Author Topic: Star Wars Episode 7 Reactions (WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS)  (Read 13271 times)

I think it's pretty cool how thinned out the "dark side" is getting, having Ren, who isn't fully trained, in charge. He now has to go to be trained. Hopefully his training will be finished before the next movie. As for Captain Phasma, that was pretty lame. I was off put by that. When Finn was struck down the back with the lightsaber I was like are you fcuking kidding me why is he dead already. I like him.

Finn didn't die?

At least. If he did, John Boyega had better explain how he managed to sneak into the next movie, else J.J.'s gonna be mad.

The whole blow up the big laser cannon was so boring because it already happened twice in the originals.
This. A lot. "Our first ultra death cannon got blown up because it has a really big weakness. LET'S MAKE ANOTHER ONE"

"Our second SUPER ultra death cannon got blown up as well? Hmmm. LET'S MAKE AN EVEN BIGGERRRRR SUPER ULTRA MEGA DEATH CANNON!!!!"
I was actually hoping that they didn't destroy Starkiller base, just disabled it. Make it a returning enemy and at least change up the flow up a bit or something. That's my biggest gripe with epi 7. What's going to be next, they build a large star sized super cannon that can destroy the entire galaxy but it gets blown up because they left a button that says "don't press or we all blow up"?

Finn didn't die?

At least. If he did, John Boyega had better explain how he managed to sneak into the next movie, else J.J.'s gonna be mad.
No I'm pretty sure he didn't die. When they got back on the falcon to the resistance base they brought Finn back to be treated. One of the medics even said he has a pulse.

The screenplay was so unbelievable cheesy at some moments I found myself cringing. I really hope that Finn dies because I hate his character. I found Rey to be surprisingly likeable and I'm excited to have her as the new protagonist.

You cringing at the black guy was done on purpose. He is a storm trooper who has been a storm trooper his entire life, he doesn't know anything else. Of course he is going to be socially awkward and cringy as forget.

That's some good writing to make someone appear so socially awkward that you really cringe.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 12:45:31 AM by Lord Tony® »

Captain Phasma. Seriously? What the hell? Thats it?! THATS IT?! Comes off as totally badass and gets easily captured and killed.

Sounds like Bobba Fett. Comes off as a total badass then gets easily killed.

Sounds like Bobba Fett. Comes off as a total badass then gets easily killed.
She isn't confirmed dead. Could escaped whatever she got placed into.

Phasma still got boba fett'ed but she isn't dead. Someone confirmed she is going to be in ep 8

You cringing at the black guy was done on purpose. He is a storm trooper who has been a storm trooper his entire life, he doesn't know anything else. Of course he is going to be socially awkward and cringy as forget.

That's some good writing to make someone appear so socially awkward that you really cringe.

no I get he's a storm trooper and social awkward but the screenplay for his character is just so ugh

Idk I still didn't like his character too much

luke's decision feels out of character
ren is a weak villain which makes han's "death" absolutely baffling
rey is a jedi mary sue
finn is easily the best thing that came out of the movie
there's plot holes everywhere
climax was too weak

it was ok

i loved the stuff out of it; was a little skeptical near the beginning of the film, but to me it felt like a very well handled continuation of the original trilogy

However, the guy who directed Looper is directing Episode 8, and the guy who directed Jurassic World is directing Episode 9, so they aren't exactly going to be consistent. It's a shame J.J. Abrams can't direct all of them

JJ is working closely with Rian on Episode 8

Yo, so I'm seeing it again today to finalize my thoughts on the matter. I'll probably being doing one of those super nerdy videos where I sit in my car and talk about it to upload to my channel, so I'll post a link to that here when I get it edited later.

I'm glad that there are those of you who didn't come out of this movie as stoked as all my friends did, cause not like I need vindication in my opinions but rather I felt pretty isolated if I was going to be the only negative nancy who was just like "forget, I didn't like it as much as I think I should have."

So today might either change how I feel and I can say confidently I like it (now I won't be sitting in the very front and it's not in 3D this time, so I can actually see all of the screen at once) or it might strengthen my opinion of the film and I might be able to sufficiently say I don't like it. I'm too on the fence at the moment to really give a solid opinion.

The movie panned out to be exactly what I expected it to be. And that's not good. This movie is just a result of a huge budget with stuffty writing, as most Hollywood movies end up. The entire movie was the original trilogy packed into a single movie like a home made wiener. The "First Order" was an exact parallel of the Empire with a dash of Riddler added to it. The "Resistance" was an exact parallel to the Rebels. I don't even understand how anyone could be enthused by this movie considering I felt like I had already seen it half way through. It's almost like Disney expected their crowd to turn off their brains and jack off to lasers flying across the screen, which I'm assuming most of their demographic already does with most movies. This movie is just another example at how Hollywood has gone to stuff. Disney knew no matter how stuffty they made this movie it would still sell billions because of the huge following behind the series.
The sad thing is that I'm still going to give them my $10 to go see the next one because it's god damned Star Wars, who the forget isn't going to go see it? No matter how bad it is, they're still going to make billions like they already had off of this one. If it weren't for the people that turn off the left side of their brain and drink the masses of special effects jizz flying across the screen, these stuff stain works of art wouldn't be praised on a pedestal like the next god damned Mona loving Lisa.