Author Topic: "Block Trek" Star Trek Megathread - Toy Enterprise Model  (Read 66254 times)

You must have really enjoyed the new star trek movie. How many 'new' movies have come out? Only one so far?

edit: Turns out, I saw Star Trek Into Dankness (2013) but not Star Trek Beyond (2016). Man time goes by fast. I woulda guessed Into Dankness was only a year old.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2017, 01:36:29 AM by Farad »

I think three if my memory is working properly. I haven't gotten to see the latest one(s) yet so I could be wrong.

It's going to use a 19x22 starmap grid, with the studs named by columns, and variables running through a small number of bricks behind the starmap. The computer will be set to "move the ship" in a specific direction, which will increase or decrease either X or Y values for the ship's location on the grid, to simulate movement in space. When the ship successfully moves one unit in any direction, be it +X, -X, +Y, or -Y, the computer will update this change to the starmap, which will go through each X column check brick (1 brick behind each column of bricks on the starmap), and upon finding the one with the right X value for the update, it will then check the Y value for that column's bricks. So X is handled first, then Y.

The system is still in development, but after thorough testing I know that it is possible, at the very least in theory.
good chance I have something that will work a bit faster, which might help with user experience

yeah sadly the modter planet is not going to be used in the RP. it crashes people's games when cleared and takes like 18 seconds to clear, making it unusable with the planned navigation system.

If someone was able to make modter BRICKS (the modter but it's a brick rather than zones/water), I imagine it would clear a lot faster. If someone is able to do that, please let me know.

I've run tests on modter clearing which are very conflicting. I cleared stacks of modter numbering 22,000 and they clear multiple times faster than my modter planet, which has only ~3,000 modter bricks. I think the use of standard bricks in between each modter brick is whats causing the lag. If I could reverse that effect using brick type modter and then use zones to prop up each brick, that would probably work better and we could proceed with using "modter" planets.
that sounds like if bricks are in the modter then it might be trying to check if it's causing any to float, but with delete it shouldn't be doing that at all
but at the same time when I was testing my terrain generator with modter it was just slow as hell, without any other bricks

I think three if my memory is working properly. I haven't gotten to see the latest one(s) yet so I could be wrong.
hop on it, Beyond was pretty cool & quite funny at points.

Unfortunately the modter planet idea is not working out at all, and converting them to bricks has not solved the problem either. I am going to have no choice but to now try cuboid planets, with a modter interior. Hopefully it works better.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 10:03:56 PM by Planr »

I'll check out the server when I get the chance.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 05:07:23 PM by King Tøny »

Unfortunately the modter planet idea is not working out at all, and converting them to bricks has not solved the problem either. I am going to have no choice but to now try cuboid planets, with a modter interior. Hopefully it works better.

So what about that same trick for the bedroom.

So what about that same trick for the bedroom.
Static shape planets? It's definitely possible. But it would require heavy assistance from modders to make every single variety of planet needed (around 30 different landable planets, and 5 gas giants). The planets would also need to have a caved out square area inside to allow the addition of underground structures, which, considering how the bedroom works, is certainly possible i'm sure, but would require heavy cooperation with modders who do this. Magus and Tendon both seem qualified in this area, though I have not seen Magus do any static shape work before personally.

Static shape planets? It's definitely possible. But it would require heavy assistance from modders to make every single variety of planet needed (around 30 different landable planets, and 5 gas giants). The planets would also need to have a caved out square area inside to allow the addition of underground structures, which, considering how the bedroom works, is certainly possible i'm sure, but would require heavy cooperation with modders who do this. Magus and Tendon both seem qualified in this area, though I have not seen Magus do any static shape work before personally.
tendon is a real classic modder - i forgot his old name but it was pretty well known. magus is a relatively new modder. static shape work is really not much different from just plain old modeling work - if you like or trust magus' modeling skills, he can make static shapes for you.

Yeah I trust Magus. I would be grateful to have his help on this.

Making a planet would mostly be figuring out how to texture a sphere, which can't be too hard.

Making a planet would mostly be figuring out how to texture a sphere, which can't be too hard.
How about the square concave interior I mentioned earlier? Would that be difficult, with handling building ability and collisions and all? It needs to be fairly deep but doesn't need to be super complex. Just a deep square space inside the middle of the planet, so that underground caves/structures can be made. I'll show an example using my modter planet.

Block Trek pre-RP Details (Part 1)

So i've been brainstorming some ideas for how the future Star Trek RP would work in terms of player characters/roles.
Here's my ideas so far.

