Author Topic: Remember that chick I met a couple months ago? Meet The Parents Edition!  (Read 66073 times)

If this thread succeeds, I would like to request that it be pinned to the off topic forums. It will serve as a testament to the power of the people of the Blockland Forums. It can also serve as reference, or maybe a good story.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 12:14:05 AM by Col. Derontchi »

stick it in her pooper

you're embarrassed because she found out you called her cute? lol

Say yes?? Is it embarrassing because you did it without actually having the balls to say it straight to her? It's too late for that now

you're embarrassed because she found out you called her cute? lol
Not embarassed, just think it's funny.
Say yes?? Is it embarrassing because you did it without actually having the balls to say it straight to her? It's too late for that now
I said yes, but now she just said "haha we were just curious". Doesn't sound too good for me. Plus, I physically could not tell her.

Get into the bunker my son you aren't allowed to see any girls at all

"haha we were just curious".

I'd be embarrassed too considering now the whole place knows.

But now that you have contact, I guess keep talking to her.

stick it in her google+ review.

I'd be embarrassed too considering now the whole place knows.

But now that you have contact, I guess keep talking to her.
Yeah the we is what scared me. Could mean a group of friends that thinks I'm a creep, could be the whole loving field. Could be both. Either way I'm gonna wear my shirt that has Derontchi on the back from now on when I go there.

I just don't know what to say tho cuz it's kinda awkward
Here's a screenshot

Just need some ideas on how I could possibly keep this going w/o sounding like a creep. She's a grade ahead of me and almost 2 whole years older.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 11:04:00 PM by Col. Derontchi »