
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245803 times)

: Please don't patronize me, I know what a grenade is.
Tippy slaps him in the shoulder.

"That's the spirit! Let's go. Aiori, stay behind me."

Tippy leans out the door and checks the hallway.

Mission Theme

Walt turns to meet 1-2 and fires his second mms-12 along with his PPP
Sabre base EV 73
Experience provides bonus of 4
MMS x12 provides penalty of 30
Flares provide bonus of 40
Test taken at EV 87
Roll: 22 - success
Roll granted by Supermaneuverable: 55 - success
Test passed

They pop flares and jink, dodging the missiles and the plasma bolt and blowing past you.

Jaakko curses his life as the missiles chase him. He drops two flares and cloaks.
Fenrir base EV 91
No piloting bonuses or penalties
AAM 1 provides penalty of 35
AAM 2 provides penalty of 35
Flares provide bonus of 80
Test taken at EV 101
Roll: 67 - success
Test passed

You are now invisible, and the Rafale keeps flying towards where it thinks you're going based on your heading and velocity. It fires its cannon that way, but has overestimated your speed by a significant margin and doesn't land any hits.

Gus opens up on the Sabre with his coaxials.
Though you miss far more than you hit, sheer volume of fire ensures you give them a pounding as they pass below Walt. You can now attempt to get behind it.

With the Morgenstern now out of the picture, Richard continues diving and veers towards Attacker 1-4. He places the Rafale in his sights and pulls the trigger for all guns.
It is thoroughly dissuaded from the notion of a game of chicken, avoiding the PPC on sheer luck and suffering heavy damage to the wings and fuselage from the twin beam lasers. It launches a pair of heatseekers before pulling up hard.

Tippy leans out the door and checks the hallway.
You hear a voice call out behind you while you look down the hallway.
: Hey, you two!

Pagodin comes running up to you. He does a double take once he notices your and Yukamo's equipment, but doesn't seem to care too much about the equipment smuggling at the moment.
: Gods, everything's forgeted! It's raining Huits and I haven't heard back from the guys I sent to get the walker booted up. If you lot don't have anything to do, I could really use a hand.
: You're not seriously planning on using that, are you?
: Well it's not like we have to worry about breaking the roads anymore, and being known as "that pillock that abandoned a multi-million dollar prototype to the enemy" is a good way to get your career on the fast track to nowhere. Now are you coming or not, because I can always find someone else.

I release the harness of the now-useless parachute and start carefully making my way down, only going for branches that I can safely reach, and climb down to, and once I'm down, start carefully making my way towards Bell's capsule, keeping a sharp eye out for anything that might be able to kill me, even insects.
There are bugs absolutely everywhere, and close inspection reveals that there is a particularly large snake lounging on one of the branches farther down the tree.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 08:05:25 PM by Qwepir »

Gus attempts to get behind the Sabre.

pagodin dont loving die please
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 03:16:59 PM by CypherX »

: Well it's not like we have to worry about breaking the roads anymore, and being known as "that pillock that abandoned a multi-million dollar prototype to the enemy" is a good way to get your career on the fast track to nowhere. Now are you coming or not, because I can always find someone else.

Tippy nods agreeably.

"Well lets not waste anymore time. An option is better than no options at all."

I try to dodge the missiles, while finding any and all targets to fire upon. I fire my MMS and an HSM at whatever target I may be able to shoot at

Tippy nods agreeably.

"Well lets not waste anymore time. An option is better than no options at all."
: Right then, let's go.

You go with him as he starts moving quickly for the exit. No encounters with enemy forces inside the barracks.
: Hangar's just across the road, no big deal, no big deal, Huits probably haven't reached it yet. If they have... that might be a problem.

As you reach the exit, you realize that "across the road" means "at least 200 feet of open ground away, and in the direction of the fighting". He stops to gather his wits.
: Reckon we could leg it? I don't see any Huits around...
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 08:05:50 PM by Qwepir »

After doing some rudimentary wrapping with the slightly bloodied sleeves of her flight suit, Bell works on looking for a way down from the capsule.

Walt turns around to meet the sabre and fires his PPP again.

