Author Topic: JitankIscigarette - stirring up bullstuff in "post real life pictures of yourself"  (Read 21308 times)

It isnt but its mostly, in this country, black lives that are in danger bc of racism.
Are you for real, Most mexicans i know get shot at, we suffer from lots of things, Same as everybody else.
This article is ridiculous because it furthers the idea of racism being in the curriculum, or so called "institutionalized racism." For the last goddamn time, it's not. Bad parents are the main source of today's racism in youth. Disgusting parents like this: THAT kind of stuff is the main source of racism today. Individual starfishs being starfishs in front of their kids and telling their kids tribal things.

"Oh but more black people are poor" you're right! But that doesn't mean that racism is in the curriculum and being spread around at government facilities. The reason more black people are poor right now is because of the forgeted up system that America lives in, the one that forgets over ALL poor people equally, not just blacks, all races.

You see back when there actually was institutionalized racism and segregation, black people almost exclusively lived in the slums and very poor parts of cities because of the extreme discrimination. Once the segregation and institutionalized racism stopped, they tried to get out of the slums, but they couldn't because if you're poor and have no training, can't afford to go to college, then all you can get is basically a minimum wage job, or slightly more if you're lucky.

Because of this they never have enough to get far in their career and actually make enough to rise up a class. This is the unfortunate reality not only for tons and tons of black people, but white people, Hispanics, all races, who live there.

This article is ridiculous because it furthers the idea of racism being in the curriculum, or so called "institutionalized racism." For the last goddamn time, it's not. Bad parents are the main source of today's racism in youth. Disgusting parents like this: THAT kind of stuff is the main source of racism today. Individual starfishs being starfishs in front of their kids and telling their kids tribal things.

"Oh but more black people are poor" you're right! But that doesn't mean that racism is in the curriculum and being spread around at government facilities. The reason more black people are poor right now is because of the forgeted up system that America lives in, the one that forgets over ALL poor people equally, not just blacks, all races.

You see back when there actually was institutionalized racism and segregation, black people almost exclusively lived in the slums and very poor parts of cities because of the extreme discrimination. Once the segregation and institutionalized racism stopped, they tried to get out of the slums, but they couldn't because if you're poor and have no training, can't afford to go to college, then all you can get is basically a minimum wage job, or slightly more if you're lucky.

Because of this they never have enough to get far in their career and actually make enough to rise up a class. This is the unfortunate reality not only for tons and tons of black people, but white people, Hispanics, all races, who live there.
Yes, i agree with you that that's one of the main problem. Some people do have parents, rich or poor, that do not teach them to have respect for other races. With that said, some of those kids that grown up in an environment that's less racially accepting can grown up to own business which could possible hinder the employment of other races for higher level jobs. Also, not every tribal parent is that obvious with their racism.

It has been nearly twenty pages, and Jitank is still unable to prove to us what he's trying to say. He is ignoring any legitimate responses, heck he never replied to the statistics I showed him. The only word this boy knows is the word "tribal". It just shows that the American education system has failed many.

Yes, i agree with you that that's one of the main problem. Some people do have parents, rich or poor, that do not teach them to have respect for other races. With that said, some of those kids that grown up in an environment that's less racially accepting can grown up to own business which could possible hinder the employment of other races for higher level jobs. Also, not every tribal parent is that obvious with their racism.
There are laws protecting against racial discrimination in the work place. You can't not hire or fire someone for being black.

Yes, i agree with you that that's one of the main problem. Some people do have parents, rich or poor, that do not teach them to have respect for other races. With that said, some of those kids that grown up in an environment that's less racially accepting can grown up to own business which could possible hinder the employment of other races for higher level jobs. Also, not every tribal parent is that obvious with their racism.

America is very tolerant today, I can tell you that I have never witnessed anything tribal. I will tell you though, that I have witnessed numerous black-on-white race related incidents, which I wont get into. I've met many tribal black people who just dislike white people, and I am not afraid to say this.

America is very tolerant today, I can tell you that I have never witnessed anything tribal.

Living in the midwest, specifically northern indiana, I can tell you that racism is alive and well here. I feel bad for any minority around the michiana area :/

Living in the midwest, specifically northern indiana, I can tell you that racism is alive and well here. I feel bad for any minority around the michiana area :/

Sorry to hear, it differs from place to place. I live in New York City and whites are a minority (48% of the total population). I guess I can call myself a minority.

nice try

Wow it lowered? I thought it was more. Also anything under 50% is considered to be a minority, while anything over is a majority.

Wow it lowered? I thought it was more. Also anything under 50% is considered to be a minority, while anything over is a majority.
that's not how it works when there's more than two factors
that would mean that literally everybody is a minority, which is uh, not what a minority is

Also anything under 50% is considered to be a minority

That's not how percentages work, the majority is 44.6% because it's the biggest number. This is basic math bro

America is very tolerant today, I can tell you that I have never witnessed anything tribal. I will tell you though, that I have witnessed numerous black-on-white race related incidents, which I wont get into. I've met many tribal black people who just dislike white people, and I am not afraid to say this.
America is very tolerant but not everyone in america is tolerant. I have seen very small cases racism( meant not blunt) and i have meet black people who hate white people. Infact, this one ratchet ass girl was saying "I bet you wont do nothing" to every one of my white friends last week. It was actually pretty funny bc this girl is turning up for no reason and was out right disrespectful and my friends just ignored her.
There are laws protecting against racial discrimination in the work place. You can't not hire or fire someone for being black.
Not all rules are followed by everyone, sometimes these instance arn't easily traceable. Im not saying most of the time people are breaking the rules.

Also i found a really interesting article.

I like how this drama has just turned into another front for JitankIscigarette and others to argue