Author Topic: apolagies or whatever  (Read 6711 times)

if you want to stop coming back pm badspot to ban your account
wait a year or two and come back

or just log out like a normal human being with proper self control would do


Because Akio wants to rile up Espio, probably has something to do with Akio being another one of 'those' people

no because its really funny. it reminds me of the Self Delete by stab thing

you dont even have to post you know

you can lurk

no because its really funny.

Not really. It's actually very cringy to see folks carry out the face edits because it's been done to death and it's done out of malicious intent.

It's been made clear that Espio isn't exactly emotionally secure, so there's no real point in goading him further unless you're purposely trying to get him to snap

It's been made clear that Espio isn't exactly emotionally secure, so there's no real point in goading him further unless you're purposely trying to get him to snap
thats exactly what akio is trying to do

no because its really funny. it reminds me of the Self Delete by stab thing
Looks like it's more of a 'lets kick him while he's down' situation.

thats exactly what akio is trying to do

I know exactly what Akio was trying to do, I just went ahead and articulated it so other people can see just how stuffty it is

IMO Akio is worse than Espio, and probably less self aware, to boot

the opinion of what akio is doing being wrong or not is an opinion of moral standing and an opinion of espio

Doesnt matter as long as it has fanservice and loli
stuff like this is really annoying and you continue to do it

is op even reading this thread anymore

stuff like this is really annoying and you continue to do it

is op even reading this thread anymore
Seriously dude

espio attention whoring once again

Seriously dude
did you mean: blatant attention seeking