Author Topic: I've just been diagnosed with Glaucoma (STILL No Surgery!)  (Read 28745 times)

is that the thing that blasts little puffs of air into your eye
My eye doctor recently replaced that device in favor of some laser thing, but I still flinch every time. The air puffer has scarred me for life.

alright yeah, the puffs of air thing is a "tonal pen" and is gay. It's more irritating and has less accurate results. The tonometer is the bigger "cradle" machine that has bright lights and I guess lasers, and is a lot less irritating, while providing more accurate and precise results.


So after a 3-hour drive to Miami, we were forced to wait for 3 hours in the hospital before seeing the technician, and another 2 hours before seeing the doctor because another pediatric doctor was sick that day, and he had scheduled a bunch of little kids and babies for the same day, and they just HAD to be dealt with. Basically, nothing new was done, and I was told to wait for yet another month to see if they need to do surgery. The pressure in both eyes was 16 when they checked it today.

Apparently all of these eyedrops have preservatives in them that are drying out my eyes, so that's why the medicine is slowly becoming more and more irritating. I'm getting absolutely sick of waiting. At least the doctor has put me on a "VIP list" so that when I go into the hospital in early July, I get to go ahead of all the other patients, because I'm just that important.

drown your eyes in salt water to ease the pain

drown your eyes in salt water to ease the pain
i already drowned myself in salt water to ease my throat pain, it was unpleasant

i already drowned myself in salt water to ease my throat pain, it was unpleasant


So after a 3-hour drive to Miami, we were forced to wait for 3 hours in the hospital before seeing the technician, and another 2 hours before seeing the doctor because another pediatric doctor was sick that day, and he had scheduled a bunch of little kids and babies for the same day, and they just HAD to be dealt with. Basically, nothing new was done, and I was told to wait for yet another month to see if they need to do surgery. The pressure in both eyes was 16 when they checked it today.

Apparently all of these eyedrops have preservatives in them that are drying out my eyes, so that's why the medicine is slowly becoming more and more irritating. I'm getting absolutely sick of waiting. At least the doctor has put me on a "VIP list" so that when I go into the hospital in early July, I get to go ahead of all the other patients, because I'm just that important.
is their loving waitlist so clogged that they can only put you in next month???

is their loving waitlist so clogged that they can only put you in next month???
Tbh it isn't that surprising

Tbh it isn't that surprising
in america where everybody's afraid to go to the doctor?

in america where everybody's afraid to go to the doctor?
Nobody's afraid anymore when it means losing their vision.

is their loving waitlist so clogged that they can only put you in next month???
Nope, they're waiting until next month because my pressure was good on that visit. They want to reserve the surgery for when the medicine stops working, or for when I just can't deal with the medicine anymore.

drown your eyes in salt water to ease the pain
That will give his eyes emotional pain

Nobody's afraid anymore when it means losing their vision.
until you see people with 2.5k-5k deductables then you do a 180 then run away from that bankruptcy ridden bullstuff
this is assuming america where too many people live paycheck by paycheck

Nope, they're waiting until next month because my pressure was good on that visit. They want to reserve the surgery for when the medicine stops working, or for when I just can't deal with the medicine anymore.
stuff like this is why I'm considering getting the forget out of America when I'm 18 or 19.

Healthcare/Hospital bills are ludicrously expensive, and doctors do stuffty things like this. Say my appendix is having problems and might burst soon, I'll go to the doctor and they'll be like  "Well it does seem to be bothered but don't worry just shove these drugs down your throat and come back in 2 weeks to a month when it's actually bursting so we can not only charge you for a more expensive surgical procedure but also charge you for the more drugs you'll be taking as you'll be in quite an amount of pain, have a good one!".

They especially do this stuff with cancer patients too, someone will be showing obvious signs of it and they'll neglect em as if the entire ordeal is no biggie, come a month or so when the cancer's REALLY loving them up they'll come back and be like "Ohp, well looks like it's time for Chemo!". Instead of dealing with the problem immediately, they wait until said problem is worse so they can charge you for that much more treatment you'd be getting rather if you had done it when you were first showing symptoms.

sorry for rant, forget america is what I'm trying to say.

They're delaying the surgery not because of money, they're getting barely any money out of it, and my insurance is covering it completely, I only have to pay a small copay on the medicine. They're delaying the surgery because of how risky it is, because if they forget up one small thing, or if my body doesn't react to it well, it could mean not just going blind in that eye, but losing the eye entirely. They're reserving the surgery as a last resort.

They're delaying the surgery not because of money, they're getting barely any money out of it, and my insurance is covering it completely, I only have to pay a small copay on the medicine. They're delaying the surgery because of how risky it is, because if they forget up one small thing, or if my body doesn't react to it well, it could mean not just going blind in that eye, but losing the eye entirely. They're reserving the surgery as a last resort.
Is it because medical stuff that your eye needs to be.. I uh... "ripened"... for the surgery then? As in it'd be better to wait a month then do it now?

nonetheless if that's not the case with you then that's fantastic, but still forget America's healthcare system.