We've only been burgled once before, around 15 odd years ago.
They took our DVD player, some DVDs, our Video Camera (including videos inside of family events), a few other bits and pieces from downstairs, like my mums handbag.
And they took my dad's car keys, then drove away with his car, and left it off the road somewhere (not damaged, just driven slightly out of sight of the road).
We got the car back, and found my mums handbag discarded nearby.
Police knew who had done the crime, he was well known for burgling, but apparently not quite enough evidence for arrest/prosecution.
His Dad even admitted to my mum that his son had done it, and apologised, not that it meant much. Wouldn't even give back the family video after my mum asked for it.
It's not entirely the only reason, but it's a big part of why my family moved from Oxford to Devon.