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Author Topic: off loving sucks  (Read 169736 times)

time for some highlights

kill me

im done with the game unless enough people want me to go back which i hope is nobody

do you guys want me to some waddy haddy today

I hope you guys are ready because tommorow there's a
super deluxe surprise bonus stream
and it's gonna be 4 HOURS LONG
the grand finale of waddy haddy so I can get my soul back
5pm cst

if you stick around for the whole stream you are a trooper and you did not deserve the pain

I hope you guys are ready because tommorow there's a
super deluxe surprise bonus stream
and it's gonna be 4 HOURS LONG
the grand finale of waddy haddy so I can get my soul back
5pm cst

if you stick around for the whole stream you are a trooper and you did not deserve the pain
stream link jfc

note: tommorow as in may 18th because I'm working on my ela final

   gender bender dna twister extreme

   gender bender dna twister extreme is a $25 visual novel about god damnit i am already regretting trying to write this. the official description from the steam page is "A Romantic Comedy Visual Novel about a group of characters who are spontaneously transformed into members of the opposite love"*. this game lacks romance and humor though so im rebranding it as special interest simulator. gender bender is about multiple characters who, for various reasons, suddenly find themselves the opposite gender and must look for a cure and try to cope with this sudden transformation. that made the game sound more intellectual than it is, what actually happens is all the male characters are like "woah im a hot girl my boobs are large time to masturbate and this has convinced me to remain a girl forever" and for the female characters i dont really know i only played 2 out of the 3 and no concrete or universal reasons were presented and you could actually swap back to a girl in both of them unlike the male routes. needless to say this is softcore special interest research about gender and ect transformation with awful art and writing and everything. additionally its $25 on steam and on steam but i believe the length of the game might actually justify the price if you ignore how bad all of it is but how it remains on steam is a mystery.

   in the blasted hell of this game there is only one god and that is the special interest. the special interest takes many forms and everything in this game bends over backwards to satiate its hunger for omnipresence. if there is ever a moment in this game not bloated with procrastination fodder it is an oasis of brief respite the special interest has accidentally overlooked. story, characters, and everything else suffers at the special interest's jizz-stained hands as they are broken and bent into forms that please it without any regard for good writing and dialogue and ect. lacking the same perverse taste as the special interest means playing the game is a sullen and terrifying affair able to drive those lacking the forbidden knowledge of the weirder special interestes the internet houses insane. those among the readers who tread wearily around deviantart and lock their doors to 4chan should stay away from this beast. actually everyone should stay away from it this game sucks. i am sort of in shock anyone can even masturbate to this anyway like look at the art. apparently people do because there are some people with 70+ hours in this stuff and people sure dont play for the plot.

   the writing, even without the special interest overload, is terrible. everyone sounded like they were written by a hormonal weeaboo furry because they were so even if the subject matter was different it would still be stuff. sadly it is not different so it is even worse because of special interest pandering so whatever. there are a few spelling errors scattered around and every character has that teenager writing fanfiction prose going down but on a technical level the writing was far better than what i expected. i actually expected hilariously broken english, stuffloads of special interest induced plot holes, and completely fractured character development, and, while the game undoubtedly features unhealthy amounts of all the aforementioned combined with noxious special interest pandering, it manages to stay above the so bad its good margin. hell the game actually intertwines most of its routes so whatever. i had to write an entire paragraph dedicated to telling everyone that the writing is not broken english levels of beyond bad so take that as you will. but oh lord is it bad though.

   i might as well get the whole genderswap stuff out of the way because thats the only reason anyone cares about this game and thus this review. its based in sciencey stuff but how it works never has an explanation and is usually jokingly written off which i would accept as some sort of suspension of disbelief thing but because the only character who actually knows how anything works is a so-random sociopath who treats this apparently monumental discovery as a means to give everyone giant tits. this character will get her own paragraph later. furthermore whenever anything remotely scientific is mentioned to explain anything the concepts used sound like they are ripped from a high school science class and mangled beyond reason. additionally how and why swapping gender works changes when special interest fuel is deemed necessary. gender swaps swap between being reversible and permanent, the cost and availability of gender swap methods varies wildly, and eventually gender swap becomes general genetic mutation which is used for giving people loving cat ears and worse while also not solving the permanent gender swap problem because guys cant have titties and vaginas. also giving people cat ears and stuff apparently gives them super strength and heightened intelligence which offends me personally because furries. i will add a complete list of transformations at the bottom of the review.

