
[February 2016] Most anticipated DLC?

Wasteland Workshop
Far Harbor

Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 581477 times)

So I'm wondering what the hell is big enough to eat a giant mutated shark.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 08:26:48 PM by Theepicman »

I broke sneak guys.

Dont open the image if you dont want potential spoilers: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/DisablingBox18/screenshot/3287058

It's not just deathclaws, IT'S EVERYONE. The AI is broken.

It's not just deathclaws, IT'S EVERYONE. The AI is broken.
You should expect Bethesda games to be broken.

You should expect Bethesda games to be broken.
You should expect a triple A title to not be broken

You should expect a triple A title to not be broken
excuse me?
what fairly tale land are you living in?

You should expect Bethesda games to be broken.

I'm sure it will be fixed in a stealth DLC pack.

friendly reminder that new vegas's stealth was just as broken, if not more.

friendly reminder that new vegas's stealth was just as broken, if not more.

Worked okay for me.

in Fallout 4 I get stealth 2x attack bonuses while the AI is looking at me and shooting at me. That shouldn't happen.

that's actually the AI blind firing. if you take a shot at them in the dark and they dont see you when they're already cautious they'll spray a few shots in your direction. i just assumed the ai was cheating but it's actually kinda clever

that's actually the AI blind firing. if you take a shot at them in the dark and they dont see you when they're already cautious they'll spray a few shots in your direction. i just assumed the ai was cheating but it's actually kinda clever

The game isn't even that dark. So it makes no sense. The nights are so well lit.