Author Topic: Presidential Elections Discussion 2016  (Read 17995 times)

Trinick if I fight you to the death and I win, can I inherit all your stuff

« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 12:37:21 AM by Tayasaurus »

Trinick if I fight you to the death and I win, can I inherit all your stuff
Trial by combat!

multiple times
Ah, alright. In a bit of a sticky situation considering that no candidate has the right plan.

Who do you guys think is winning this debate? Personally, I think they're all doing poorly. It's mostly just personal attacks at one another and at President Obama and Hillary Clinton. I will say that while Annoying Orange's attacks have been extremely nasty and vicious, they've been funny.

I'm not voting for anyone because even if I found someone I liked there would be some downside with them somehow that made it unappealing.

As much as I love democracy there are so many problems with the voting system nowadays that stuff people get voted into office regardless of who "should" have been in office and...

Sure, flag me for being unpatriotic for not voting, but I just really don't want to vote unless it's someone I honestly feel has the interests of the US as a whole at heart and not of just themselves or their coffers. Not like my vote'd matter, but that's just how I feel.

go rand supporters

Is that what was just being yelled out? "We want Rand"? I could of sworn that I heard that.

yeah, several people chanted 'we want rand'

marco rubio just lost my vote

marco rubio just lost my vote

Why is that? If you mind me asking.

marco rubio just lost my vote
Speaking of Marco Rubio, he's pretty much my favorite GOP candidate other than maybe John Kasich. Rubio seems to be very consistent in what he believes and I think he's very sincere.

Now, if it was Bernie Sanders vs. Rubio, I would definitely vote Sanders. I don't really agree with Rubio on many of the issues but I still like him.

If you don't vote because each candidate has flaws, you are effectively voting for all candidates and all their flaws.
There is never ever going to be a perfect politician. If you never vote you make it easier for the least perfect ones to win.

And maybe 1 vote doesn't matter much. But there are thousands like you who don't vote, and if you did you would make a difference. Every additional person who votes makes the result more representative of the nation's views.

Better brush up on your fencing

I will fight him CQC style and he will like it