Author Topic: Gay Man Pulled From Home, Beaten By NYPD Officers Yelling “friend”  (Read 8957 times)

why is it that you go on a rant about how everyone is different and you shouldnt judge people by the groups they are in and then you go and generalize a lot of good people just because of a few bad eggs?

listen, people. the reason theres so many cop stories like this is because the stories of police doing good things doesnt sell as well as the stories of police violence. the media filters that out to make money.
Breaking News: Cops doing their jobs deserve news program of their own! More at 11.

listen, people. the reason theres so many cop stories like this is because the stories of police doing good things doesnt sell as well as the stories of police violence. the media filters that out to make money.
this is so true, exactly people do this
Like I needed another reason to dislike the police...
the day that there is no discrimination is the day that i die (i'm immortal).
generalizing police because of news stories is like generalizing black people from shooting stories.

listen, people. the reason theres so many cop stories like this is because the stories of police doing good things doesnt sell as well as the stories of police violence. the media filters that out to make money.
ding ding ding

Breaking News: Cops doing their jobs deserve news program of their own! More at 11.


something makes me think this has always been happening, but social media started getting their panties in a wad so now everyone's reporting on it
ok? so

Another example of America's award winning police force!

What award you ask? The award for idiocy of course!
this is maybe one of the most stupid posts i have seen you make so far

Or maybe people doing the job they signed up for isn't news worthy? I honestly hate this bullstuff where people say
listen, people. the reason theres so many cop stories like this is because the stories of police doing good things doesnt sell as well as the stories of police violence. the media filters that out to make money.

Newsflash, cops aren't supposed to drag people out of their homes or beat them to death. Cops aren't supposed to shoot somebody point blank in the face for starting their car. And sure as hell cops aren't supposed to try and cover up those loving stories.

Here's what cops are supposed to do: Act in a way that is befitting the situation, and resort to deadly force only when needed.

Here, let's compare this to say, and engineer.

An engineer is not supposed to draft schematics of stuffty cars that have faulty breaks and will result in the deaths of dozens of people. An engineer is not supposed to oversee the construction of a faulty bridge. And an engineer is not supposed to knowingly do or cover-up something that may be dangerous.

Here is what an engineer is supposed to do: Make stuff that works as intended with the least amount of problems possible.

Now, I don't know about you, but whenever an airplane malfunctions or a bride collapses, I loving hear about it on the news. What I hear about is "faulty breaks in Toyota cars resulted in the deaths of 3 people." What I don't hear on the news is "Toyota car designer makes decent car." It's the same for cops

Doing your job is not news worthy. loving up your job so badly that it kills somebody is.

When media blasts only cops doing bad things, people get the impression that they're always up to no good.

are you for real? where did i say that cops doing their jobs should be news worthy? i was just saying that people seem to forget that there ARE cops doing their jobs, simply because its not on the news. the general public are loving idiots. what the public DOES see is the one sided part of the news and think that everything they here there applies to all cops. it doesn't.

are you for real? where did i say that cops doing their jobs should be news worthy? i was just saying that people seem to forget that there ARE cops doing their jobs, simply because its not on the news. the general public are loving idiots. what the public DOES see is the one sided part of the news and think that everything they here there applies to all cops. it doesn't.
actually, I'm pretty sure you said that the media filters out stories about cops doing good things because it doesn't make money

When media blasts only cops doing bad things, people get the impression that they're always up to no good.

Doesn't the media use the same tactic when it comes to demonizing protesters?

When media blasts only cops doing bad things, people get the impression that they're always up to no good.
there are also plenty of stories of how criminals are successfully detained. i think people don't celebrate police in that case because we understand that's just what they're supposed to do?

i understand what you're tryin to say though. humans have a natural negativity bias so stories like this can be more damaging to someone's opinion, and humans also have an unfortunate tendency to try and create patterns where none actually exist. needless to say, that's a pretty bad combination of shortcuts to take. it's amazing and incredibly frustrating at the same time and i hope we can evolve past that eventually because jesus christ

Doesn't the media use the same tactic when it comes to demonizing protesters?
They do?