Author Topic: Goodcreature, threatening to ddos and track me down...  (Read 30022 times)

You're PRE-K insults are really bad.
At least he can probably knows the difference between "you're" and "your".

You're PRE-K insults are really bad.
you called me fat
if that doesn't reach PRE-K level insults then i don't know what will

you called me fat
if that doesn't reach PRE-K level insults then i don't know what will

The best part is you're taking what I say seriously. You're so stupid. xD

The best part is you're taking what I say seriously. You're so stupid. xD

The best part is you're taking what I say seriously. You're so stupid. xD
i have to take you seriously because you are so stupid it hurts myself physically and emotionally

Please kill me. I cant bear my miserable existance anymore.
not really please dont kill me

The best part is you're taking what I say seriously. You're so stupid. xD
Can you just drink bleach and remove yourself from the genepool already?

I can't decide who's dumber, Goodcreature or the people arguing with him.

Please kill me. I cant bear my miserable existance anymore.
not really please dont kill me

bitch get outta my face

I can't decide who's dumber, Goodcreature or the people arguing with him.
It's given me an excuse to drink before college.

i was going to fly into a rage and throw stuff right back at goodcreature but he's so dense that it really is not worth the effort
it's like trying to punch a brick wall to death with your fists

i will however say this:
his arguments have just shown us that he is a complete tool making empty threats over a small computer game. he has threatened to ddos, rape, pillage, and murder all of us, but he has not shown any evidence of his ability to do anything more than throw stuff at our faces over the internet in an attempt to provoke us, along with reply very quickly to anything that dents his mighty ego with an insult or a threat

he is no threat until he proves himself to be one; right now, he's just making himself look like an idiot that sounds like he needs professional help

Please kill me. I cant bear my miserable existance anymore.
not really please dont kill me

You're like that typicall fat bully who has no friends and redo is a fat cunt too both of you can have intercourse all that i care but I'd knock yo ass out instantly. also you have a stuffty comptuer