Author Topic: "Block Trek" Star Trek Megathread - Toy Enterprise Model  (Read 66338 times)

Kane class Cruiser - Alpha Pictures #1

Hey guys! Tonight I want to share with you some pictures of some awesome work that's been going on with the Kane class. Renovations to Captain C's aging engineering hull, which is now going to be the new Stardrive/Engineering hull for the Kane class, are well underway. The Engineering hull is now over 4 years old (started in August of 2011). There's a LOT of stuff to fix up though, but overall the interior layout isn't going to change much at all from how it was when I previously abandoned it 3 years ago.

Let's get into the pictures now, shall we?

This first picture is of a newly renovated corridor. Some details, namely the red stripes on the top of the walls, will be changing to be slimmer. The cross-bars on the cieling in the corridors, as you can see when compared to this old picture, have been changed from red to grey. I felt this mixes better with the ship's paint scheme.

A picture of the Shuttlebay control room. Not much has changed here.

The Arboretum, in the lower decks of the Engineering hull. I suspended 2x2 bricks with super-transparent paint color in mid-air below the light fixtures, so that the area could be properly lighted. Though this has the adverse side effect of creating some small transparency glitches, in my opinion it isn't a big deal, and is worth it.

Another nice shot of the Arboretum.

A picture of the tiny little Transporter Room 2, in the Engineering hull. This was one of the very last things I added before abandoning this project back in 2012.

As the grand finale picture, here is a front profile view of the new Saucer section for the Kane class. At 256 Studs in diameter, this thing is HUGE, if you can't already tell by how small I am standing on it's top side! It took a while to get the curves just right on the top half of the saucer. The bottom half is all work from back in 2012. I was originally going to throw this whole saucer section out and make a new one, but I decided instead to try and use this one anyway, and I actually really like the way it's turned out! If I make a Constitution class in the future (looking at the sheer size that the Kane class is already, I have serious reservations about building an even bigger ship, so a Constitution class might not happen), I will definitely kitbash this saucer design for it, though of course with some changed details here and there.

See you guys soon!
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 05:02:30 PM by Planr »

Kane class Cruiser - Deck Listings/Details

I've figured out the deck numbers for the Kane class. Since the ship is going to be designed similar to the Kelvin class, the Engineering hull is thus on the top of the ship.

So, here is the known stuff on each deck as follows:

Deck 1 (Top of the Ship):
  • Recreation Room 6 (Café/Galley)
  • Dilithium Crystal Control Room (Accessed from Main Engineering, and connects to the rest of Deck 1 via Jeffries Tubes)
  • Bathrooms (2)
  • Recreation Room 7 (Checkers)
Deck 2:
  • Main Engineering (Upper Level)
  • Shuttlebay Control Room
  • Auxilary Control Room
  • Engineering Storage Bay
  • Antimatter Containment Pods
  • EPS Maintenance
  • Engineering Computer {ADMIN ONLY}
Deck 3:
  • Main Engineering Room
  • Shuttlebay
  • Deflector Control
  • EPS Grid/Warp Plasma Control Room
  • Chief Engineer's Office
  • Bathrooms (2)
  • Coolant System Maintenance
  • Security Station 2
  • Assembly Room
Deck 4:
  • Transporter Room 2
  • Cargo Bays 3 & 4 (Upper Level)
  • Deuterium Storage Tanks (Upper Level)
  • Garden Viewing Corridor & Balcony
  • Aft Phaser Couplings (Accessed via Jeffries Tubes)
Deck 5:
  • Recreation Room 5(Garden; Expands up into Deck 5)
  • Cargo Bays 3 & 4 (Lower Level)
  • Cargo Bay 5
  • Environmental Control (Engineering Hull)
  • Deuterium Storage Tanks (Lower Level)
Deck 6:
  • Aft Photon Torcreep Bay
  • Bathroom
  • Hazardous Materials Storage
  • Neck Access Junctions(2)
Deck 7 (Top of neck):
  • Midship Observation Room
  • Explosive Bolt Decoupler Station
Deck 8 (Mid neck):
  • EVA Airlocks
  • EVA Equipment Storage Room
Deck 9 (Lower neck & Top of Saucer):
  • Central Power Couplings
  • Bridge
Deck 10:
  • Conference Room
  • Damage Control Room
  • Environmental Control (Saucer Section)
  • Gravity Generator Room
  • Chapel
  • Library
Deck 11:
  • Science Labs 1 & 2
  • Medical Lab
  • Sickbay
  • Dorsal Phaser Maintenance
  • Medical Storage Room
Deck 12 (Saucer Plate; Main Deck):
  • Crew Quarters (16 Private, 4 Bunk Rooms)
  • Shower & Bath Facilities
  • Armory
  • Security Station 1
  • Docking Airlocks
  • Help/RP Spawn Room
  • Cargo Bays 1 & 2
  • Computer Core
  • Admin Room/Event Control (For changing music, controlling RP/Minigame events, etc).
  • Stellar Cartography/Navigation Room
  • Transporter Room 1
  • Gymnasium
  • Workout Room
  • Impulse Fusion Reactor Room
Deck 13:
  • Waste Management Bay
  • Phaser Control
  • Brig
  • Impulse Reactor Deuterium Storage Room
  • Shield Generator Room
  • Auxilary Power Station
  • Satellite Launch Room
Deck 14 (Bottom of the Ship):
  • Forward Photon Torcreep Bay
  • Planetary Sensor Array Conduits

