
What should Anti-Render Belt do?

When used, prevents renderman from coming to you
8 (32%)
Detects renderman??
3 (12%)
Makes it so he can't static your face
10 (40%)
4 (16%)

Total Members Voted: 25

Author Topic: Support_Renderman | RECRUITING SCRIPTERS  (Read 23289 times)

Get out of my thread with this bullstuff.
Also iirc spamming emotes is bannable.

i got my proof right here if you edit it

Welp,, time to make the pandas invade dis topic.  -was all this bullstuff needed?-

Here kids, we see a post which shows the poster will not be on here for a much longer time

I've been off the forums for a while, i never realized that this topic has gotten a bit popular.
And forgeted up by mr. Sherlock the spamming friend.

The decoys exist for too long and loose their effect. Make it that decoys disappear when they touch the player. Also change the decoy vanish sound to something more scary.

Maybe change how render kills you.
instead of everything but you head disappearing, make him vanish for 4 seconds then pop up and kill the player, causing that old instagib effect.

Maybe change how render kills you.
instead of everything but you head disappearing, make him vanish for 4 seconds then pop up and kill the player, causing that old instagib effect.
That's a good idea. Make him vanish to make it seem like you escaped, then about 3-4 seconds later, you get attacked by him. I'll ask PurpleMetro (our scripter) if he can do that! :)

That's a good idea. Make him vanish to make it seem like you escaped, then about 3-4 seconds later, you get attacked by him. I'll ask PurpleMetro (our scripter) if he can do that! :)

Make it happen sometimes, so player doesn't expect it. Also make it that render disappears without killing the player, also sometimes.

So one in 3 chance that render won't disappear and goes traditional whiteout, one in 3 chance that render disappears and kills you 4 seconds later and one in 3 chance that render just disappears.

Requests: Renderman knowing what item your holding, ability to make you drop the item and fling it somewhere? Drag you out of a vehicle, etc.?

Requests: Renderman knowing what item your holding, ability to make you drop the item and fling it somewhere? Drag you out of a vehicle, etc.?
No, sorry.

Any note on me testing yet?

Any note on me testing yet?
We don't really have any open slots for any more further beta testers.

Your gonna add credit to all active beta testers?