   this is one of those games where i cant truly portray how encompassing the badness of the story is unless i give a little plot synopsis so close your virgin eyes if you fear spoilers. the gist is that two chuckleforgets discover some sort of gender gas thing that swaps gender and unsurprisingly it wrecks havoc on this unsuspecting australian town where it is discovered. numerous people find themselves genderswapped, first on accident then later people intentionally swap others without consent, until some stupid stuff happens and everyone gets perma genderswapped because forget that was one of the worst finales of all time. i think i already explained why every route is terrible in the intro but ill do it again. the guys swapped learn to enjoy being quote "a lovey girl" and become girl forever the girls swapped exist to provide background info to other characters ie guys swapped. there are a few plot holes barring the previously mentioned genderswap plotholes that i cant remember at the moment barring one that was particularly stupid. at the finale everyone is transformed into a girl because of some dumbforget reasoning about gender gas going up in a cloud and multiplying so instead of evacuating the town of like 3k people max 50km away, which in american is about 31 miles i googled it, the route's protagonists try to rig up a biplane with anti gendergas-pesticide that they dont even know will work and dump it in the cloud. spoiler it doesnt work and now the entire town is permaswapped. easily the worst moment in the game by far. this takes place in australia everyone probably has a car or public transport and the protagonists had 3 forgetin days to evac everyone and they didnt. additionally why did nobody notice this gendercloud phenomena descending on this forgetin town beforehand surely people would have seen a 50km square cloud from a weather satellite or some stuff. forget. and yeah nobody can get swapped back.

   the most sickening part of the story barring the stuffastic storm thing was just how well everything goes. there is a sick amount of happiness and apathy towards gender swaps and all swaps are rewarded with financial and emotional rewards in the form of actual business success and immediate relationships/love. like someone actually became a girl (against his will) in order to promote his store via love appeal and it loving worked holy stuff i hate this game. the amount good fortune dispensed so filled me with hardcore disgust because it was directly tied to genderswapping. this entire game is designed for the author to self insert and i am legitimately concerned he might try to cut his richard off or something to feel more immersed. sure he might get surgery or whatever but i dont think anyone who designed this is sane enough to get a real doctors approval so even if he did it would be some back alley stuff. the worst part is in the loving forced swap routes where the characters are like come on swapping gender isnt so bad accept this and take my magic potion that will give you large breasts. i am on felt like a rape victim being told by a close friend that i should enjoy being raped levels of disgust. i was consciously trying to make every character i played commit Self Delete and the only time i ever got close was on the first route with yael who actually hates everything happening to him and mid crying session on the couch after being informed he has to deal with being a girl for the rest of his life some freak ass weeaboo stalker who force fed him breast expansion potions while he was sleeping comes up to his door as some freak ass stuff and he forgets all of his troubles in 3 dialog boxes and apparently hooks up with her and the route ends. i cannot make this stuff up.

   the author takes every fault with the story and channels it into one character who is the architect and catalyst of all the events described. this person, aka freak ass science guy from the third paragraph, is named dina. originally a guy named dan, dina is the mastermind of the genderswapping and genetic rewriting formulas and also a complete sociopath painted with a coat of the worst sort of random humor and author favoritism. dina cares little about anything other than transforming herself and those around here into the opposite gender and increasingly bizarre human-animal hybrids, obviously without any consent. in addition she is also a super genius and amorphous blob capable of perfectly taking the form of anything she wants and has super strength and the largest tits in the game. this character is a lightning rod for everything awful that happens and is always involved in every stupid thing that happens. nothing bad ever loving happens to this character despite her obviously illegal activities and general lack of a moral compass and despite all of this she somehow retains friends and is on good standing with people. she is also paid a million a year for her work and eventually owns a private island at the end of the game. her motives for transforming people are petty and ridiculously childish and played for humor and none of the characters transformed ever loving do anything to her. she actually transforms someone into a cat, as in an actual cat not a cat eared thing, for 2 years and it is played as a joke and she still cant reverse some gender swap stuff. also there is no consequence for that again ghfghggfg. fdgdfgdfhgd. nothing this character does is ever funny. i hate her far beyond anyone else in this game and beyond. every scene she was in was a loving disaster because she was written with an infuriating passive smug invincibility behind her so random humor. this is obviously the devs main self insert and i want to die. i probably missed some stuff because of just how enormously awful this character is so this is far from a full biography.

