server is UP

  • /spectators now displays who is spectating
  • /restime <time> for administrators now resurrects anyone who died in the last <time> seconds
  • http://draked.me/bans shows warden/server/guardbans for everyone, none have been previously recorded so you're on a clean slate.
  • VIPs now gain $60 every round instead of $40, $120 for warden kill instead of $100, and $60 instead of $50 for guard kill.
  • /po <target name or blid> displays a link in the chat for that person's bans
  • Before you buy an item from the shop you are now given a Yes/No prompt to avoid accidental purchases. This should fix the issues that some people with laptops were having.
  • /like allows you to "like" the warden, you can do this at the end of each round. When someone becomes Warden it displays how many likes they have. I may add it to the leaderboards later.

Also should say that /wardenBan and /guardBan now require reasons.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 10:27:00 PM by Crøwn »

  • http://draked.me/bans shows warden/server/guardbans for everyone, none have been previously recorded so you're on a clean slate.

of all the people to test ban lmfao

whoever ddosd jailbreak dies

whoever ddosd jailbreak dies
Amir is a name that comes to mind, yes?

Amir is a name that comes to mind, yes?
he must've pranked crown so hard the server imploded

According to my server provider there were two different (D)DoS attacks against my server today. I don't really think it's safe to just blame Amir. I also think the server being unable to post to the master server might be a coincidence as there was no incoming traffic while the server was doing this and the filters that were automatically applied to protect had long since been disabled.

It seems to have gone back to normal but there is no way of telling if this will happen again, I have changed a couple things with the server to hopefully prevent this issue in the future but we'll see.

ALSO, some time tomorrow afternoon Niblic & I are going to be reviewing the applications we have (five at the moment) and we were thinking it would be better if we had some other input so if any staff members want they're welcome to join us on the Discord to help review.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 12:49:17 AM by Crøwn »

According to my server provider there were two different (D)DoS attacks against my server today.
Your server provider should probably invest in an IP tracer.