Author Topic: gender neutral kid switched up graduation  (Read 16091 times)

Here's a thought; why the hell do we bother with wearing a dress and a doormat when we're getting the paper that says 'congratulations, you're officially entitled to fail because no one needs the field you've specialized in'?
I think you've got it backwards. If you don't have a high school diploma you can't even work at McDonalds anymore.

Here's a thought; why the hell do we bother with wearing a dress and a doormat when we're getting the paper that says 'congratulations, you're officially entitled to fail because no one needs the field you've specialized in'?
uh look here pal, it's called a cap and gown. respect it, capisce?

The vibe I'm getting from this thread is that General has set up a wall of damage control, Foxscotch is being a hypocrite, and Kimon is going off on a wild tangent that doesn't make sense.

Am I wrong?

I think you've got it backwards. If you don't have a high school diploma you can't even work at McDonalds anymore.
eventually we'll need a phd just to flip a burger :(

eventually we'll need a phd just to flip a burger :(
doctorate of gastronomical thermodynamics

I really appreciate the effort you're putting into this strawman but not once in this thread have I mentioned genitals, pants or loveual activity you loving rooster sucker. There are more differences between XX and XY than genitals. Saying anything different is pure denial. Deceiving someone into believing you are something you are not is lying, no matter how ashamed of it you are.
I'm just confused
why on earth would they need, or even want to know what pair of chromosomes you have
why would YOU want to know what they had?

change our minds about wanting to have children and be with a normal biological female? yeah thats gonna happen
There is no such thing as normal in situations like this - only more and less common.

There are plenty of ways for a couple incapable of typical pregnancy to have children, including adoption and surrogacy. As for "being with," your only actual concern there is that you're sensible.

not when you're a complete dumbass and sperg out over everything that gets said
like seriously, why do you keep replying, whoever gets the last reply doesn't mean they won the argument
Wouldn't be a proper blockland forums thread without stuffting on people with autism spectrum disorders, I guess.

get lost with your e-fascist garbage you lunatic

telling people they cant have children because thats discriminatory against people who surgically destroyed their genitalia is completely insane

i am not going to be attracted to someone with male genitalia. ever. accusing me of being narrowminded because im not attracted to men is so incomprehensibly bizarre i have no idea what to do with you at this point
I have no idea why you like calling people fascists for being halfway-decent human beings but it's pretty funny.

He didn't say anything about having children's being discriminatory. Further, calling loveual reassignment surgery a "surgical destruction" of genitals is beyond ridiculous. Would you consider surgeries designed to reconstruct deformed genitals to also constitute destruction? Where do you draw the line? (Don't worry about answering these questions. I know that your opinions about such surgeries are born of nothing but common sense.)

That last bit is just beyond silly. Do you have x-ray vision and/or require a complete inspection of someone's body before you start feeling attraction? If not, you've probably seen a few trans women without even noticing it, and - GASP - might have even been attracted to one or two. The horror!

If this kid only sees everyone as human beings than why does he even wear clothes? According to him we are all the same anyway.
lol wut

lol all you friends getting out in june

i got out in may 31st B)
Wouldn't be a proper blockland forums thread without stuffting on people with autism spectrum disorders homoloveuals, I guess.

I'm just confused
why on earth would they need, or even want to know what pair of chromosomes you have
why would YOU want to know what they had?
common sense, duh.

I don't know about anybody else, but I'm pretty sure it's wired in my brain to only want love with the opposite love.

Not gender... love.  It matters.

I'm just sitting here in awe at all these liberal lgbt supporters being intolerant at the opinions of those who are either ignorant or not supportive of transgender people, while at the same time dissing them for being intolerant.

Idk if I'm saying this right, but hopefully you get my drift.

I'm just sitting here in awe at all these liberal lgbt supporters being intolerant at the opinions of those who are either ignorant or not supportive of transgender people, while at the same time dissing them for being intolerant.

