
UNITED NATIONS: Return former-US territory to the USA.


Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: Earth 2077 - [AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL!]  (Read 277261 times)

The Ministry of Defense approves the construction of the MX-28 Technology Demonstrator

several mosques report that Allah has spoken something of an amendment to the Qur'an. He states:

"Those who lack faith are not to be punished, for it is tragedy that provokes ignorance. Allow peace and cooperation to mend and enlighten, as all men may change."

many muslims interpret this as an attempt from allah to calm extremists that are harming the innocent, or perhaps separatists harming their nations

great china is renamed the islamic state of asia as many chinese people no longer see islam as hateful
many see this as a way to finally make others stop seeing their religion as one of hate while many muslims condemn this new amendment as a fraud. some who reject the new philosophy move into old Iraq to join CIA while most simply deny it.

many eastern chinese people also disagree with the nation's new name, seeing it as a way to weed out their own beliefs and support Islam. They cite article 36 of the chinese constitution stating "No state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens because they do, or do not believe in religion." they no longer know what power their constitution has, nor how much Islam will influence the government in the future.

Since Nonnel isn't really paying much attention to how much Venezuela is being creamed/playing the role of Venezeula (albeit through questionable means), I might just as well:

Venezuela is considering peace, preferably one that disbands the ASA or one that could be 'considered' favorable to both parties. This happens after a questionable coup occurs in the government.

also im sorry jun i acted irrationally
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 02:28:28 PM by Swat 3 »

Saudi supports a diplomatic resolution to the Venezuela crCIA. They also support talks between NATO and Prussia.

Saudi supports the controversial amendment not as a message from Allah but an observation from wise men. A god loving man will seek to show his fellow men the path of enlightenment, and defend his faith only from those that seek to harm it. Therefore, strike only those that strike you, and show all others the path away from ignorance.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 02:53:54 PM by CypherX »

Venezuela disarms and deorbits + blows up into little tiny fragments all 20 ASA orbital WMDs, varying from God Rods to kinetic nuclear launch systems.
The two over Europe were actually the targeting satellites for nuclear bombardment systems, so w/e.

The Special Forces receive light general-infantry exoskeletons based on technology from the heavy urban infantry combat exoskeleton for evaluation.

the senile officials within the government are given the boot via popular opinion as a result of their poor legislation choices, and several young, fresh minds are appointed in the office

several government reforms are under way, the populace of the west and east are urged to have patience.

Venezuela is considering peace, preferably one that disbands the ASA or one that could be 'considered' favorable to both parties. This happens after a questionable coup occurs in the government.

the new chinese government is also vying for peace and will dismount its campaigns in america the moment brazil does.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 03:16:33 PM by Juncoph »

dont be a commie this time

Venezuela disarms and deorbits + blows up into little tiny fragments all 20 ASA orbital WMDs, varying from God Rods to kinetic nuclear launch systems.
The two over Europe were actually the targeting satellites for nuclear bombardment systems, so w/e.

you could've re purposed those

Since Nonnel isn't really paying much attention to how much Venezuela is being creamed/playing the role of Venezeula (albeit through questionable means), I might just as well:

Venezuela is considering peace, preferably one that disbands the ASA or one that could be 'considered' favorable to both parties. This happens after a questionable coup occurs in the government.

also im sorry jun i acted irrationally

disband asa and instead of bombs being dropped, guns will be instead

you could've re purposed those
They were all weapons, the only communication devices or arrays were complicated as forget to stop any hackers.
No scavenging, either.

I mean like, it's saying that you should make a throwing rock into a communications device or something actually useful. Most of them were gravity assisted so they couldn't actually be use in mining expeditio-
oh wait they could have

disband asa and instead of bombs being dropped, guns will be instead
Cuba and the others would have to agree.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 03:24:39 PM by Swat 3 »

They also support talks between NATO and Prussia.
once they remove themselves from occupied land we will be happy

The NSSR continues its silent neutrality.

the NSSR continues to kill this thread

rest in gay nonnels thread
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 10:41:56 AM by CypherX »

scotland invades the kalmar union and nssr