
What countries weapons do you want to see the most?

15 (27.3%)
35 (63.6%)
5 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 55

Author Topic: == WW3 Pack [MORE DELAYS HOLD ON forget] == by Rykuta, Phanto, and Gytyyhgfffff  (Read 43763 times)

so much grey
at least like tint your greys slightly, just enough to make it not pure greyscale but not enough to make people wonder why the gun is purple/brown/orange
also unnecessary extrudes could be toned down, like in the sturmgwehr just above the magazine; imo that's just unnecessary and would be nicer without

are you the same dumb stuff that lost the bl 2 weapon pack models FUCJK YOU
in the flesh

in the flesh
Path isn't well he stayed back at the hotel and they sent us along as a surrogate band.

OT: looks great as always but is your hard drive gonna kill itself again?

OT: looks great as always but is your hard drive gonna kill itself again?
Rykuta and I are sharing a dropbox repository that contains all the models/sounds/scripts and damage tables, etc.
So far i'm depositing all my models there, so if my hard drive DOES die, it will be properly backed up in our dropbox

Rykuta and I are sharing a dropbox repository that contains all the models/sounds/scripts and damage tables, etc.
So far i'm depositing all my models there, so if my hard drive DOES die, it will be properly backed up in our dropbox
But what if the Dropbox servers catch fire, get completely destroyed and both of your guy's hdds fail?

But what if the Dropbox servers catch fire, get completely destroyed and both of your guy's hdds fail?
Then i'll just move on to the borderlands weapon pack i'm planning :u

Then i'll just move on to the borderlands weapon pack i'm planning :u
at least that'll have some color in it

at least that'll have some color in it

Weapons in protophase are untextured basically; when texturing occurs they will have some color to them.
German weapons will have Teal on them
Soviet weapons will have a sort of rusty look (wood/rusted iron red because soviet onion)
US And British weapons are Blue shades I think.

Idk we haven't quite decided.

I refuse to see a WW3 weapon pack that has no lazerz
u fail

I refuse to see a WW3 weapon pack that has no lazerz
u fail
Ry says it takes place in the 60s, so forget you. No lasers for you.

German guns are teal colorshifted
Amerikunt guns are green colorshifted
Commie guns are red colorshifted
British guns are uh... grey colorshifted?

do a burgundy/dark purple for Brits

do a burgundy/dark purple for Brits
Yeah that seems like it would work

new models r smthn
Wat are you doing
bar is like 100% american