
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 276861 times)

can we have UN meetings
or even better, a NATO meeting


dude that isn't even commercially viable because it is so expensive
dial up is still used
a lot
wot? I'll have you know, Buenos Aires was trenched in the year 1998 to begin installing optic fibers. Of course the trenches were kept for a few more years until the country actually BOUGHT the cables.

you wot. aren't you in a great depression? how come 1/40 of your people are drafted and in a standing army?
The great depression occured in late 2001 and again in 2005 and again in 2009 and probably again in 2015.

Argentina is told to forget off from the Italian theater; the UN is taking care of it. Well, unless you are like, helping the current Italian dictatorship in fighting its massive rebel problem.
Then you practically declared war on the entirety of the UN. wot

With riots becoming more violent Italy decides to ask the UN for financial aid in expanding military force to counter the riots.
Argentina retreats all of its officers because forget you that's why. Lets see how the UN can handle your deep stuff.





Saudi ArabiaAustraliaAustralia

« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 08:56:42 PM by Nonnel »

russia contemplates changing their economy system as since it does not interfere with the market, several illegal goods have been sold
russia asks usa for advice
"Yes Russia, be sure to regulate certain things and keep power hungry rich starfishs from getting too much power!"

With riots becoming more violent Italy decides to ask the UN for financial aid in expanding military force to counter the riots.
the UN sent peacekeepers to invade you and to restore peace by restoring the government (or that is what I think they are doing, lol)
australia is currently not hurting any of its people or really doing anything about their riots
italy is shooting and bombing theirs

Italian citizens begin to take up arms and storm buildings in the capital.
Australian riots become increasingly violent.
didn't they begin executing people once they smashed through that wall, though?

5 million people, over 1/4 of Australia's total population (mostly from major cities), decide to leave.
1.6 million decide to go to the United Kingdom, 2.3 million to New Zealand, .5 million to Turkey, .4 million to India, and .2 million to Argentina.

The UN sides with the rebels, whom they think are more stable than the actual government.
I said I was accepting people '~'

Argentina receives the 200.000 civilians from Australia with open arms. 67 of them are exiled to Turkey due to having illegal weaponry without a lisence. Said weapons are confiscated by Argentina's police force.

oh wot where :S
American conspirators continue to go loving crazy about Y2K.The United States looks at Italy across the Atlantic Ocean with a worried look, hoping it just slipped on the stuff from its "Blue Meanie dreams and wishes lol" storage container.
"Italy, I think you are broken."

The United States looks concerned about how many recent allies and good friendos are becoming dictatorships. They begin to grant refugee statuses as well as asylum to those who are confirmed to be escapees.
"hi if you can prove you are escaping italy or australia you can come here"

5 million people, over 1/4 of Australia's total population (mostly from major cities), decide to leave.
1.6 million decide to go to the United Kingdom, 2.3 million to New Zealand, .5 million to Turkey, .4 million to India, and .2 million to Argentina.

The UN sides with the rebels, whom they think are more stable than the actual government.
The Australian or Italian rebels?

The Australian or Italian rebels?

.5 million refugees from more rural areas go to the United States as well.

Turkey lets the Australians set up home in the desert or in Istanbul, the increased workforce gives turkey a better economy with more jobs being filled

russia also disagrees with argentina's way of handling the riots and place them on the watch list
russia starts to tighten security on ships
20 prototype planes are tested and are successful, making 10 plane factories around the country and 20,000 jobs are made
550 planes are expected to be made by the end of the year

Argentina's police force finds a group of capitalist pigs planning a putsche. The leaders (5) are executed and the rest of the members (125) are exiled. They all go to the US.

And Pie goes to bed. Zzzzzzz
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 10:21:52 PM by Pie Crust »

After much fighting peace talks have begun with the protesters. Confident that they will now be able to resolve this on their own Italy asks all foreigners to leave.

Same here I am tired so see ya tomorrow

Argentina's police force finds a group of capitalist pigs planning a putsche. The leaders (5) are executed and the rest of the members (125) are exiled. They all go to the US.
"what are we a nursery"

The United States embargoes Argentina due to its recent acts of aggression and practical defiance of the UN's approach on Italy's situation.

I really don't like how Molten forgeted up and turned around going against his original objectives.
The United States refuses to leave the situation unless told to by the UN or they see that Italy has returned to normal circumstances.

Turkey embargoes and denounces Argentina due to it's hostile relations with NATO member America.

now with all the weird violent people gone, australia's plan is complete and they become a socialist democracy

all of australia's resources go into fixing the massive depression caused by the emigration