Author Topic: Splatoon  (Read 164849 times)

someone jizzed over an inkling girl amiibo

life is dead
how do these people sleep at night

someone jizzed over an inkling girl amiibo

life is dead

i jizzed on my peach amiibo

Of course the game is released when I'm on vacation. At least it's nice at my uncle's place.

My copy that I preordered won't arrive until Tuesday at the latest.
Damnit Best Buy, you're supposed to ship it out a couple of days early so that it arrives on the day of release, not wait until the Monday after.

lol a friend had a similar problem with another game he preordered from best buy

someone jizzed over an inkling girl amiibo

life is dead
relax, it's all part of the turf war

I love the smell of ink in the morning

i'm addicted to playing splatoon
is this healthy
i think i've succumbed to kwid syndrome

i'm addicted to playing splatoon
is this healthy
i think i've succumbed to kwid syndrome

look you're either a kid now or a squid now


I want to get this game but
fukin $69.99

look you're either a kid now or a squid now


i'm a kwid now