  • Structural Integrity Control Room
  • Transporter Pattern Machine
  • Bulkhead & Lock Control
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 11:30:36 AM by Planr »

Kane class Cruiser - Alpha Pictures #2

Hey guys. More pictures again! I'm working hard on the saucer section for the Kane class, currently, and I am making really good progress so far!

A rear view from above of the work I've done on the upper part of the Saucer section. The exterior of the Bridge, and the bridge turbolift shaft, are totally done. I've actually already installed the turbolift in there.

A front profile view of the saucer in its current state. You can see I have made a lot of progress when it's compared to what I had just two days ago!

Here's a picture of it from the side, with its future engineering hull above it, and the Daedalus class Frigate pulled up alongside.

Another angle of the previous shot.

Hey look, it's a starship party!

'Til next time!
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 05:02:51 PM by Planr »

Kane class Cruiser - Alpha Pictures #3

Hey guys! Back with more progress screenshots!

Today I did a lot of work in the engineering hull. I almost completely remade the old shuttlebay and made it much snazzier. No more fake windows and fake doors on the sides. Now, it's got REAL side windows and REAL side doors! It's much nicer to be in now. Oh, and the shuttlebay exterior is done too.

A view from the side bays in the shuttlebay. Cargo that's being loaded and unloaded is stored here, as well as anything needed for repairing the shuttles.

This room is the Auxilary Power Station, on Deck 3. It's a small, narrow room, for which its sole purpose is providing emergency power for the ship in the event of a main power failure.

I also redid the Dilithium Crystal Chamber. It looks much nicer now. I've yet to add a door for the chamber though.

I've also redone the turbolifts. This is the new Turbolift design that the Kane class will use.

Making this shot to pay homage to the previous turbolift design screenshots.

By far the most painful job I've done yet: making the plate slope on the Saucer Section. I've done 6 layers so far and have 23 more to go.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 05:03:05 PM by Planr »

Kane class Cruiser - Alpha Pictures #4

Hey guys more progress screenshots today.

I've finished a lot of renovations in the Engineering hull, so I'll show them off now.

Shuttlebay viewing deck/control room is completely finished.

The view out of the control room

Main Engineering is finally fixed, back up and running.

Engineering Computer Core Junction

I've also redone/renovated a lot of corridors

Me and some friends dressed in Starfleet uniforms in the Engine room

Getting stunned when my back's turned (lol)

That's all for now folks
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 05:03:19 PM by Planr »

Tonight I would like to talk about some of the systems that the Kane class is planned to have when finished.

