
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246988 times)

I realize how bad I was just loving hallucinating at see that only one JSM fired. I swing back around and dive on the bridge. The heatseekers become fidgety, but I force them to lock onto the center of mass of the ship's large heat signature. Hopefully they will fall onto the bridge. I fire all remaining ordnance down at the ship.

I dive below the sub, then fly back up, firing both of my remaining heatseekers at the engine block, the fact that I'm below the sub (hopefully) not allowing its CIWS to get a good fix on the missiles. I then turn around to resupply at the carrier (or AWACS, or whatever is doing resupply).

I sweep my wings back (variable sweep forget yeah) and kick on the afterburners, tailing the sub. I fire all of my rocket pod ammunition into the engine, followed by more coaxial fire.

After seeing the other members of the squadron not go after the missile launchers, Bell breaks off and positions her aircraft in between the carrier and the enemy skysub to hopefully intercept at least one of the cruise missiles that will probably be launched.

I sweep my wings back (variable sweep forget yeah) and kick on the afterburners, tailing the sub. I fire all of my rocket pod ammunition into the engine, followed by more coaxial fire.

"Maybe I should tell him that not going for the airship's weapons put the carrier in more danger than not, eh." She muttered to herself, the comment was not picked up by the microphone.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 10:48:09 PM by Operator¹ »

Is it too late to join this flaming wreck of an rp?

I realize how bad I was just loving hallucinating at see that only one JSM fired. I swing back around and dive on the bridge. The heatseekers become fidgety, but I force them to lock onto the center of mass of the ship's large heat signature. Hopefully they will fall onto the bridge. I fire all remaining ordnance down at the ship.
The first heatseeker is shot down by the LAMS, but the second knocks it right the forget out.

I dive below the sub, then fly back up, firing both of my remaining heatseekers at the engine block, the fact that I'm below the sub (hopefully) not allowing its CIWS to get a good fix on the missiles. I then turn around to resupply at the carrier (or AWACS, or whatever is doing resupply).
The heatseekers aren't able to track enough to hit the engine from your current angle, and instead curve upwards into the lower aft of the ship.
: [Drokk! Take evasive action! We can't afford to lose engine power at a moment like this.]

I sweep my wings back (variable sweep forget yeah) and kick on the afterburners, tailing the sub. I fire all of my rocket pod ammunition into the engine, followed by more coaxial fire.
The sub's sudden burst of erratic movement results in a surprisingly difficult target for its size. Though most of your missiles do hit the sub in various spots, only a handful hit the engine. Most of them just wreak havoc on the top deck.
: [Give these Aesthians our parting gift and then put up the cloak. Take us into the canyon, full speed.]

As the sub begins to bend light around itself again and re-establish the cloud disguise, a pair of SAMs launch at Junkers and Sabre, and two more cruise missiles streak out the aft of the sub. Bell was the only pilot prepared for the cruise missiles, so she's the only one able to take action against them.

Is it too late to join this flaming wreck of an rp?
no, its never too late
hell even if your character dies mid-rp you can just roll up another
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 11:00:53 AM by Qwepir »

probably not
I spoke too soon anyway. This is exceptionally complicated and I don't have the time for it. 

Have fun guys.

I give the sub an angry burst of gunfire into where I believe the bridge is. The aircraft rattles as the gun roars. I pull away and see the two cruise missiles swinging around for the carrier.

"Oh stuff! Cruise missiles!" I yell into the radio.

I fly to the AWACS for resupply from COMRO.
"As many heatseekers as you can fit on this thing."

I hit the air brakes, drop flares and chaff, pull up, and swing my wings forwards, all (well, except for the wing sweep change, that's just to compensate for the air brakes) for the sake of evading the SAM.

I hit the air brakes, drop flares and chaff, pull up, and swing my wings forwards, all (well, except for the wing sweep change, that's just to compensate for the air brakes) for the sake of evading the SAM.
I am to believe the wings retract and fix themselves automatically.

I am to believe the wings retract and fix themselves automatically.

the sweep is pilot controlled im pretty sure

"I want all point-defense fire oriented in my direction, don't worry about friendly fire if you want to get out of this alive!"
Bell opens fire on one of the cruise missiles with a seeker and an AAM, she quickly bleeds off speed to shift onto the next missile, firing an AAM. After doing so, she sends targeting information to the carrier's point defense systems.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 11:16:02 PM by Operator¹ »

The RWR squeals. "forget me! I've got another SAM, inbound!"

This isn't my loving day. I turn to face the missile once again, but instead of going for a loop, I go into a high-G corkscrew to evade, hoping to keep radar returns at a minimum.