Author Topic: Presidential Elections Discussion 2016  (Read 17979 times)

people talk a lot about policies, even candidates and officials, but hilariously enough, ideology is the least influential quality for most people when actually voting. people like and hate Annoying Orange because of his personality. that's what he's popular for. he's not popular for his stances on immigration or foreign policy agenda, he's popular because he's The God Damn Annoying Orange

that's what I was getting at 👌👌👀👌👀

he is banning refugees not muslims iirc

which is smart, refugees are loving up germany right now lol

Didn't he say that he would institute a travel ban for three years on Muslims? Also true, there have been over 500 rapes and assaults combined in many of Germany's major cities this New Years and almost every one of these attackers were North African/other Arab. However, it's not to say that they're bad people.

Also true, there have been over 500 rapes and assaults combined in many of Germany's major cities this New Years and almost every one of these attackers were North African/other Arab. However, it's not to say that they're bad people.
It's a given that blacks and Muslims were in the group, but I haven't seen any news stories claiming that they were a vast majority of the attackers...

It's a given that blacks and Muslims were in the group, but I haven't seen any news stories claiming that they were a vast majority of the attackers... It's pretty much all over major news sources, that a significant amount of the attackers were of North African or other Arab/Middle-Eastern origin. I can find a few more articles, but it distinctly says here: "City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it "a completely new dimension of crime". The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said."

Also:, ""The tensions simmering beneath Germany’s willingness to take in one million migrants blew into the open on Tuesday after reports that scores of young women in Cologne had been groped and robbed on New Year’s Eve by gangs of men described by the authorities as having “a North African or Arabic” appearance."

It's not to say that they were ALL of one ethnic group though, but many yes. Otherwise, they wouldn't just write that many appeared to be of one specific ethnic group.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 05:48:58 PM by Bear_Tracks »

he is banning refugees not muslims iirc

which is smart, refugees are loving up germany right now lol
it's not smart in the slightest, and yes he is planning on banning specifically muslims from entering the country. Which is funny as forget considering he probably couldn't tell a Muslim from a Sikh if he tried, and for forgets sake if that's all he's basing it on people can lie. There's no such thing as a "muslim detector."

The reason immigrants are loving up Germany is because they have absolutely zero screening policies. If you look at what Canada is doing for example, we have an extensive screening process that the immigrants will have to go through, which will make sure that they aren't malicious and are able to work and all that. It's literally normal immigration except with security ramped up to make sure that people aren't terrorists.

it's not smart in the slightest, and yes he is planning on banning specifically muslims from entering the country. Which is funny as forget considering he probably couldn't tell a Muslim from a Sikh if he tried, and for forgets sake if that's all he's basing it on people can lie. There's no such thing as a "muslim detector."

The reason immigrants are loving up Germany is because they have absolutely zero screening policies. If you look at what Canada is doing for example, we have an extensive screening process that the immigrants will have to go through, which will make sure that they aren't malicious and are able to work and all that. It's literally normal immigration except with security ramped up to make sure that people aren't terrorists.

I completely agree with you, then again it is completely possible for a refugee to disguise him or herself as a normal civilian. It's been done before, and already over two refugees in the US have been confirmed for traveling to the Islamic State to fight and then returning back to the US. It's been done, and it'll probably be done again. Screening wont help that much, it'll help but certainly not by much.

Who 'hope Annoying Orange loses" here?

I cant believe Annoying Orange has done all he has done and is still at the head of the primaries. It's quite funny, really.

It's just because the media always talks about him, and everyone who likes him or doesn't constantly talks about him, so he is always on people's minds, which garners even more attention the next time he does something stupid. It's a self-feeding cycle of idiocy.

I cant believe Annoying Orange has done all he has done and is still at the head of the primaries. It's quite funny, really.

Because turns out people don't trust politically correct candidates, WHAT A SHOCK!

You got one candidate whom is afraid to say something and then apologizes once it is said. No one trusts a candidate like that. Annoying Orange has that "don't care" attitude which makes him appear truthful.

there really aren't any GOP candidates I like
both Rubio and Kasich are probably the least bad but they're still far from center
i agree with this

related, my compass:

NEWS: Democratic Presidential Debates will be hosted at 9PM tonight on NBC and will also be livestreamed on YouTube. Who will you be rooting for during these debates?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2016, 07:09:33 PM by Bear_Tracks »

Does anyone have a link to it

Does anyone have a link to it here y'go. My internet is stuffting itself so videos won't play worth a damn, if anyone can point out the main highlights that'd be great.