Fundamental principles of the RP
Keep in mind that the things below are not necessarily rules, just moreso planned ideas for how the gamemode is to work. A list of permanent gamemode rules will be posted later.

1) The roleplay will have an unchanging backstory.
  • The year is 2267. The USS Lionheart, a Kane-class Heavy Cruiser, is dispatched to the Ardolis Star Cluster, a wild region of space bordering the Federation, rich with potential resources and ruins of a long-dead civilization. The Lionheart's mission: Exploration of the cluster and Research of its extinct civilization.
  • However, other interstellar governments, such as the Klingon and Romulan Empires, have also taken interest in the Ardolis Star Cluster, due to the possibility of powerful ancient technology hidden in the ruins throughout the cluster.
  • Several other Federation ships have gone missing before in the Ardolis cluster, and the Lionheart may go out to find them

2) The roleplay will be a continuous story so long as the ship survives.
  • Player characters cannot forcibly be "killed". When the player dies, they respawn in Sickbay, and they will simply be considered to be severely injured. Players that die cannot resume playing their character until the next day. They may play as some other crew member, but they must make a note of it to a senior officer.
  • The only exception to the above principle is if the host/admins dictate a character is dead, or if the player chooses to consider their character dead after dying as a player.
  • All players should have at least 2 character aliases prepared for themselves, so they can continue playing if one of their characters die or are "severely injured" due to player death.
  • If the ship is destroyed, the story resets and a new iteration begins. Characters that died in the previous storyline/iteration can be replayed.
  • Every new iteration, players who have developed character sets in the previous iteration may continue using two of their old characters, but must throw one character out. They may choose whatever character to throw out the want, so if they want to keep using the same two characters in each iteration with one new character each time, they can do that.
  • If the entire crew mutinies against the Captain and/or senior officers, takes control of the ship, and kills the Captain, the iteration ends as the ship is considered hijacked.
  • Any loyal-character players that are killed during a mutiny are considered dead and cannot be played again until the next iteration.
  • All characters involved in facilitating a successful mutiny are considered permanently unplayable for all future iterations.

3) All players are expected to know or learn basic Star Trek lore.
  • A library will be provided on the ship for players to learn everything they need to know in order to play. That means if you've never watched Star Trek but want to play, stop by the library on the ship when you join to learn what you need to know.

4) Players will experience the chain of command.
  • Players will roleplay together as the crew of a Starfleet ship. They cannot choose to be non-Starfleet characters (eg. Klingons, made-up aliens, etc).
  • Players will start out as crewmen, and receive training as necessary. Positions are given to players who possess the skills and knowledge to do them.
  • Players who want to have officer positions aboard the ship must post in this thread to fill out a copy/pasted form, which will be drafted later once RPs are getting ready to start
  • Players who want to have officer positions must come up with three of their own detailed characters to play
  • Players will be required to follow the chain of command on their ship. That means that they are expected to follow the orders given to them by their superior officers.
  • Players can choose to mutiny/disobey orders if they wish, though no one can mutiny more than once per iteration. If they have already mutinied once on the current iteration, and continue to disobey orders, they may get banned from the server, regardless of what character they are.
  • Players that disobey orders, commit mutiny, sabotage, murder, or disrespect their fellow officers will not be simply banned for doing so - crew will instead roleplay it out, attempting to arrest them and throw them in the brig. This allows us to - instead of turning an unruly player into a tedious drama issue - use their bad behavior as a source of roleplay material.
  • Players that are being chased and disconnect to avoid being captured or killed (PvP logging) will be considered captured if being chased by the crew, or severely injured if being chased by a killer/traitor. They will not be banned.
  • Characters that have been put in the brig can be court-martialed onboard the ship, and if they are ruled to be irredeemable as a crew member, they will be deposited at the nearest Federation base, and their character will be considered dead/unplayable. That player must then play as another character.
  • Officers cannot be arrested or apprehended by the crew unless they have disobeyed direct orders from the Captain or have murdered/tried to kill an innocent crew member.
  • The Captain cannot be arrested by the crew unless he has disobeyed direct orders from Starfleet Command or has murdered/tried to kill an innocent crew member. This requires the prior agreement of all senior officers.