"Just because it looks like nobody is around doesn't mean they are not. I'll take point and we'll make our way there. Stick close, don't spread. I don't know how many times either of you have done this but you're both more important than I am right now. Ready?"

"Why, Ark, why?"
I try to identify as many of the species of bugs as I can, to see how many of them can kill me, and leave my helmet on. I'm certain that snake can kill me, so I start working out a way to avoid it or, if necessary, kill it without my gun, because that would only make things worse. Just to be sure, I pull out my knife.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 04:56:33 PM by Gojira »

Jaakko manuevers to get on to the tail of the Rafale pursuing him.

"The Huits have landed troops on the base, dealing with three fighters over here too," He radios, "If I can clear these fighters, I can use the UAC against Huit squads."
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 05:01:56 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

Gus attempts to get behind the Sabre.
PAK FA base EV 78
Experience provides bonus of 2
Test taken at 80
Sabre base EV 73
Experience provides bonus of 4
Test taken at 77
PAK FA rolls to pursue: 52 - success by 2 degrees
Roll granted by Supermaneuverable: 20 - success by 5 degrees
Sabre rolls to evade: 75 - success by 0 degrees
Roll granted by Supermaneuverable: 88 - failure
PAK FA successfully pursues Sabre

You fall in behind the Sabre, and 1-6 makes its move on you, lobbing a heatseeker your way.

I try to dodge the missiles, while finding any and all targets to fire upon. I fire my MMS and an HSM at whatever target I may be able to shoot at
Rafale base EV 76
Experience provides bonus of 2
AAM 1 provides penalty of 35
AAM 2 provides penalty of 35
Flares provide bonus of 40
Test taken at EV 48
Roll: 81 - failure (by more than one degree)
Test wholly failed

Ralph haphazardly fires off the MMS and a HSM at 1-6 before the incoming missiles blow Ralph and his plane away.
Rafale base EV 76
Experience provides bonus of 4
MMS x6 provides penalty of 30
HSM provides penalty of 25
Flares provide bonus of 40
Test taken at EV 65
Roll: 74 - failure (by less than one degree)
Test partially failed

They evade the six micro-missiles, but get hit by the HSM, and cancel their attempt to get behind Tempest.

Walt turns around to meet the sabre and fires his PPP again.
Raven base EV 77
No piloting bonuses or penalties
Test taken at 77
Sabre base EV 73
Experience provides bonus of 4
Test taken at 77
Raven rolls to pursue: 95 - failure
Sabre rolls to evade: 85 - failure
Roll granted by Supermaneuverable: 26 - success by 5 degrees
Raven fails to pursue Sabre

You fail to get behind the Sabre, and the plasma bolt misses.

Jaakko manuevers to get on to the tail of the Rafale pursuing him.
They don't see it coming, and you're now behind the Rafale.

"Just because it looks like nobody is around doesn't mean they are not. I'll take point and we'll make our way there. Stick close, don't spread. I don't know how many times either of you have done this but you're both more important than I am right now. Ready?"
Yukamo nods quietly and Pagodin gestures towards the destination.
: After you.

After doing some rudimentary wrapping with the slightly bloodied sleeves of her flight suit, Bell works on looking for a way down from the capsule.
Inside the capsule you find a small container of survival gear. One such item is a sturdy-looking rope. Another item of interest is a first aid kit.

"Why, Ark, why?"
I try to identify as many of the species of bugs as I can, to see how many of them can kill me, and leave my helmet on. I'm certain that snake can kill me, so I start working out a way to avoid it or, if necessary, kill it without my gun, because that would only make things worse. Just to be sure, I pull out my knife.
While you look down at the snake, a spider drops on your helmet. You see its hairy legs at the top of your peripheral vision.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 08:06:56 PM by Qwepir »

Ralph haphazardly fires off the MMS and a HSM at 1-6 before the incoming missiles blow Ralph and his plane away.
rip ralph

While you look down at the snake, a spider drops on your helmet. You see its hairy legs at the top of your peripheral vision.
"On the bright side, the helmet covers my face as well..."
I quickly lean over off of the branch, to a degree that I won't fall off, then, using my knife to ensure I don't get bit through my gloves, knock it off of my helmet, and let it fall on to the snake.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 05:38:48 PM by Gojira »