
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246489 times)

"U-uh, alright then!"
I jog to the offices, nearly dragging her, then up to the CO's office.

She barges into the commander's office once you show her where it is.
: What is the meaning of this?
: The meaning of this is an attempt to discover the meaning of why those monsters are touching down in the desert and not at an airbase meant to care for them. We don't have the manpower or resources to maintain those things, so why are they here?

He looks at Steele and sighs.
: Well, I was about to tell Mjolnir anyway, so I figure it doesn't make much of a difference if you hear it. Long story short, their base of operations was destroyed after an engagement with an Imperial air fleet. The survivors have scattered to various corners of the Kirazan desert, but the Imperium is in pursuit. Now, the good news is that compared to us, their fleet is abysmally slow; their airships are only twice as fast as their surface vessels. But they'll be here eventually, so we need to get these ships up to minimum readiness and back in the air before we lead the enemy straight to McNamara. Their final destination is an airport far north of here, I never got the name but it's capable of taking care of the fleet. Mjolnir flight is going to be attached to them temporarily, since the carrier wasn't able to take any planes with it when it fled. You'll go with the carrier group and do whatever's required of you until it lands, then you'll fly back to McNamara. Captain Steele, you're the squad leader, go inform the rest of your men.


"Yes sir," is all I can get out as I head out of his office and over to where Mjolnir flight is still standing in awe of the gigantic carriers. I try my best to yell over the sound of the landing beasts.
"Alright guys! I'm now the squad leader! We're temporarily attached to the sky fleet, we've been assigned escort duty since that massive carrier was unable to get any aircraft out before it was destroyed!"

"What? How the forget am I supposed to land on a carrier?"

: I hear they've got, like, tractor beams or something. Like, not actually tractor beams, that's science fiction crap, but they've got some sort of system that helps guide your plane into one of its rear landing strips. Plus, I mean, if that thing's traveling at a few hundred miles per hour then you can just match speed and set down like a VTOL or something. I think. I'm not a pilot.

"I have no id-"
I am interrupted by the technician explaining how to land on it.
"There's your answer, I guess."

"You know a lot for being a technician," I remark.

: Of course I do, you don't get to Technical Sergeant by being an airheaded bimbo.

"You don't get to fly a plane by being a Technical Sergeant," I mutter.

: No, but I get to teach the new enlistees how to clean up after the messes left by meathead pilots who think they're untouchable.

"And I show our new pilots what happens when you guys forget up."

Meathead pilots who think they're untouchable.

I slide my hand over my forehead and massage my temples. One of these days.

Shaking off the thought, I turn to Steele and try to raise my voice over the din of the fusion engines.

"Do you know what we'll be up against in our next sortie? When's it going to happen?"

"I can't give you an answer to either. All I know is that we're to be stationed aboard the carrier until further notice," I say, turning towards Sabre.

"I'll go get my stuff," I say.

What time of day is it?