5) Players will experience an immersive and fun gamemode/roleplay experience.
  • Explore space aboard the USS Lionheart, as it actually "travels" through space
  • Land on and explore planets, using either shuttlecraft or transporters
  • Roleplay on the massive 14-deck ship, with plenty of rooms and areas to explore
  • Board derelict vessels, watching out for hazards and potentially dangerous entities
  • Dock at space stations and replenish limited supplies and get cargo
  • Help defend the ship in space battles
  • Work with security to keep the crew safe on away missions, fight off alien boarding parties, and quell mutinies
  • Work with engineering teams, managing ship systems and helping repair any damage to the ship
  • Go on away missions to collect artifacts, return them to the ship's vault, then deposit them later at a Federation outpost to earn rewards.
  • Salvage valuable resources and commodities from abandoned stations and ships + asteroids and planets, and sell them later at Federation outposts to earn rewards.
  • The ship can be assigned on missions by Starfleet command, which the crew must carry out within 50 days (10 turns on each day) or else the ship is recalled, the mission is considered a failure, and the iteration ends.

Visitable locations on Block Trek
There will be 25 visitable locations in Block Trek.

01) Outpost 21 (Federation Asteroid Station)
02) Outpost 22 (Federation Space Station)
03) Outpost 23 (Federation Planet)
04) Outpost 24 (Federation Space Station)
05) Sarkan (Sarkan IV)
06) D'Nolo (D'Nolo Minor)
07) Trapedius Asteroid Field (Trapedius Station)
08) Greegus System (Greegus Prime)
09) Pelion (Pelion Major)
10) Javis System (Javis III) - A star system with five planets.
11) Ithaca Nebula (Ancient Station) - A large nebula that is the result of an exploded star thousands of years ago. Long ago, the Aloth constructed a secret research facility deep within the nebula, shrouded by sensors and
12) Beta Alpha (Beta Alpha IV) -
13) Aloth (Aloth V) - The homeworld of the now-extinct Aloth race. The planet is littered with ruins from their long-dead civilization.
14) Goloth (Goloth II) - The first extraterrestrial planet to be visited by the Aloth. It was their empire's seat of industrial power later on.
15) Worvoth (Worvoth VII) - The Aloth Empire's
16) Noc -
17) SS Bison Wreck -
18) Colossi (Colossi IV) - Ruins of Aloth structures present, as well as an Aloth Temple dedicated to their supreme god, Arsus.
19) Tau Epsilon (Tau Epsilon VI) -
20) Delta Tau (Delta Tau IX) -
21) Lycosa (Lycosa III) -
22) Duteron Ice Field (Ice Rock Station) -
23) Ellucia -
24) L-59 (L-59 Ceti) -
25) USS Sharon Wreck - An ill-fated earlier Starfleet expedition from the 2240s, in which the TOS-refit Daedalus-class Starfleet vessel USS Sharon mysteriously vanished. This is its remains.

Starship Encounter System
One of Block Trek's most important gameplay mechanics will be the Starship Battle System. This gamemode system utilizes projectile chance devices combined with connections to the ship's evented systems to produce a space roleplay experience more immersive than anything that has ever come before. You can actually have official battles with enemy ships, rather than fake made-up dialogue between characters. The ship will actually be hit by enemy fire, causing explosions all over the ship and necessitating REAL repairs. The ship can fire back, damaging the enemy vessel and either destroying it or prompting them to retreat.

The easiest method I could think of for making a battle system where things are not merely stat-vs-stat matchups was to utilize projectile chance systems. Under this system, one large brick fires a projectile at a group of smaller bricks, and with the way firing projectiles from large bricks works, it is fired from a random position on the brick, creating a random chance for one of the bricks in its path to be hit.

There have been other proposed systems, such as utilizing advanced trigonometry with functions (wtf?) somehow to create real 3D ship combat. Or, alternatively, 2D ship combat on a grid, in which the ships move around and fight. However, I have decided that both such systems are far too complicated to operate and difficult to implement. I have decided not to approach it with a traditional strategy board game mentality, but with a turn-based RPG battle mentality. The projectile chance system acts as rolls of a dice, and ship movement is handled in terms of chance to evade attacks VS chance to land attacks. The closest equivalent to this system that I can think of would be Final Fantasy 7's battle mechanics, in which enemy monsters attack not based on turn, but timer meters, or waves. Players will always be able to attack the enemy, but different systems and abilities on the ship will have recharge times or ammunition limitations for use. The enemy will attack a few times each minute, in timed "action turns".

Battles have a random chance of happening over time, as the ship runs on an event timer that goes off every 10 minutes, which is one turn. There is a small random chance (10% or so) of a random ship encounter on each turn. Other things that can occur each turn on the event timer are: Space Phenomenon, Ship Malfunction, and Nothing. There is a 60% chance of nothing happening on a turn.

When a battle begins, the turn timer stops, all ship movement stops, and the gamemode goes into the Starship Encounter Mode.