   other characters were annoying too but honestly i dont give a stuff about them since they all paled in comparison to the she-devil. there was one with red hair who was basically dinas assistant who transformed someone once and was generally a "voice of reason" haha what a joke. another notable one was this loving weeaboo stalker i talked about before who was a freak and had a similar case of dinas i get everything i want with no consequence syndrome except she was a minor character. there was another red haired handicap at the end who sabotaged the anti-genderswap formula causing the whole stuffstorm to happen but he was also a minor character. i dont really care most of the characters acted the same or similarly enough to not be noticable. dina is so bad though holy stuff.

   the music is all stock stuff that sounds repetitive and awful after listening to it for 5 minutes and the sound effects i dont remember nobody cares.

   the graphics you saw those motherforgeters holy christ.

   i think i might have forgotten to review some category but i dont care anymore.

   i actually cooked up some fanfiction for this game. early on dina transforms somebody but they actually kill themselves and the red haired assistant realizes dina is a loving psycho after she shows no remorse over the death and kills herself out of disgust. dina then becomes completely unhinged and forgets up her genetic code so badly that she looks like she was born in chernobyl. eventually she is hacked to death by drunk australians who think she is some sort of land shark sea creature. i can only take solace in that this game takes place in australia instead of the good ol usa so get forgeted aussies. this is an unfunny special interesty disaster and i want my life to end. please dont make me review visual novels again i need something with actual gameplay so i can rip on that too.


official list of transformations

slime person
snake person
actual furries
bee person
squirrel person
octopus person
various animal ears
dragon person
probably loving more

essential games
bad tier
  yume nikki

unessential games
good tier
  profit motive

decent tier
  chrono trigger
  station 37
  the witch's house
  out there somewhere
  warhammer 40k dark nexus arena
  sluggish morss
  space funeral
  planetside 2
  mimicry man

mediocre tier
  space funeral: the legend of earth birth
  mogeko castle

extremely unessential games
boring tier
  presentable liberty
  imscared (a pixelated nightmare?)
  stray cat crossing
  spookys house of jump scares
  super columbine massacre rpg
  crypt worlds
  ao oni
  suits: a business rpg
  inflation quest
  stellar 2d

actually uses boredom as a game mechanic tier

physically revolting tier
  gender bender dna twister extreme
  space funeral 4

worse than Riddler tier
  the gray garden

off tier

worse than off tier
  wadanohara and the great blue sea
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 05:44:53 AM by DestroyerOfBlocks »

i didn't think my final would take so long
regardless if I stream friday im streaming to completion
« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 05:44:19 PM by Clownfish »

i would like to thank my guardian angel startracker

i would like to thank my guardian angel startracker

Anyway no problem bb <3

alright I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have any issues streaming today

5pm cst


stream this weekend I loving swear to god

« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 06:34:33 PM by Clownfish »

so clownfish what's your review of wadonohara

so clownfish what's your review of wadonohara
it is literally killing my family
I'll try and stream soon but I have two family members dying and I have crippling depression
these may or may not be realted to wadonahara
« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 10:36:49 PM by Clownfish »

me this past week^^

anyways stream friday unless my house loving burns down or somebody dies
but it seems like the heavens don't want me to finish wandonahara so I will defy them
in death I live

5pm cst

clownfish is currently living final destination so no stream also this video uses music the same stock music as dna twister loving hell im having flashbacks
also the review is done after like 5 years