
which is better

85 (45.7%)
101 (54.3%)

Total Members Voted: 185

Author Topic: Scenery's SUBURBIA  (Read 130485 times)

I definitely spent too much time building a house that will be gone after testing. I should've just added walls and started my illegal business(es) as a bad cop.

good coz i started nice house

i'll let people dupsave their stuff once its cleared of drugs/plants n stuff so you can use it after testing

nice! it would be cool if we did another test (or public opening?!) this week.

Patiently awaiting the server's release. You're doing god's work here.

i didn't get a chance to play because the password was wrong
the password was changed after the testing ended

i'm just going to keep one big changelog for the dev between testing sessions here:

bugs fixed:
  • issue regarding jobs not updating in player shapenames
  • fixed issue regarding accepting a police officer kicking you out of mayor's office while military junta is enacted (i think, doublecheck)
  • i think the alligator trainer perk is fixed but i have no forgetin clue because there's no reason it should have been broken in the first place
  • made police chief leave message say apply in the gui instead of the brick
  • players no longer lose hats that are apart of their avatars when they switch from mayor/pope to another job

changes made:
  • crafting bricks are now click to use instead of walk next to for use
  • reduced the time it takes to lose wanted levels
  • reduced all drug export prices to 1 each
  • reduced all crop export prices to 1 each
  • reduced all ore export prices to 1 each
  • removed 1 of each mine, there's only 1 gold, uranium, and volcanium mine now
  • decreased time it takes to find new pope from 2 minutes to 1 minute
  • removed "kill non-voters" god event
  • added lightning god event (apparently i forgot to add it before)
  • increased event frequency the lower in karma you get
  • changed karma to piety to kill off having to proceed karma with either good or bad for clarity
  • made drug detector sounds quieter
  • added crop detector
  • finished client installation tutorial
  • increased amount of piety gained from human sacrifices
  • bonus piety given for sacrificing the mayor
  • made mines give additional alerts when people start/stop capturing it
  • made it so when crops have resources stored in them they stay a specific color instead of going through the entire plant color cycle again
  • made it so when police/priests die they don't drop their batons
  • changed drug detector/crop detector sounds so they aren't deafening (previous change didn't work)
  • removed gold ham baton from pope weapon selection because it isn't needed anymore (automatically assigned to priests on spawn)
  • added chest that gives pope selected items to priests when clicked in the church
  • removed fall damage
  • made all weapons take from their ammo pool (right hand number on the ammo display). once you are out of ammo you cannot use your gun. to replenish your ammo, you will have to craft/buy a new weapon of the same type. this is to prevent guns from being around so long and have a drain on ore because ore would accumulate in player inventories and then people would sell that ore for a huge amount to the japanese.
  • changed amount of money lost from 10% to 20%. half of the money lost will be dropped on the ground, and the other half will go to god or some stuff i don't know it just goes away
  • added piety display to character gui
  • added inflation display to character gui
  • added new weapons: battle rifle and bad battle rifle
  • you can see which laws are enacted now in the character gui
  • updated tutorial to teach people how to install the add-on through blockland glass. if you want to read the tutorial, its here https://www.garycact.us/suburbia/tutorial.php . note that the tutorial is designed for people who have never seen an add-on before in their entire lives. i don't know why there's no tutorials like this around because a big barrier for new players especially the younger ones is figuring out how to install their first add-on and the real magic of blockland comes out once you've installed those add-ons
  • in-game tutorial done, needs a little private testing before next test
  • made it so pope is passed down to whoever kills him instead of having to use /donate
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 01:29:19 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

crafting bricks are now click to use instead of walk next to for use

Good fix

wait there was testing
why wasn't I invited?

I feel that jackhammers are a little too OP against both buildings and players. C4 is alright because there's a 15 second timer and you can hear it, giving you time to prep. But jackhammers though? Nah anybody can sneak up onto your build and instantly start breaking in. I know things are supposed to be fast and fun in suburbia but you don't even have time to react against a jackhammer before you're killed.

wait there was testing
why wasn't I invited?
i didn't send out pms for the last two testing sessions if you want to know about testing look at the thread title every so often

I feel that jackhammers are a little too OP against both buildings and players. C4 is alright because there's a 15 second timer and you can hear it, giving you time to prep. But jackhammers though? Nah anybody can sneak up onto your build and instantly start breaking in. I know things are supposed to be fast and fun in suburbia but you don't even have time to react against a jackhammer before you're killed.
this is a good idea and we accept it you are now a small part of the suburbia dev team

jackhammers will now have a significant charge time before they can fire

Also we REALLY need someway to lock our doors. I had to set up some hidden brick in my base just so that people wouldn't stroll in all the time (By the way any bricks that have raycasting, collision, or visibility off when destroyed don't save those properties and just appear when they respawn due to c4/jackhammer). If we could get maybe a keypad similar to Rust where you slap it on a door, enter a code, and then can open freely without entering it again would be nice. The code only needs to be entered once for you to have access to it. There could also be a guest code you can set that allows people to open the door, but they won't be able to unlock it or change the master code.

EDIT: Cops and criminal balance needs to be reworked. When I played as a cop I barely had a chance to arrest anybody just because they were armed and I had no way of closing in on them without one of us dying (riot shields helped but were expensive, lower the cost of these please). I propose that the taser should be given to cops by default. Change the taser to be easier to hit people with BUT a taser alone will not let you arrest somebody. It should only slow down criminals and maybe disorientate them (flash and shake their screen, slow movement speed temporarily). Thus cops will be able to use the taser to get in range and baton the criminal, but still give the criminal a chance to fight back. Also gives criminals more incentive to make and use drugs so they have a better chance at escaping (another topic buff drugs so people will actually use them instead of just selling them).
« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 11:48:48 PM by Legodude77 »

not a taser, throwing batons

not a taser, throwing batons
It's perfect, better idea than mine.

ok now hear me out
what about batons that, while they can be thrown, can also taser somebody?!!