
How is Kindred's current state?

op nerf plz
9 (29%)
too weak, easy kill
6 (19.4%)
pretty decent
16 (51.6%)

Total Members Voted: 31

Author Topic: (WIP) League of Legends - New Thread - Patch 5.20 (Kindred Release) 10/13/2015  (Read 33689 times)

when you're talon jg and the bot laners are starfishs and take the leash camp but you still managed to reach lvl 18 before anyone else and beat the forget out of their entire team cause you're talon
Never played Talon jg, but I love that feeling regardless.

Alrightyyy. Tried out my new Kog build. and it is.. really really good. All I have to figure out is what build path to take. Had a rough early game. But I think with someone giving me shields and not a Shen, it woulda been better. Also, the execute on my ult. Is so sick. People don't expect it. I don't expect it.
that actually sounds really fun. do you think it would be better mid or bot?

i feel like it would work best if you went gunblade -> nashors/wits end -> rageblade -> rabadons with boots in there somewhere.

that's how i built ap on hit master yi :p

Eyyyy, onhit Yi is the stuff man
Alrightyyy. Tried out my new Kog build. and it is.. really really good. All I have to figure out is what build path to take. Had a rough early game. But I think with someone giving me shields and not a Shen, it woulda been better. Also, the execute on my ult. Is so sick. People don't expect it. I don't expect it.
Oh, I can only imagine. Karma/Lulu/Janna + Kog, pls noty, afk

Zilean feels really strong now with 45% cdr. He can ult every 33 seconds, constantly has his e up, and can throw out an aoe stun every 4.4 seconds.

Eyyyy, onhit Yi is the stuff man
try onhit xin kayle shyvanna

all so insane

45% CDR on Lulu means constant shield and hilariously frequent speed boosts.

kasing, Hauntzer, Svenskeren TSM

Powerofevil Origen

Fox, Steeelback UOL

Impact, Altec NRG (new team that takes coast's spot)

Trynda and Yasuo getting targeted with nerf on warlord's bloodlust. rip trynda jung, hate to say I told ya so

Graves nerfed. Ya

Kog buffed wot!

Also, buy pinks. Do it! They're so good

edit: finally got a decent game without braindead idiots with my new kog build. Lulu supp was reallyyyy good. If you rush rageblade you spike so early, go nashor's second for the AS and dmg buff. The cdr is terrific as well. And the build is very cheap. 2,5 for rageblade, and you honestly spike a lot if you add in some daggers. 3k for Nashor's not that bad. I went gunblade after that for overall stats buff, and the hp regen is awesome. They surrendered sadly.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 09:46:01 AM by Ladle »

Trynda jungle was basically stufftier Yi/Kha/Rengar jungle, IMO. Didnt bring anything but crazy damage after farming for most of the game and really only used because of the broken mastery. Also, Lulu + Kog is one of the most annoying duos to face, I swear. You're not very likely to kill either unless you're like Graves + Leonaa, but then you just get kited ;~;

Also, has anyone used Grasp of the Undying? I'm having trouble finding who to use  it on.

It could work for maokai, his passive gets buff and seeing you stack so much hp you will chunk people with your aa. I guess.

But Bond of stone seems like the right choice?

It could work for maokai, his passive gets buff and seeing you stack so much hp you will chunk people with your aa. I guess.

But Bond of stone seems like the right choice?
Yeah bond of stone seems superior in most of the cases, atleast until it gets nerfed to 2% damage reduction for yourself next patch(IIRC). Like you said, it could work on Maokai maybe for extra sustain and a bit of trading power, but im thinking Shen could abuse it(which seems strong in theory, will need to test this). I feel that none of the T6 Defense Masteries are worth taking over Bond of Stone to be perfectly honest, especially for Alistar or Braum.

Yeah would totally work well on Shen!

Also, am I dumb or is Strenght of the ages a valid option for a jungler?
« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 03:32:33 AM by Ladle »

I am not the one to watch LoL, i am a CSGO fan.  I was just wondering if the Cloud9 LoL team was any good, i saw on their youtube channel that they just picked up some players, did they drop any players?