With all the explaining out of the way, here's a breakdown of how a typical random ship encounter, with a battle, would work. (Timer mark is in minutes and seconds)

[0:00] New turn occurs, projectile "dice" are "rolled"
[0:01] The "dice" has landed on Random Ship Encounter!
[0:10] Projectile dice for encountered ship chooser is fired; The "dice" lands on Klingon Ch'Tang Bird of Prey! This info is able to be seen at the science station on the bridge.
[0:15] Projectile dice for ship disposition chooser prepares to fire. Tension rises among the crew as the Klingons decide their next move.
[0:20] The ship's Captain must choose one of three options in this short time period.
  • The Captain can choose to immediately try to flee, which can have different effects depending on the encountered ship. Romulan and Orion Syndicate vessels will be more likely to attack fleeing ships, interpreting it as a sign of weakness, while Tholian, Klingon and Gorn vessels will be less likely to attack fleeing ships, as they are more concerned with their own mission and don't bother people that don't bother them.
  • The Captain can choose to immediately raise shields, which can prepare the ship in the event that the enemy attacks.. Klingon and Gorn ships will be more likely to attack if the shields are raised, as they see it as a sign you're about to attack; Romulans and Orions will be less likely to attack, respecting you as a bold opponent that isn't worth messing with; Tholians don't care whether or not the shields are raised.
  • The Captain can choose to do nothing, and allow the encountered ship to make its own decision.
[0:30] Ship disposition "dice" is "rolled". The Klingons decide to attack! Klingon disposition is announced to all players.
[0:16] Klingons begin their first attack turn. They can choose from three options for course of action: Attack/Evade/Flee.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 01:52:05 AM by Planr »

Kane-class Starship - System Functionality Breakdown

So the Kane class possesses a wide variety of different systems. Here's a list of them for now. These systems are listed based on their drawing of power. I will go over what each of them means and does tomorrow.

In bold are the essential systems that must be online in order for the ship to function (without blowing up).

  • (1) Warp Core Reactor (1x; Main power supply. Produces 100 power per stroke)
  • (2) Fusion Core Reactors (4x; Auxilary power supply in the event that warp power is unavailable. Each reactor can produce 15 power per stroke, for a total of 60)
  • (3) Emergency Battery Power Backups (2x; Last-resort source of power in emergencies. Transfers 25 power per stroke. Limited capacity of 1000 power per battery. Rechargable.)
  • (4) Heat Dissipation Unit 1 (Warp Core)
  • (5) Heat Dissipation Unit 2 (Fusion Cores)
  • (-) EPS Connection Grid (many subcomponents, such as the Central Power Couplings, EPS Manifolds, Warp Plasma Pipelines, etc)
  • (6) DCARS/Command Control System (bridge and engineering consoles, bulkhead control consoles, security controls/cameras, door locks, library computer, etc)
  • (7) Food Synthesizer System (Dispenses food so players can eat)
  • (8) Turbolift System (Allows rapid travel throughout the ship)
  • (9) Gravity System (If this is disabled, players will float around on the ship)
  • (10) Door System (If this is disabled, players can only open doors using emergency door actuators)
  • (11) Lighting System (Allows players to see without using flashlights)
  • (12) Bathroom/Water Circulation System (Though bathrooms are an RP element, the water circulation system will be required to be on for environmental control to work)
  • (13) Warp Drive System (Allows interstellar travel between star systems)
  • (14) Impulse Drive System (Allows in-system travel, allows the ship to turn and take evasive maneuvers during combat)
  • (15) Forcefield System (Shuttlebay doors and airlocks can be opened without exposing people to the vacuum of space; Enables Brig cell security
  • (16) Transporter System
  • (17) Shuttlebay Control System (Allows shuttlebay controls to be operated)
  • (18) External Door System (Feeds power to the shuttlebay doors and airlock doors so they can be opened)
  • (19) Sickbay Medical System (Allows injured players to be evaluated and healed, Allows dispensation of medical serums, etc)
  • (20) Intercom System (Allows global messages to be sent using communicators or ship intercoms)
  • (21) Shield Generator System (Prevents or reduces risk of physical damage to the ship)
  • (22) Structural Integrity Field Generator System (When this is offline, the ship takes 4x as much damage)
  • (23) Targeting Sensors (Allows accurate shots on enemy ships during battle)
  • (24) Phaser Bank Weapon System
  • (25) Photon Torcreep Weapon System
  • (26) Bussard Collectors (Can be used to collect deuterium fuel when ship is next to a star)

Systems requiring cargo supplies:

  • Fresh Food/Vegetables
  • Deuterium
  • Photon Torcreeps
  • Dilithium
  • Antimatter Pods

Transportable cargos:

« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 10:07:40 AM by Planr »