Author Topic: 14 year-old makes home-made clock, arrested for 'bringing a bomb to school'  (Read 26418 times)

The principal trying to force a student to make a false confession. Other than pride to cover their ass for overacting, I can't think of another reason they would want to do that.

That would be something to actually be something to be concerned about and to look into.

“A child may not be left unattended in a juvenile processing office and is entitled to be accompanied by the child's parent, guardian, or other custodian or by the child’s attorney,” Section 52.025 states.
There goes my support for that department.

Now whether or no the kid can prove his case is another question.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2015, 12:04:21 AM by Harm94 »

The principal trying to force a student to make a false confession. Other than pride to cover their ass for overacting, I can't think of another reason they would want to do that.

That would be something to actually be something to be concerned about and to look into.
There goes my support for that department.

Now whether or no the kid can prove his case is another question.

Yo, my dude, it's a clock. What is there to prove? He showed it to his teacher and said it was a clock. He fully intended to keep it in his bag the entire day, not show it to anyone, not create any kind of panic, but it started making noise, and when he showed it to his teacher, they flipped the forget out. It's just a kid making a clock and trying to show how cool it is. If he wanted to create a bomb scare there are way less elaborate and far more effective ways to do that.

...It was a metal case with a digital display on the front. Yes, that looks a hell of a lot like a bomb lol.
Everyone's actions here were entirely justified. Like, a terrorism group isn't going to ask "John Smith" to deliver a bomb for them, are they?
I don't think pictures of the clock have come out yet.

Had the police opened the box, they'd be able to see whether there were explosives inside or not. Then again, maybe they didnt open it for fear of any given bomb autodetonating if you try to open it.

That being said, this was handled very poorly. The kid showed it to his engineering teacher, who recognized it was a clock and advised him not to show any other teachers. It beeped during a lesson, and his english teacher confiscated it. LATER IN THE DAY he was interviewed by teachers and police officers and put into juvenile detention.

The school was not evacuated. The bomb was not immediately moved, the police were not immediately called.

That is what makes this sketchy and Enlightened™. If the teacher was actually concerned about a bomb, they would have reacted differently.

Now whether or no the kid can prove his case is another question.
i bet the kid wont have to prove anything with the amount of support he's gathered. there will be too much pressure on the opposing parties and they'll just drop it.

I agree with your view, but don't forget that this is Kimon that you're trying to educate here. He always takes the social justice side in everything. After the Michael Brown shooting for example, he was just relentlessly bashing Darren Wilson for "executing" Brown in cold blood. When the conspiracies leak over Tumblr, Kimon is first on the scene.
I don't see why his character should matter, so long as his arguments are sound
Ah. As stated earlier in the thread, there's no apparent explosive compound and a bomb would not count down. If his clock had a minute-hour display that would make the clock part of the machine nonsuspicious to me.

That being said, you can't really expect a teacher to know whether it's a bomb. But it wasn't handled like a bomb and that's the issue, if the teacher truly thought it was a bomb they would have reacted differently. I imagine he explained that it was a clock, he had a reasonable cause for having it (he was supposed to build it for a class) and he kept it in his bag. This teacher deserves to be fired.

Of course, the police are at fault too for trying to bring this kid up on hoax bomb charges.

Well most real bombs don't have visible counters since most are remotely donated. In a what if scenario the counter could just be there for the hell of it and it counts upward just because it can.
Yeah and in that scenario the clock is totally irrelevant to the actual bomb, therefore it shouldn't make one MORE suspicious that something is a bomb.

Ah. As stated earlier in the thread, there's no apparent explosive compound
then why did you say that if you hadnt seen pictures

then why did you say that if you hadnt seen pictures
I posted "I don't think there's a picture"
I started back reading around like page 4 and someone posted that picture and they were talking about it.

i bet the kid wont have to prove anything with the amount of support he's gathered. there will be too much pressure on the opposing parties and they'll just drop it.
I don't think the school is going to let go. As soon as everyone forgets about him, I suspect they'll try to nail for something for pride reasons.

I would probably move and change schools than deal with an administration like that.

Of course, the police are at fault too for trying to bring this kid up on hoax bomb charges.
That is the principals doing. The only thing you can fault them for is for violating his right to have his parents present.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2015, 12:41:40 AM by Harm94 »

I posted "I don't think there's a picture"
I started back reading around like page 4 and someone posted that picture and they were talking about it.
wtf then why did you say theres no image released

right, and this is an ICBM?

(apologies if joke has been made already)

oh boy the memes are starting