
Best character

Han Solo
Leia Organa Solo
Poe Dameron
Luke Skywalker
Resistance Troops
First Order Troops!
Kylo Ren
Captain Phasma
Flame Trooper
Mouse Droid
Useless Background characters
Cypthon would have been good in the movie.

Author Topic: STARWARS EPISODE VII: The Force awakens / Episode 8?! Already?  (Read 33008 times)

My friend's brother won 2 early tickets in a radio contest.
My family hasn't reserved tickets for some reason, so we'll have to wait a while before we can see it.


this wiki website is posing as a source of info for the new star-wars movie, but instead made a red page with the spoliers in massive text :/

THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS LINK:  http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

if you see a link similar to this one, do not click it, infact, dont go to starwars.wikia at all

what loving douche bags


maybe they were hacked or something because the page just displays a normal website now instead of a big red page with massive text spoiling the movie
what the forget why would they do this

tread carefully though, it might come back
« Last Edit: December 17, 2015, 01:02:39 AM by shitlord »

I swear if disney forgets this up like they do to every other thing they got their sellout infested hands on, i will literally call up disney and yell at them.

 HAH. Ive already seen if plebs

1 day left until the force awakens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!

Went to a midnight launch.
It was pretty loving good imo.

1 day left until the force awakens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!

OT: Can't wait

[spoiler] Han Solo is actually Harrison Ford in disguise [/spoiler]

Just seen it, it's crazy

Preston and Steve gave away like four tickets over the radio after the person guessed "Yoda".
Lucky bastard.

my local drive in is playing it tonight i wanna go see it \o/

I just saw it in the cinema
Pretty cool

I mean I'd love to go see this but browsing /v/ for like 5 seconds I've essentially learned the whole plot.