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Author Topic: Blockland Custom Cup 2015 [►►►REAL MADRID WON!]  (Read 50942 times)

Also side note about match dates!! Wednesday 19th CFC vs SAS is to be cancelled due to schedualing not working for any eligible game. We really don't like doing this but unfortunately after much deliberation and rearranging I came to the conclusion we will just leave that day out and reshuffle some games.
This means that from Monday today to Friday, we will be taking a hiatus mid season break! Games will resume on the weekend and I will be counicating with all Captains the best I can to work things out. This is only for the CFC vs SAS match and all matches inside Round 3!

Thanks to everyone for the awesome response to this first week of the season! We plan and hope to finish before September or only going into September a couple weeks. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

I'm trying to type this on a bus towards London right now so sorry for any errors too!! c:

God Damn


Due to scheduling we have had to reorganise matches that are included in the next three rounds; Round 3, 4 & 5.
Underneath you can see the highlighted match dates that we are talking about.

Captains have been addressed but we are just leaving this here so all players AND captains can see this.

Regarding this weekends matches [Round 3]:
All captains are to confirm and inform me, Jam Jar, either through Steam, via PM or in game what times work for them.
If there is a game that your team is unable to attend to then please tell us ASAP and we will move the date to a more suitable date.
You have until the following times:

Regarding this weekends matches [Round 4]:
Please inform us if the days allocated work and a rough estimate as to what times will also work for
the matches on the 25th Aug & 26th Aug. We would like to have this information by SUNDAY if possible.



These are suggested days and times for upcoming games in Rounds 3, 4 & 5. We have created these using information given to us by captains.
If there is anything on here that does not suit a team, please can captains contact me ASAP.

These times may still be subject to change due to lack of information from players/captains. Keep a look out for updates!

The finale matches will be decided when it comes closer to the end of the season. They will most likely occur during the 29th to 31st.
More information will be released regarding these matches soon!!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 03:42:33 PM by Jam_Jar »

I will not make saturday's game.Can we possibly change the time to 12 EST.

What? Why are you guys still using the 24hour format? The votes are more in favor for the 12hour format.

What? Why are you guys still using the 24hour format? The votes are more in favor for the 12hour format.

Ask Jam lol

Jam stop confusing me with these times

I will not make saturday's game.Can we possibly change the time to 12 EST.
Yeah... That's almost no help saying that. For one you didn't even specify which game (there are two on Saturday). And for two, your forum name doesn't match any player names on any team. I'm not going to sleuth around to find that out. Please give more information and then I can actually consider your request.

What? Why are you guys still using the 24hour format? The votes are more in favor for the 12hour format.
Jam stop confusing me with these times

Was done in a rush due to me still traveling for work and not having long to sit down and double check it all. Was basically getting the information and chucking it in. I work on 24 hour time for convenience sake and changing it all over to 12 hour time was not one of my fore thoughts at the time! All that stuff'll get updated.
But for now deal with it I guess. It ain't hard to read; I'm so use to it I know what it is at a glance but if it's new to you, just subtract 12 from the time and it will read in 12:00 hour format.

Also I want to iterate to everyone, and I have said this to captains many times so this isn't targeted at them;
Your teams have substitutes for a reason. So if someone from your initial teams line up can't make it, that doesn't warrant you to have the entire match shifted around. Subs can and should take up those slots first before anything is altered.
You've all got 3 mores matches to play, and for 4 teams it'll be 4 matches to play! Everyone'll get a chance.

Who is going to stream tomorrow's games? Skill4Life or Blake1Studios?

I'll prolly stream.

I understand that this is last minute but this game today won't work.
Please understand that this week was mostly school shopping and stuff like that.Jam was also not here.

So we can move this game to monday.

CFC VS SAS will have to be moved.

Sgt.Cobra, we cant keep moving scheduled games around and around like this. Its gettin ridiculous. You have to understand that stuff like this happens and you might be missing 1 or 2 players but that doesnt mean you keep on moving the schedule around forever.

Unfortunately we didn't have the bang back into the season we wanted. Due to people not giving us information when we asked, games had to be cancelled and moved to later dates. We apologise for the inconvenience this caused for anyone.

Because of this, we have had to move the CFC vs SAS match and ACM vs PSG match.
Other amendments have also occurred and are as follows:

We will repeat this again just as a warning. Captains, do not tell us you or your team can't turn up for a match when it's less than 12 hours to the match. Today we had whole teams arrive with either no one to play against, or had been misinformed by their higher and had to be turned away from playing.
I am back from my travels and now have full attention towards this so please, if there are any issues don't hesitate at all to message us and update us. Even if it isn't a for sure problem, bring it up and then we know it is something to consider!!

Thread images and game times will be updated shortly. Keep an eye out for any other update posts or message on the server from us to stay in the loop!
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 09:08:35 PM by Jam_Jar »