Author Topic: 14 year-old makes home-made clock, arrested for 'bringing a bomb to school'  (Read 26376 times)

     A muslim terrorist/extremist seems far more likely than American terrorists or any other country for that matter, especially with today's media attention, no wonder people were so quick to judge. I'm not saying they had any excuse, but I can see why they had that mindset.

hey I'll believe anything after seeing adults mistake a clock for an actual bomb
Oh, please. Tell me, when you have a device plopped in front of, and you're asked "hey is this a bomb" that you'll be able to think rationally and dismantle it, and of course, recognise what it does.

In elementary school I nearly got busted for a "gun threat" or something over a piece of paper folded into a triangle.
Like not even "vaguely triangular that could be confused with a gun shape" just a straight up 45-45-90 triangle

on topic, I bring electrical stuff to school with 7 segment displays and black project boxes from time to time, and nobody cares. I think it's more likely racially profiling, but that's just my experience.

Oh, please. Tell me, when you have a device plopped in front of, and you're asked "hey is this a bomb" that you'll be able to think rationally and dismantle it, and of course, recognise what it does.

well I mean if a kid in school brought in a clock for show and tell I wouldn't incarcerate him for it

and the fact that bombs dont really count up lmao

Oh, please. Tell me, when you have a device plopped in front of, and you're asked "hey is this a bomb" that you'll be able to think rationally and dismantle it, and of course, recognise what it does.
     Nobody just assumes a clock is a bomb unless they were hinting towards it or being suspicious about it, in the kid's case it was because he was Muslim and therefore profiled/judged immediately for it.

I don't think the teachers response was that rational given the context, but regardless it was very badly handled after they established it wasn't a bomb.

Although it's probably the best thing to ever happen to this kid tbh

obama invited him to the white house
and nasa invited him for a future job interview
Well god damn the pros outweigh the cons by a forgetton. Like yeah you got arrested, but the social justice crusades gave you some cool opportunities.

I don't think the teachers response was that rational given the context, but regardless it was very badly handled after they established it wasn't a bomb.

Although it's probably the best thing to ever happen to this kid tbh
yeah being arrested is great fun

well I mean if a kid in school brought in a clock for show and tell I wouldn't incarcerate him for it

and the fact that bombs dont really count up lmao
Well most real bombs don't have visible counters since most are remotely donated. In a what if scenario the counter could just be there for the hell of it and it counts upward just because it can.

yeah being arrested is great fun
did you miss the part where he's had multiple opportunities arise out of this? seems like a pretty good deal to me

it counts upward just because it can.

i mean it seems likelier that it was a clock lmao

There are two things can apply to this argument. One is that looks can be deceiving. The Boston bombers for example don't look like terrorist material at first glance. Most American do not know what Chechnya is, if you asked them to point to it on a map they'd have no clue where to point.

however you did know, you'd probably assume they were refugees of a recent conflict.

The second thing we can apply is that you can't judge a book by it's cover. The student was muslim and looks Arabic. Because that, people thought he was a terrorist and as a potential bomber once the call was made.

So what can we learn from these two incidents. Well first one being that you can't always tell what is or what they are up to at first glance, the second being that they don't have to look the part to play the part. You follow?
all i said was that chechnyans look middle eastern geez