
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245850 times)

Bell and Ellie head up to the hangar separately, both heading off in different directions when they get there.

Ellie arrives at the balcony, tapping Scorch on the shoulder before leaning on the railing too.
"[ Hey, you still owe me that duel. ]"

Bell arrives just after the Zaman brothers do, so she opts to just stand behind them for now.

Markus turns around and tenses up, slightly startled and on edge from the amphetamines.
"[Who the-]"
Once the fact that it's Ellie processes, he relaxes, and he laughs a bit.
"[Didn't you already kick my ass in the Wyvern?]"

Jaakko stands and eyes Lorens with distrust. He is wrought with bitterness from the fight. However, Lorens is someone that Jaakko found hard to be mad at. In fact, this is the first time Jaakko can recall being upset with Lorens.

Jaakko is silent for a moment.

"[Understood, we're waiting on orders right now,]" Jaakko enunciates.

He catches a glimpse of Bell and his stomach turns over. The Gods' punishment for being a traitor must be that he now has to face his former CO under these circumstances.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 09:57:20 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

"[Didn't you already kick my ass in the Wyvern?]"

"[Oh, that doesn't really count.]"

Ellie looks out into the distance, tapping her fingers on the railing.

"[You couldn't really call that a fair dogfight, and it wasn't even a one-on-one, you know?]"

Lorens meets Jaakko's glaring with weary eyes. The thought of having to contend with distrust from a superior he looked up to in the past only adds to the fatigue weighing down his whole being.

"I see. Well, I look forward to flying with you again, sir," Lorens tries to be forthcoming, though the words might have come out more flatly than intended.

Ash steps in and places his arm on Lorens' shoulders.

"If you'll excuse us, Major," He whisks Lorens away. The two walk to the outer balcony.

"[I meant when we actually dueled, and weren't trying to kill each other.]"
Markus suddenly looks tired, before perking back up a bit.
"[If you want to not count that, by all means, but it was definitely one on one. If we survive this mess, you can hold me to that rematch.]"

Ellie pats him on the shoulder.

"[Alright, just don't die then.]"

Markus relaxes.

"[That's the plan.]"

An order comes over the Indomitus PA system for all pilots to report to the ready room on Deck Three. The order is then repeated in Aesthian. Arkhip sighs and turns to Walt.
: Do you guys even know where that is? I can show you if you don't.

An order comes over the Indomitus PA system for all pilots to report to the ready room on Deck Three. The order is then repeated in Aesthian. Arkhip sighs and turns to Walt.
: Do you guys even know where that is? I can show you if you don't.

"I probably knew back when I wasn't tired, I'll just follow you because then it's one less thing to figure out right now."

"[ Well, it looks like we better go. ]"

Ellie heads back into the hangar and starts making her way towards the ready room.

"I probably knew back when I wasn't tired, I'll just follow you because then it's one less thing to figure out right now."
"[ Well, it looks like we better go. ]"

Ellie heads back into the hangar and starts making her way towards the ready room.
Arkhip leads the way, bringing Walt, Raiden, and anyone else who tagged along to a room more akin to a small auditorium than the last ready room you were briefed in, or any one you've ever been in on an airship. At least thirty other pilots are present and milling about in small groups by the time you arrive, with a few vaguely familiar faces among the groups. Paladius's cadets are standing, coffee in hand, around a radio near the back of the room; while he himself is speaking with his former squadron leader.

Imp Radio
: [Good evening Indomitus. It's oh-four-hundred and I got nowhere to be, so it's time for another request. This one is from Cadet Albrecht, and... I don't know if we can actually play it. Oh well!]

The cadet nearest the radio lights up as some decidedly out of character music begins spilling out, while the others react with disgust- either at the music itself or her dancing.
: [Are you kidding me? You?]
: [Aw, yeah! I didn't know they actually took requests, I wrote this in as a joke.]
: [Of course they take requests, they announce it all the time!]
: [Yeah but it's always something super uptight and stuffy- I have trouble believing anyone would actually ask to have the Ocwirk March of all things played, let alone twice in one day. That's like, grandpa stuff.]
: [What the hell is this?]
: [I dunno, something I heard at a club one time.]
: [A club?]
: [Let's see, how do I put it in terms you'll understand... It's like a mess hall only the beer is real, the lights are off, not everyone there is military, and the music doesn't suck.]
: [That last part's debatable.]
: [I don't know why anyone would waste their time with such a thing.]
: [Man, what do you even do when you're not on duty? Do you even have a change of clothes that aren't a uniform?]

One of the cadets taps the dancing one on the shoulder and points to the doorway, where Scorch is still standing.
: [Hey- look over there! That's the guy from the news!]
: [Aw hell, Warin was right.]
: [As usual.]

The girl waves to Scorch, trying to get his attention and beckon him to come over.


: [Say, Adrian, whatever happened to Dietrich? I heard you and him were serving on the same front for a while.]
: [Dead, sir. Or in an Aesthian POW camp. So, dead. He went down over Koronovostok before the Aesthians leveled the city.]
: [I see. And Marcus?]
: [Remember that video of the Sol blowing up that Aesthians posted on the internet to gloat? That was probably him.]
: [Damn.]
: [And now the people responsible for killing them are waltzing around this very ship, and we're expected to trust them to watch our back in a fight?]
: [They defected and shot down several enemy planes already, you think Aesthia would devise a plot that involves having double agents kill their own to maintain cover? Actually, wait...]
: [Well, he is the guy that thinks Aesthia is being puppeted by a Porlaqi shadow government.]
: [They are!]
: [Huh? What are you two talking about?]
: [Oh boy, here we go.]
: [At the end of the Great War, when the Mercs were kicking down Kayezek, the supreme commander of Porlaq's armed forces committed Self Delete in his command bunker, along with several other high ranking staff members. The bunker was later destroyed by Mercanan bombs and shells, but the only *bodies* found in the rubble were clerks, common soldiers, and petty officers. They didn't kill themselves, they faked their deaths and fled the country to avoid a trial- obviously they couldn't go west, so they had to go *east*. Into Aesthia.]
: [You idiot, Porlaq invaded Aesthia! They would be arrested and put on trial anyway!]
: [Please, invading Aesthia is the closest thing you can get to a formal dialog with them. Porlaq rolled in, knocked some heads together, and asserted military dominance. They spoke Aesthia's language and showed them in no uncertain terms, "Porlaq superior, Aesthia inferior". Aesthia could have put the escaped brass on trial, or they could have offered them sanctuary in exchange for their guidance in turning their countries into war machines to rival the big dogs. Why do you think they were able to unify and modernize so fast, do you think they were able to go from a gaggle of disparate, third-rate nobodies into a superpower all by themselves? No! They must have had help.]
: [This is ridiculous.]
: [It's not ridiculous, it'll all make sense once I show you my sources. Ajka believes me, right Ajka?]

« Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 10:24:27 PM by Qwepir »

Walter thanks Arkhip then moves to an empty chair at the side of the room and shuts his eyes as he waits.

Tippy heads for the ready room

Markus comes over, curious to see what's going on.