Author Topic: just let it all out 1  (Read 53427 times)

I'm planning on starving myself, because I hate my body.
I've been planning to, since last saturday, but that didn't work out. Wish me hope my stomach doesn't ever want food again. I'm also attempting to gag myself, so I can throw up. Wish me good luck! <3
That isn't the best way to solve your problem.

I'm planning on starving myself, because I hate my body.
I've been planning to, since last saturday, but that didn't work out. Wish me hope my stomach doesn't ever want food again. I'm also attempting to gag myself, so I can throw up. Wish me good luck! <3
Come on man just eat some salads or some stuff

« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 10:15:41 PM by zombekillz »

i'm not attempting to bait you at all, i'm being serious.

That isn't the best way to solve your problem.

it is a way, though

A cowardly way, for one.

You meant deadly... right?

You meant deadly... right?
It's the same thing, sadly.
This guy is seeking attention and/or sympathy, I imagine it's a bluff he's mentally tricked himself into believing.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 10:16:37 PM by Akio »

It's the same thing, sadly.
cowardly and deadly are not even remotely synonyms

cowardly and deadly are not even remotely synonyms
If you take the deadly way out, you are cowardly for not facing it nor solving it.

It's the same thing, sadly.
This guy is seeking attention and/or sympathy, I imagine it's a bluff he's mentally tricked himself into believing.

um excuse me? im not seeking attention or sympathy, i made this thread, and its called 'just let it all out' as its a confession thread. it's basically an announcement like everyone else on this thread.

If you take the deadly way out, you are cowardly for not facing it nor solving it.
a lot of people, even in 2015, think that going to war is the opposite of cowardly, even though it's definitely deadly
and, your opinion is definitely worthless to him, I'm certain that he really doesn't care whether or not you think he's a coward
not to mention, what you're doing right now is the cowardly way out. choosing to call someone a coward for their decisions, rather than trying to be emphatic and actually helpful

About to end a really stressful situation.

I've recently been so concerned with my ICT and Major Project classes, I completely forgot to work on Character Design. It's now to the point where I'm 4 weeks behind and I have a major milestone assessment due tomorrow. I've made a big decision to drop the class, so tomorrow I'll go to college and tell them, since it's the last day before census (the final date you can make changes to your timetable without incurring a financial/academic penalty).

It's a bit heartbreaking; I had the best teacher and classmates (except for one person), but I simply can't manage. I'm not disciplined or structured enough, and I'm making two video games this term which means I'm more focused on them. I also had chosen the most complex character, both story-wise and design-wise, and I'm the least visual person in the class (absolutely hate drawing, yet I love writing giant documents and stories).

When I repeat the class (which is necessary because this is a core subject for the game's major), I'll make sure to choose a much simpler character and stick to a tighter deadline.

it is a way, though

A handicapped way. I guarantee that you're not going to get any good results, you're just going to get ill, and your body is going to look even worse. There's no quick fix to improving your body, it's a life-style change. Go to a gym and do cardio or weights or something.