Author Topic: What’s the scariest, ‘someone broke in your house’ story that has happened you?  (Read 2882 times)

Once someone busted through the door one day during a party, they were promptly thrown out by multiple angry drunk men

that sucks man I hope they're not keeping him chained in a shed in their backyard with duct tape over his mouth so he can't scream for help
haha yeah

One night a gigantic built guy just shouldered his way through our front door locked by a deadbolt. I promptly leaped from the couch in the living room and left him bloody and unconscious before calling 911. He got 3 years. I got a medal for bravery from the mayor.

when my parents lived in El Salvador,(like 15 years ago) someone stole my mom's car

I've never had anyone break into our house except for myself when I forgot my house keys.

when my parents lived in El Salvador,(like 15 years ago) someone stole my mom's car
Im in ny mums car, vroom vroom.

someone broke into our house and tried to steal our wifi adapter
and that was the day I killed a man

but really I live in a nice neighborhood so nothing bad really happens here

my house stole my father hes been dead for 27 years

We've only been burgled once before, around 15 odd years ago.

They took our DVD player, some DVDs, our Video Camera (including videos inside of family events), a few other bits and pieces from downstairs, like my mums handbag.

And they took my dad's car keys, then drove away with his car, and left it off the road somewhere (not damaged, just driven slightly out of sight of the road).

We got the car back, and found my mums handbag discarded nearby.
Police knew who had done the crime, he was well known for burgling, but apparently not quite enough evidence for arrest/prosecution.
His Dad even admitted to my mum that his son had done it, and apologised, not that it meant much. Wouldn't even give back the family video after my mum asked for it.

It's not entirely the only reason, but it's a big part of why my family moved from Oxford to Devon.

I've never been robbed but

You're the last man awake, and someone cliks like

ps2 went missing one morning

One time someone broke into my house and stole my heart

true story

One time someone broke into my house

true story