Here's a list of what I have planned so far.
    Vital Ship Systems:
    • Fully functional Turbolift system
    • Fully functional Lighting system
    (This is not practical or efficient, so instead I am going with the environment lighting being dependent on ship power.)
    • Transporter system
    • Shuttlebay system

    RP Event Systems:
    • Fully functional Ship Power system
    • Fully functional Power Generation Heat system
    • Fully functional Waste Disposal system
    • Emergency Bulkhead system
    • Perishable Resources (Antimatter, Deuterium, Photon Torcreepes, etc.)
    • Simulated Warp Drive system
    • Simulated Battle system
    • Simulated Hull Breach system: When the ship takes "damage" during simulated battles, "hull breaches" can happen. In a hull breach event, deadly explosions occur in the area of the breach, and localized bulkheads are lowered to seal off the breach. The ship's hull - on the outside of where the breach occurred - is charred black with frizzling effects, to show the damage. Hull breaches can only be repaired by going EVA and repairing the damaged hull with the Welder. Once the hull is repaired, the emergency bulkheads raise and the area returns to normal.
    • Ship Damage System: The ship will have its own amount of "HP" and needs to not reach 0 otherwise the whole ship will explode, and everyone will die! Ship HP is damaged by sabotage, damage from stellar phenomena, and "enemy ships". Every time the ship takes damage, the crew is alerted via rumbling/explosion sounds, and the damage done is told in chat.
    • Ship Repair System: When the ship is damaged and has lost HP, players are able to repair the damage by performing specific tasks, such as going to a conduit and "repairing" it with the Welder tool, or going EVA to repair hull breaches from the outside. Every time something is repaired, the ship regains some of its lost HP.
    • EVA System (I need someone to make an addon for this): Players can go outside the ship with special "hoverpacks" equipped like a jetpack, and they can float around, and repair damage on the outer hull, in order to fix hull breaches.

    Im really excited because there is a lot I can do to make the ship come alive with events, especially by using VCE.

    I can also use projectile events to create a randomizer event system for randomly creating situations/obstacles that the crew in the RP has to overcome. I could have events set up so that upon a certain trigger, disasters could strike the ship.

    For example, every time the ship drops out of warp, a randomizer machine (made with projectile events) fires a projectile onto a plane, with a random chance to cause the ship to recieve damage in some way, which the crew must then fix.[/list]
    « Last Edit: February 17, 2017, 12:57:46 AM by Planr »

    Everything looks awesome so far! Looking forward to seeing all these finished.

    Ship Size Comparison Photos #1

    I did some size comparisons today of the ships with some of Comr4de's old spaceships. The results were interesting.

    His ships are much smaller than I remember them being. I expected the Lucifer-class Frigate to easily match the size of the Greyhound class, but it's nowhere close. The Lily clocks in at 254 studs in length, being the largest of Comr4de's ships I could find (I wasn't able to get a save of the Danube unfortunately). It rivals the Greyhound class in size. The Daedalus class is considerably big next to Comr4de's ships too.

    Also kudos to Comr4de for sharing his builds with the forum. Glad they are still out there.

    « Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 01:02:11 AM by Planr »

    While I do pop around on Plant's server often I have started to construct my own star ship namely the USS Excelsior as seen in the later trek movies at 2/3 scale the thing is a monster once I have the template completed I will post a screen shot. pic of ship.

    once i have a skeletal structure of the ship done I will be moving it over to Plants server so stay tuned the ship is 1012 studs long currently.
    « Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 10:15:56 AM by captain c »

    My god, your ships are super-eminently beautiful. I  believe this is a new generation of blockland ships is progressing further on.

    Thanks we take pride in trying to make the most detailed and amazing star ships to ever be seen on blockland c:

    Kane class Cruiser - Alpha Pictures #5

    Hey guys im back with more pictures. Ive been really busy lately with some other Trek related stuff, which is leaving me little time for building. Anyways, lately ive been focusing almost exclusively on Decks 2 and 3 in terms of work. Here's what I've got to show off.

