
[February 2016] Most anticipated DLC?

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Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 583002 times)

It is better.
No it isn't lol. Look at the way the dog walks in the loving trailer and unironically tell me it looks better.

No it isn't lol. Look at the way the dog walks in the loving trailer and unironically tell me it looks better.
Because its bad doesn't mean its not better

Where I come from bad is bad. A turd covered in delicious frosting still tastes like stuff in my opinon. The animations are too choppy and the faces are about as static as the BOS game.

Beth seems shine in hype generation and exploration. Their story writing world building abilities are in need of improvement.  The gun play seems to be improved, although vats still remains >:(.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 09:39:03 PM by Harm94 »

Because its bad doesn't mean its not better
In an RPG where the focus is interacting with the game setting, the NPCs and mobs shouldn't feel like wooden mannequins (unless, of course, they are one.)

I'll never understand why people care so much about graphics

I'll never understand why people care so much about graphics

Because they make for a beautiful environment and a more immersive experience.

Because they make for a beautiful environment and a more immersive experience.
It's a forgetin game

It's a forgetin game

The only game I play is your mum's pusillanimous individual.

The only game I play is your mum's pusillanimous individual.

is that why you still care about graphics?

is that why you still care about graphics?
Graphics can certainly be an enhancing aspect, but it by no means defines the game. Graphics should be fitting to the game, not have the requirement of 4-way SLI 980 TI's. (unless it's fitting I suppose)

ayyy that's how I feel

I'll never understand why people care so much about graphics
Having no fancy graphics at all is better than having something that looks like a rhino stuff it out, but Bethesda seems to opt for the latter instead of the former. See conversations in the Isometric Fallouts vs. the 3d Fallouts- while (most) conversations in the IFOs have no voice or talking head, you can use your imagination to create your own interpretation of the characters. In the 3d Fallouts the conversations often shows you something that resembles a lump of feces moulded into a human, simultaneously breaking your immersion and preventing you from really creating your own interpretation. The fact that Bethesda only hires an average of 16 voice actors for their main cast also makes it really, really bad.

Ah, the anti-Bethesda circle jerk has arrived. :)

Ah, the anti-Bethesda circle jerk has arrived. :)
it's been here. a good portion of the thread has been friends whining about bethesda or how much better the previous fallouts were or some ridiculous stuff.

Fallout Shelter is out for Android