
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245428 times)

I hear a rather familiar whirl. A massive Mi-26 is hovering over the tarmac. It has, slung under it, an unfamiliar vehicle. It's a walker. It seems rather light however. The helicopter releases the load and pulls off.
This is also the first time you've seen the technicians and engineers seem excited to work on such a broken-down wreck.

This is also the first time you've seen the technicians and engineers seem excited to work on such a broken-down wreck.
I laughed more than I should have.

I look at the wreck the salvage crews brought back. One of the Huit mechs that wasn't completely destroyed. The technicians are crowding around it, waiting to pick it apart and see what they can find. Figuring it's nothing of importance to the pilots, I head to the mess hall for some chicken.

With Bell's stomach growling after she was given a battery of medical tests and cleared for limited duty, she walked directly to the mess hall.

She got a tray with easily-digestible food on it, and not any of the chicken. Bell sat down at Kissinger's table, not really bothering to greet him as she started eating some soup sitting on the table.

"I heard they were raffling off the weapons from those things, I'm not participating though, heh."

Bell finished up the rest of her meal pretty quickly, she hadn't eaten much at all in the past few days, so it was expected from her perspective.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 07:59:14 PM by Operator¹ »

"I watched 'em pull lasers off of it. The tech-heads forgeted off to the workshop with them. I have a feeling that squadrons are going to try to horde these things, and even then, pilots and flights within the squadron are going to horde this stuff." I say, not making eye contact, and continuing to stare at the vehicle.

I turn my head and take out a bite of chicken, observing Bell.

"You're a mess," I say.

"Well, at least I made it out alive, considering that Razorback lost as many guys as they did."

She takes a swig of water from a glass, putting it back down on the table.

"I'm staying off of the painkillers, at least, and the doctors at the base hospital stitched up the wounds."

Bell gets up, picking up her tray so that she can return it. "Since I won't be able to sleep on my back tonight, I'll be in the hangars." She heads off after dropping off the tray and goes to the squadron hangars to examine her new aircraft and make some adjustments.

I watch Bell get up and leave. By the way she walks it's obvious she's in pain.

The walker is now under a shroud. MP's stand around the machine. A tractor trailer has arrived on the scene and the walker is being loaded on, using a Mercanan CH-53E as a sky crane. I finish up and shuffle out. The night is quiet, save the massive ass loving helicopter and the CAPs flying about. And the incoming and outgoing CAS strikes. Perhaps it isn't so quiet. I arrive in one of the 5-1-4th's hangers, where my new aircraft is stored. Inside, there is minimal lighting, akin to the lighting in the air museums I so loved as a kid.

I climb into the wing of the Eurofighter and lie down close to the wing's root. It's peaceful. Dark, but the lighting of the hanger is warm. I think about a slew of things, philisophical in nature.

I eventually leave the requisitions office with a thick flight manual and a clipboard full of checklist references in hand. The wait might've been boring as hell, but at least I got results a lot faster this time around.

A brisk walk later, I reach the hangar. There the F-23 Widow stood, basking in the glorious, low light of a handful of metal-halide lamps. I can see it all: the matte gray radar-absorbent finish, the beautiful V-tail implementation, the stealthy exhaust port and heat-ablating tiles, the ingeniously engineered yet remarkably simple planform-aligned profile... Mercana's apex fifth-generation air-superiority fighter is now mine to pilot.

If my big stuff-eating grin wasn't obvious before, it sure as hell is now. I can't even remember how long I've wanted to take one of these for a spin.

I walk over to one of the technicians, hand over a bit of paperwork and explain that I'll be undergoing a roosterpit orientation session for the next few hours. Once I'm given the O-K, I climb the ladder and take a seat in my new office.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 11:37:21 PM by NoZoner »

A massive Mi-26 is hovering over the tarmac.

Mercanan CH-53E

I don't want to be Mr. "Stop using aircraft the people running the thread don't designate specifically" but stop using aircraft the people running the thread don't designate specifically. There's absolutely nothing wrong with just saying "It's a big helicopter with a crane on the bottom" or "It's an armored fighting vehicle" or whatever. It's unnecessary and honestly, kind of annoying that you choose to designate specifics when neither Qwepir or I do.

You hear a dull, thundering roar growing nearer. You rush outside (or to a window, at least) to see its source when the noise level reaches "impossibly loud", and see a colossal flying wing pass overhead at an incredibly low altitude with its' equally oversized landing gear down. Just eyeballing it you guess it to be about 400 meters wide, and headed for a landing in the only possible place out here suitable for something that big; the rocky, flat, and incredibly vast desert floor immediately surrounding McNamara.

I step outside to take a look at what it is and Jesus H. Christ that thing is huge. And it's going to land. Right outside McNamara. I almost start running to try to keep up with it but soon realize that is a pointless endeavour.
"What the forget?" I yell, barely able to hear myself, let alone the other people yelling a couple feet away.

"What the forget?" I yell, barely able to hear myself, let alone the other people yelling a couple feet away.
With it getting farther away, you can hear someone shout a response to your yelling.
: It's one of your carriers! And substantial proof that Aesthians have the smallest richards on the planet!

Before I could even drop the lid, I'm hit by a deep rumbling sensation, strong enough to affect my breathing. Without thinking, I set aside the manual and kneeboard, climb down and walk outside.

The next thing I see, my view of the night sky is completely eclipsed by a gigantic flying wing passing over the base. The lack of aircraft lighting made it difficult to get a real good look, but I could tell it was descending with its gear down.

"What the forget?"

I turn around to see Steele, just as surprised as I am.

: It's one of your carriers! And substantial proof that Aesthians have the smallest richards on the planet!

"Keep your stuff to yourself, for forget's sake!"

Off in the distance, the wake turbulence from the aircraft kicks up a massive cloud of dust that starts wafting its way towards the base.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 12:08:31 AM by NoZoner »

"Keep your stuff to yourself, for forget's sake!"
: He asked, starfish!

Also: Updated paragraph 3 of NAUC lore.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 12:08:09 AM by Qwepir »