    You can now all poop in space to your heart's content. The first bathrooms have been installed on the Kane class. They are interactive too, as you can click things in the bathroom and they'll do stuff. In this picture, this is one of the 2 public bathrooms on Deck 3, mainly meant for use by the Engineering crews.

    The Engineering Storage Bay on Deck 2 is now fully renovated. Its appearance hasnt changed at all, just the flooring is redone.

    The Warp Core has been given a bit of a new look. I'm also in the process of installing RP events in the core's pipes, to give the effect of damage when bad stuff happens.

    One room that has been significantly modified from its original pre-renovation appearance is the Shuttlebay Junction room, on Deck 3. I've shrunk the size of the room to make space for the Security room, which you see me standing in through the window.

    New cieling support bars have been added. They are actually functional themselves, helping to connect and support bricks inside the build.

    I've also installed some really cool RP events in the room. The orange pipe is a large plasma pipe, with a plasma vent on it. It feeds power to the Shuttlebay systems. When the vent is on, an extremely hot plasma fire will spew out from the vent, which has the adverse affect of draining ship power, shutting off all power the shuttlebay, as well as creating a big environmental hazard. In case it isn't already clear, you want this plasma vent to stay closed.
    This plasma vent can be damaged so that it is stuck in the "ON" position, in which case players must repair the valve system for the vent so it can be sealed.
    P.S. - If you touch the fire, you will get severely burned.

    And last but not least, I am doing significant work on the ship's Main Deflector. I hope to have the full deflector dish installed within a week.

    That's all for now. Oh, and check out Captain C's new Excelsior class build he's doing! I'm making ship blueprints for the Excelsior to help him out, which will also be posted publicly for others to use too.
    « Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 02:07:27 AM by Planr »

    I am happy to announce that we have some modders and scripters who are eager to make some addons for Block Trek. I'm talking with Ashyvee about making some local chat and communicator mods, as well as a tricorder / medical scanner mod.

    Here's some details on the planned functionality of these mods:

    RP Local Chat Mod

    This mod is different from other RP chat mods in that it is meant to be much more realistic. You can't send chat messages to the entire server at all using solely this mod. In order to communicate globally, you must use the Star Trek Communicator mod.

    Planned Features:
    • The range at which a chat message is "heard" is dependent on the content of the message. The larger a percentage of capital letters a message has, the farther its range is. So if you want people across a large room to hear you, you shout with all caps. This simulates having to yell to be heard over long distances in real life.
    • Allows usage of nickname with slash (/) commands, but will always show the player's actual name next to the nickname in chat, so people can know which player is who.
    • Using team chat allows you to whisper so that only people right next to you (probably within a 4 stud radius) can hear you.
    • If you are standing next to a communicator block or holding a communicator (Star Trek Communicator mod enabled), and use team chat, instead of whispering, it will send the message to all players on the server.
    • Works only minigames
    • Fully RTB preference menu compatible. You can turn the mod on and off, change the values for maximum and minimum message distances, as well as whisper distance.

    Star Trek Communicator Mod
    This mod would work in conjunction with the RP Local Chat mod, allowing server-wide communications, as well as ship intercom announcements/inter-ship communications.
    It would work in two ways: with brick events giving players "communicator privileges", and with hand-held communicator items giving players "communicator privileges"

    Communicator Priveleges:
    • When a player has communicator privileges, they are able to send global chat messages using team chat. When they do not have communicator priveleges, they whisper when using team chat.
    • Communicator privileges given to clients/players via events have a timer on them for how long the player gets that privilege. It can be set just like brick disappearance events, giving players the permission forever with -1 (until its later revoked by other events setting their privilege time to 0 or a limited number), or giving it to them for a period of time. When the time is up, the player loses communicator privileges, and any future teamchat messages they send are whispers.
    • Communicator privileges given to clients/players via them having the Communicator item equipped only last so long as the player has the communicator item in use. When they switch to using another item, their communicator priveleges are revoked and all subsequent team chat messages are whispers.

    Star Trek Tricorder Mod
    This mod is unique in what it does. It lets you "scan" objects in the surrounding environment, and learn a wide variety of things. However, there are two variants to this that I am wanting.

