
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 276812 times)

tbh I would rather be richard Suckenne Gaylord than John

Cameroon states that the escalated warfare is a definite threat to the well cultured people of Africa, and to avoid the claws of natural selection, that Africa should band together. With this in mind, a massive coalition is made between literately every African country called the Cripz unimaginative name, the Coalition of Africa.

There's fighting to east and fighting to the west my brothers, and before long it'll be here as well, and so we need to be ready to repel any and all threats and attacks from our beautiful land, that is not touched by the evil of the devils of the west and the east.
The South African Union would be interested in joining with COAAAF to form the African Union, and every African nation will join except the North African Republic and Sudan. It is at this time that I feel I should remind everyone that Ethiopia is still in anarchy and has no working government.

hey malaysia you wanna join us

The South African Union would be interested in joining with COAAAF to form the African Union, and every African nation will join except the North African Republic and Sudan. It is at this time that I feel I should remind everyone that Ethiopia is still in anarchy and has no working government.

This is fine and will work well.

prussia pretty much reveals that most civilians that were in prussia-america were evacuated along with the military by the ships

provided with proof in documents and such, the only people who were not allowed to go were people actively rebelling against prussia, or just chose not to go

the civilians who were evacuated were offered housing at no cost, and also given the option of being listed an actual prussian

at this point i don't really care what happens anymore, most of the world is already putting it in to invade or support invading me, it makes no difference to me. SSA, under the support of ASA even, came out of nowhere with an uncalled-for invasion. prussia-america didn't have to end up becoming SSA from the start

again, the only civilians who died/got left behind were either actively resisting prussia or chose themselves not to go
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 02:14:26 AM by Decepticon »

Cameroon begins to rally up the other countries within the AU, claiming under times as dire as these, where conflict is afoot and the powers of the west and east grow hungry and greedy each day, that a standing army is necessary to ensure the independence of one another, and to keep those foreign powers whom cannot trusted or reasoned with away, lest they all find themselves future slaves to the evil all around.

This is fine and will work well.
hey if we merge WAA and COAAAF together to form some stupid name and some stupidly big alliance.............


your offer to join Japan is re sent

hey if we merge WAA and COAAAF together to form some stupid name and some stupidly big alliance.............
would this alliance include seada twoo,,,,,,,,,,,,

hey if we merge WAA and COAAAF together to form some stupid name and some stupidly big alliance.............

The COAAAF is no more as it's now the African Union, but we see that to be a divergence as to what the alliance strives to be, a union of Africa. Also, you're aiding the enemies of my ally, something less than beneficial.

Also, you're aiding the enemies of my ally, something less than beneficial.

im allies with germany you gay
what if i told u something surprising........they're gay as heck!!!!