Author Topic: Who here dislikes trans people?  (Read 41090 times)

vh you're a awesome person and it shouldn't matter what gender you are/want to be but unfortunately that's not the case. There will always be people that will bash you for it:( however every coin has 2 sides. There are also people like pixel and myself who just enjoy the company of cool people and don't give a stuff what people do to be happy. I don't know you as well as some of the other old blocklanders but I know and have seen enough to comfortably say you're a pretty cool person

i dont like trans people
but i dont dislike them
being trans or cis is not a person's defining trait and shouldnt be important unless biology

I would like to know why everybody is pulling the "SJW pronouns" card. I don't know about you, but it's pretty clear that VH has nothing to do with SJWs, nor is one.

i'm good with them

I would like to know why everybody is pulling the "SJW pronouns" card. I don't know about you, but it's pretty clear that VH has nothing to do with SJWs, nor is one.
I never see trans people in real life so I think all of them secretly want me to call them that thanks to stuffty tumblr memes.

jaxx the trans whisperer
~you can be comfortable in any skin you like. try not to pee in the garden~

~you can be comfortable in any skin you like. try not to pee in the garden~
Lol you responded just how I was hoping you would hahaha

i have a bunch of trans acquaintances so i have 0 problem with them. they're just people who want to be comfortable in their own bodies. it doesn't hurt me what they do to their bodies, so why should i take offense?

''Gender: Female''
Gender:   Female
tbh i don't see why it's bad that vh has her profile set to that? she's a female, so she puts that on her profile.

they should be treated the same or almost the same as to a regular person

me lol bruce jenner is a loving creep

Do you. Don't do tumblr. forget the rest. Simple as that.

Born a man stay a man. Born a woman stay a woman. What's so hard about that?

If you know me then you'll know I'm a pretty neutral guy. I don't support it and like it, but I don't hate it either. I'm just okay with it, just go and do whatever you like and I most likely won't mind it.

Born a man stay a man. Born a woman stay a woman. What's so hard about that?
The definition of a man/a woman referring to having a physical richard or not, and not to having a psychological richard or not.