    Standard Tricorder:
    • When held and "fired" with left mouse (held down), it displays information to the player using the tricorder about the things they are scanning/looking at.
    • The Tricorder fires a raycasting projectile when used, that displays centerprint information to the player about what the projectile is hitting/what the player is looking at.
    • When scanning (left mouse button held down), it plays a sound loop of a tricorder.
    • Capabilities with Distance: Like the Laser Pointer mod (found on RTB archives), it can tell the player how far things are from them. This works with vehicles, bricks, players, and the ground. So basically works with everything.
    • When scanning bricks, displays the following information about the brick, in order as follows from top to bottom: The Brick's distance, its UI name, and its color.
    • When scanning players, displays the following information about the player, in order as follows from top to bottom: The Player's distance, its BL_ID, its username, and the items the player is carrying.
    • When scanning vehicles, displays the following information about the vehicle, in order as follows from top to bottom: The Vehicle's distance, its UI name (the vehicle it is in the vehicle spawn list), and its health.
    • When scanning the ground, simply displays its distance.

    Medical Scanner:

    • Works like the Tricorder, but is solely used for telling what the player's health and energy (if applicable) is.
    What it looks like:

    If we can get these mods made, it will help tremendously towards the well-being of future Star Trek RPs on the server.

    Star Trek Hypospray Mod
    This is a fun mod, with different Hypospray items that can be used to heal people or cause various effects. I would like to see both TNG and TOS Hypospray models used for this. They'd only be different in models and sounds. You could left-click to use the hypospray on others, or right-click to use it on yourself.
    When "fired" at a person, the hypospray plays a sound and instantly puts its effects on the person, and is discarded from the holder's inventory.

    Different Hyposprays:
    • TOS Hypo: RP Blue - Blue hypospray used for roleplay purposes. Does nothing.
    • TOS Hypo: RP Red - Red hypospray used for roleplay purposes. Does nothing.
    • TOS Hypo: RP Yellow - Yellow hypospray used for roleplay purposes. Does nothing.
    • TOS Hypo: RP Green - Green hypospray used for roleplay purposes. Does nothing.
    • TOS Hypo: Solinol - Red-Pink hypospray; Tranquilizer. Causes affected person to tumble like when you fall off skis and be "stunned" for 15 seconds.
    • TOS Hypo: Lectrazine - Light-red hypospray; Light health potion. When used, causes player to have 30 health restored. If player is already at full health, causes player to be stunned for 10 seconds like Solinol.
    • TOS Hypo: Cordrazine - Dark-red hypospray; Heavy health potion. When used, causes player to have 90 health restored. If player already has 80 health or more, it causes causes a red screen flash that lasts for 15 seconds, inflicts 75 points of damage on the player, and causes the player to run extremely fast for the next 30 seconds.
    • TOS Hypo: Cyalodin - Orange-Yellow hypospray; Self Delete/Poison serum. When used, drains the player's health by 10 points every second. Deals 120 points of damage overall (lasts for 12 seconds). To prevent people from dying from this, a doctor must inject them with a health hypospray after about 5 seconds.
    What it looks like:

    Star Trek Shuttlecraft Mod
    The closest flying vehicle to a shuttlecraft in terms of flight mechanics and function, that i know of, is the Flying Wheeled Jeep. There would be several shuttlecraft I would hope for, all of which I wish could have the flight mechanics of the flying wheeled jeep.

    Different Shuttlecraft:
    • TOS Class F Shuttlecraft - Standard Shuttlecraft. Has room inside for 7 people. Looks like this: Exterior|Exterior|Exterior|Interior|Interior|Interior
    • TOS Shuttlepod - A small craft whose interior seats 4 people. A little less than half the size of the Class F Shuttlecraft. This is not a canon ship idea, but I really need it for some of my smaller Trek ships. It would look something like this: Exterior|Exterior|Exterior|Interior|Interior|Interior
    « Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 07:13:38 PM by Planr »

    Already doing some of the stuff mentioned above. Should have results p'soon.