Idk if I'm saying this right, but hopefully you get my drift.
lol same

I just jumped in because I think it's almost over

I'm just sitting here in awe at all these liberal lgbt supporters being intolerant at the opinions of those who are either ignorant or not supportive of transgender people
I'm not the kind of ideologue that throws around the word 'bigot' a lot (unless it really fits), but being intolerant of other people's intolerance is not the same thing as hypocrisy.

I'm not the kind of ideologue that throws around the word 'bigot' a lot (unless it really fits), but being intolerant of other people's intolerance is not the same thing as hypocrisy.

So can I be intolerant of their intolerance too?

^although still applies somewhat

I get that LGBT deals with a lot of scorn and the "members" deal with being looked down upon or criticized for something they think is real. I, like many others, don't support their movement but I am not one to try to stop or hinder anything they do. Doesn't give them special rights to turn the tables and be intolerant of others' problems with their movement though. I can say they're wrong 100 times and they can say I'm wrong 100 times, but nothing is accomplished and we always stay on Square 1.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 10:50:50 PM by XR-7 »

There is no such thing as normal in situations like this - only more and less common.

tay-sachs and sickle cell anemia confirmed not abnormal genetics. you have saved us all from inbreeding and cancer

your only actual concern there is that you're sensible.

no my concern is that IT IS A BIOLOGICAL MALE you psychopath

Further, calling loveual reassignment surgery a "surgical destruction" of genitals is beyond ridiculous.

im sure cutting off and chemically suppressing your reproductive organs to the point where you are incapable of reproduction is not destructive at all

Would you consider surgeries designed to reconstruct deformed genitals to also constitute destruction?

nope because its restoring them as close to their original form as possible not shoehorning them into a new one that they are not capable of performing properly in

(Don't worry about answering these questions. I know that your opinions about such surgeries are born of nothing but common sense.)
i know that your opinions about such surgeries are born of nothing but your intolerance and absolute hatred for anyone who dares to challenge your agenda

I'm just sitting here in awe at all these liberal lgbt supporters being intolerant at the opinions of those who are either ignorant or not supportive of transgender people, while at the same time dissing them for being intolerant.

Idk if I'm saying this right, but hopefully you get my drift.
We wouldn't want the bigots to be uncomfortable. :panda: It must really suck for people to hate you for openly expressing bigoted opinions absolutely no reason.

I'm not the kind of ideologue that throws around the word 'bigot' a lot (unless it really fits), but being intolerant of other people's intolerance is not the same thing as hypocrisy.
1. Intolerance or prejudice, especially religious or racial; discrimination (against); the characteristic qualities of a bigot.
Members of the Ku Klux Klan practiced extreme bigotry. (via wiktionary)

(1) tay-sachs and sickle cell anemia confirmed not abnormal genetics. you have saved us all from inbreeding and cancer

(2) no my concern is that IT IS A BIOLOGICAL MALE you psychopath

(3) im sure cutting off and chemically suppressing your reproductive organs to the point where you are incapable of reproduction is not destructive at all

(4) nope because its restoring them as close to their original form as possible not shoehorning them into a new one that they are not capable of performing properly in
(5) i know that your opinions about such surgeries are born of nothing but your intolerance and absolute hatred for anyone who dares to challenge your agenda
(1) I did say "situations like this," but feel free to ignore that if that makes it easier for you to justify your common sense.

(2) I invite you to read this:

(3) Do you think that Self Delete or the extremely poor quality of life that can result from extreme and untreated gender dysphoria is less destructive? And even if so, who are you to question the prevailing scientific and medical consensus? Do you have a PhD or an MD in a related area? What gives you the right to police what other people can and cannot do with their bodies?

(4) "capable of performing properly in" - What? Seriously, what? Do you have any evidence or are you just making things up?

(5) Actually it's more like such surgeries are deemed part of treatment for gender dysphoria and are overwhelmingly supported by scientific evidence as improving the quality of life for trans people. I can easily source this if you doubt its truth.

Also, my agenda:
  • take care of dog
  • show people that common sense is bad