Author Topic: Blockland Glass Development  (Read 25627 times)

And then there were colorsets

Nightly (afternoon) Update 07-18

I'll start doing these daily notes I suppose. I'm finishing up early today since I have some real life things to do, whatever that means.

  • Colorsets are in! You can see previews and automatically change them out
  • Comments are now loaded on add-on pages. Currently, only the latest 10 are loaded. JSON strings too long apparently cause a buffer overflow and crash the game, so they must be loaded seperately. Page navigation is likely coming tomorrow
  • Only 'stable' add-ons can be downloaded through the mod manager; others will be displayed, but a download button will be absent.
  • GUIs now resize better after rendering


I'll be pushing the update as soon as I post this.
Edit: pushed!
« Last Edit: July 18, 2015, 04:46:44 PM by Scout31 »

< and > are weird in descriptions and the source code, it replaces them with &rt; or something. Is that fixable? Also are things not un-verified if they get an update? This add-on contains a syntax error, and it says it's fine. (Also it can't be downloaded?)

For the descriptions, its a problem with the currently broken BBcode. For the source, they must be escaped one time too many. I'll take a look.

When files are updated, their verification status is reset.

One of us must have approved the add-on by accident. Thanks for point out the bug, I'm investigating it now.

To fix the buffer overflows just stop printing things to the console. That's normally what causes it.

When I was messing around with it, the problem wasn't printing it I believe, it only crashed at Jettison's parse command. Actually, most of the time it just quit without a message at all. At first I was pretty confused honestly.

Edit: I'm probably going to push last night's version as Alpha 1 unless I find any game breaking bugs.

Greek, is there any specific function I can use from Support_Updater to find out what channel and add-on is on? For statistics, I want to start sending back usage information, and I'd like to have that as one of the metrics.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 11:25:38 AM by Scout31 »

This add-on contains a syntax error, and it says it's fine. (Also it can't be downloaded?)
ill update it (it was disable when i saw the error)
i cant even go to My Files wtf

Does it print any error?

Does it print any error?
You need to be logged in to perform this action. Either your session expired or you reached this page by error.

Okay, that's actually turning out be an extremely serious problem.. I'm getting it locally. Essentially, it looks like session data isn't being loaded in /user/ directory. Everything else seems fine and no other part of the site is having this problem.

while ur doing that may i ask why does Support_Updater not show an update for System_BlocklandGlass?????

Should be fixed, turns out that some users had two concurrent sessions? And neither of them were set to expire for two weeks? I'm not sure how exactly that happened.

I'm not sure, since it's worked fine for other users. Could you post a console.log?

Should be fixed, turns out that some users had two concurrent sessions? And neither of them were set to expire for two weeks? I'm not sure how exactly that happened.

I'm not sure, since it's worked fine for other users. Could you post a console.log?

I don't see anything that would indicate an error.. You have it saved as, correct? Not decompressed in to a folder?