Author Topic: Would I be able to bring a walking-stick/cane to school?  (Read 4368 times)

My leg's been hurting after walking for a bit of distance for months now, and I was thinking about buying a walking-stick, but I was wondering if anyone knew about the school consensus on them. I was thinking of getting a shillelagh or african walking stick for the added self-defense to sooth my paranoia. Anyone know what a school would think about one of these?

I've brought homemade foam swords with PVC cores to school before and fought people with them, so I don't think that administration would think badly about it.

the real question is why are you in school so early

it's july

I doubt they would care, but you would look like an edgelord

Get one with a hidden shank

That looks more like a club, if you got a actual cane you should be fine. And if you have a limp you should be extra fine.

I doubt they would care, but you would look like an edgelord
pretty much

I doubt they would care, but you would look like an edgelord

I'm not in school until mid-august, but I was just planning a bit ahead, seeing if I'd actually be able to bring one.

I doubt they would care, but you would look like an edgelord
Better safe than sorry. It also seems like a pretty nice conversation starter.

Only if it's a bull snake cane.

Oh, also.. Don't get a fancy cane just to use it until your leg stops hurting.

Better safe than sorry. It also seems like a pretty nice conversation starter.
"Hey why are you on a cane?" "Oh you know, long distance walking"

If you're worried about your leg collapsing in pain just bring a pain killer. That's what I did until I started getting treatment for what caused my leg pain.

if you can't walk some distance without being crippled by pain, you may have larger things to worry about than what kind of a cane to get

if you can't walk some distance without being crippled by pain, you may have larger things to worry about than what kind of a cane to get
Unfortunately, with the stuff medical insurance my family has, going to the doctor to check on and treat it is going to cost a few hundred more than we can spare.

What does the pain feel like? You may have fallen victim to the same thing a lot of unlucky people come across.

What does the pain feel like? You may have fallen victim to the same thing a lot of unlucky people come across.
A rather sharp pain in my right ankle and knee, sometimes just the ankle/knee, sometimes both. Hurts to walk or stand for a bit after it appears. What is this thing that a lot of unlucky people come across? I remember during spring break, the pain in my ankle lasted for several days rather than an hour or two, so I ended up just hopping around my house on one foot.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 01:43:25 AM by Rigel »

I wish I could walk with a cane without looking like a dork. I forgeted up my knee in an accident and it's prone to cramps and pain