
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246717 times)

"Down by the southern point of the country, kinda close to the border with Plae- Palestra," she says, her words slurring a little. "Very warm down there. And sunny, too," she adds, casting a glance out the window.

"My parents would always tell me that I grew up in a soft climate. No freak humidity or heat or stuff to worry about." She rolls her eyes. "Wouldn't know; never been, never plan to."
: Near Palestra, huh? I hope your parents got out of there before the Goths rolled in.

"I mean, we weren't super close or anything, not on the border. But... southern end, you get the idea." Cualli shrugs, stares out the window again. "I was never very close with my parents, so I don't keep in contact. I mean, I hope they're okay, obviously, but... I dunno. I guess I've always resented the position they put me in."

"I mean, we weren't super close or anything, not on the border. But... southern end, you get the idea." Cualli shrugs, stares out the window again. "I was never very close with my parents, so I don't keep in contact. I mean, I hope they're okay, obviously, but... I dunno. I guess I've always resented the position they put me in."
: What position would that be?

A quiet sigh escapes from her and she stares longingly at her empty glass. "Nothing they can help, so it's wrong for me to resent them for it, but..."

"It was just kind of always an awful experience growing up... Huit," she says, borderline spitting the word out. "Nothing I like to reflect on, but I just always hated them a little for immigrating over here where I'd... I guess sometimes I wish they would've stayed in the Delta and let me grow up a servant or something. I don't know. It seemed better."

"And now with the terrorist thing that happened recently, with one of the pilots and who knows who else being against me--" she cuts herself off, taking a breath. Her mind flashes back to Jaakko's looks towards her on the carrier, to Gus reassuring her, to that walk outside the base with the latter.

Cualli realizes that she suddenly feels very sober and a shiver passes through her.

A quiet sigh escapes from her and she stares longingly at her empty glass. "Nothing they can help, so it's wrong for me to resent them for it, but..."

"It was just kind of always an awful experience growing up... Huit," she says, borderline spitting the word out. "Nothing I like to reflect on, but I just always hated them a little for immigrating over here where I'd... I guess sometimes I wish they would've stayed in the Delta and let me grow up a servant or something. I don't know. It seemed better."

"And now with the terrorist thing that happened recently, with one of the pilots and who knows who else being against me--" she cuts herself off, taking a breath. Her mind flashes back to Jaakko's looks towards her on the carrier, to Gus reassuring her, to that walk outside the base with the latter.

Cualli realizes that she suddenly feels very sober and a shiver passes through her.
Arkhip nods.
: That sounds... I can't imagine what that must feel like.

She shrugs, calls over a waitress, and has her drink refilled. "I try to look past it. I'd earned myself respect working as an aircraft mechanic, put in the time and effort and work. And I thought that was enough, but..." Jaakko comes to mind again. "After that airliner incident, and the hassle coming out here, guess not."

She takes a few quick sips of her freshly-refilled drink, hoping to drown out the memories that are spoiling her mood.

Jaakko takes in the sight. He studies the city around him, enthralled.

"I don't think you told me all that much about Kintharia, after the first time you went," he says.

He tears himself away from the sights for a moment to address Tippy.

"Any chance we'll meet up with Raiden? Uh- I haven't asked that already, have I?"

"Yeah, I guess i just don't talk about that time much. In regards to raiden I haven't a clue. They're probably not here. "

Tippy stares out the window, clearly thinking.

Jaakko watches the gears turn in Tippy's head before realizing that she came to Kintharia for the first time after Yukamo's death.

"Oh, stuff. Sorry-" he says weakly, glancing back out the window for a few moments.

He looks back to Tippy.

"You okay there?"

She shrugs, calls over a waitress, and has her drink refilled. "I try to look past it. I'd earned myself respect working as an aircraft mechanic, put in the time and effort and work. And I thought that was enough, but..." Jaakko comes to mind again. "After that airliner incident, and the hassle coming out here, guess not."

She takes a few quick sips of her freshly-refilled drink, hoping to drown out the memories that are spoiling her mood.
: If it means anything, I don't think any less of you for it. And, I can't really speak for everyone, but I know Pansar doesn't either. Anyone with a brain, really, will be able to tell it's not your fault that happened and you had nothing to do with it.

She sighs. "I know, but people will still jump at the opportunity to be hateful," Cualli says. "Can't get away from it." She looks at the fried crab, then to her drink, and back to the crab before finally deciding to have some more of her drink.

Jaakko watches the gears turn in Tippy's head before realizing that she came to Kintharia for the first time after Yukamo's death.

"Oh, stuff. Sorry-" he says weakly, glancing back out the window for a few moments.

He looks back to Tippy.

"You okay there?"

"I'm fine. Just thinking about meeting her family again."

Markus decides to actually listen to what they're saying on the news broadcast, rather than change the channel.

Jaakko studies Tippy for a moment before looking back outside at the new landscape, remaining silent and enamored with the view for the rest of the cab ride.

She sighs. "I know, but people will still jump at the opportunity to be hateful," Cualli says. "Can't get away from it." She looks at the fried crab, then to her drink, and back to the crab before finally deciding to have some more of her drink.
Eremit spends the next hour or so sobering up so he can drive without ending up in a snowbank, spending a lot of it staring out the window at the ships in dock. Eventually, he's recovered his sobriety, and the two of you return to his house for the night. As it's very late at night by the time you arrive, he just goes straight to bed.

Markus decides to actually listen to what they're saying on the news broadcast, rather than change the channel.
According to some admittedly unreliable sources, a huge portion of the Porlaqi military started the revolt. Many high ranking generals and government officials have been lynched and their bodies publicly displayed, with the Imperious Leader himself one of the casualties. According to the story being told by a Porlaqi dissident, he attempted to flee the capitol, but his escape was blocked off by an angry mob. Though his driver attempted to run the dissidents down, there were too many people for the car to crush, and Imperious Leader was dragged out, beaten to death, dismembered, and then cannibalized.

loving brutal. Maybe things will actually be different.
Markus continues to watch, finding himself mildly interested in world happenings.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2017, 07:30:06 AM by Gojira »